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(4 edits) (-1)

Honestly, I don't even need to answer to you because you obviously have been talking to yourself instead of talking to me, deluding yourself in thinking that you and me are the same and that all that you think of yourself applies as well to me and so you have been using me as a mirror to proceed to your own introspection and while this is a commendable enterprise to understand yourself, I am nothing like you and therefore your introspection doesn't apply to me which is why I am not suitable to be your mirror and I genuinely wonder if I should let you pursue your introspection through me to allow you to learn to understand yourself or if it is pointless because you are not actually aware that you have been talking to yourself all along.

In any case, I won't even bother to react to your insults anymore, from now onward I will react only to your constructive comments.

Communication doesn't rely exclusively on words but also on tone, facial expressions and gestures, which is why emojis were invented specifically to patch this lack of indicators in written communication and I have merely been making use of this patch to incomplete written communication, especially since I am so naturally sarcastic that people are never sure if I am serious or sarcastic if I do not make use of emojis to indicate my tone.

I was not even thinking about any Mad Max game, I was comparing Desert Stalker to the movies Mad Max and actually speaking of it made me want to watch the movies so I did and watching Mad Max: Fury Road really did remind me of Desert Stalker, especially the part when I drove Kyra to Adira, and there is even a scene when Furiosa drives in the desert through some red mist tempest in Mad Max: Fury Road, doesn't that remind you of anything? You idiot, this is a visual novel so of course crossing the desert is instantaneous since it switches from one scene to another while skipping the transit, you don't have to actually move to reach a location on the sandbox map, you click on it on the map and there you are instantly, are you genuinely that dumb that you don't even comprehend how a visual novel works? There is not even any combat system at all in Desert Stalker since this is a visual novel without any gameplay, it is merely a story which requires us to make our own choices to direct it and this is our only involvement into it, we don't actually move our character ourselves and we don't actually fight ourselves, we merely watch him do it, you idiot.

Oh yeah? There is an imperial roman legion in Desert Stalker? Then I missed it, my bad, I noticed only a pharaonic egyptian city who has nothing to do with the nomadic barbarian roman legion from Fallout 3: New Vegas. What does the overpass settlement in Desert Stalker have to do with Fallout? There is no "central government" in Fallout since Fallout is specifically a war of factions with no faction controlling everything, only trying and conflicting with rival factions such as the New California Republic, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Enclave, New Vegas, Caesar's Legion, and many other factions and none of them rules everything because many factions conflict therefore there has never been any "central government" in any Fallout game because no faction has ever dominated all other factions. To finish, you REALLY have to be obsessed by Fallout to the point of seeing it everywhere if you genuinely see Fallout in Desert Stalker as their visual styles look nothing alike.

I don't give a shit to any Mad Max game as I wasn't even aware it existed before you talked about it but you got a point exactly, people travel the desert with cars in Desert Stalker, just like in Mad Max movies, whereas people travel on foot and there is no car in any Fallout game. Not only that, what comes to your mind when you think about Fallout? Vault-Tech Corporation, vaults, vaults dwellers, pip-boy, G.E.C.K., karma, quests, companions, rival factions, power-armors, firearms, energy weapons, raiders, ghouls, super mutants, robots, Brotherhood of Steel, Enclave, radioactivity, american way of life, devastating war between the USA and China, California's wasteland, free exploration and fighting, did I forget anything? Desert Stalker takes place in Egypt after a civilization destroying event which was not an atomic bombing which turned the land radioactive but a chemical bombing which created the mysterious red mist which turned Cairo's inhabitants into ghouls, there is no radioactivity in Desert Stalker, only chemical hazard, which already fundamentally diverges from Fallout and there are also no vaults, no vaults dwellers, no advanced technology such as computers, robots, power-armors, not even ranged weapons, everyone fights with melee weapons only, which is also a significant divergent point from Fallout, no free exploration and fighting either since Desert Stalker is a visual novel without any gameplay, we can only travel to already known locations, we can't explore to discover new places, and the fighting takes place in cutscenes, there is not even much fighting in Desert Stalker since it focuses more on staying mainly in Zeta and sometimes in a few other locations to develop relationships than actually be a desert stalker and explore the wasteland, this is more of a dating sim than an adventures game. The only common points between Fallout and Desert Stalker is moral choices even though they only serve to shape relationships in Desert Stalker and don't have any significant effect on the story as in Fallout, quests, raiders but nothing alike since they are pedestrian raiders in Fallout whereas they are motored raiders in Desert Stalker which feel a lot more like Mad Max's raiders, ghouls, mutants but nothing alike since mutants are ugly in Fallout while they are sexy in Desert Stalker and that's it, they have nothing else in common and even their few common points are only loosely common and nothing alike. Whereas Desert Stalker's very first scene in the desert and every scene involving raiders could be straight from a Mad Max movie, specifically the scene when I drove Kyra through the desert into Adira to take back control of her raiders faction then the scene when Kyra's raiders took over the overpass settlement with their cars, watching Mad Max movies yesterday and today, specifically Mad Max: Fury Road then Furiosa: A Mad Max Story which are all about cars fighting in the desert, really reminded me of these specific raiders scenes in Desert Stalker, and while I acknowledge that Mad Max and Desert Stalker have only their motored raiders in common and nothing else, this is already more in common than with Fallout which is nothing alike at all. You idiot, there has been Mad Max movies even before the first Fallout game and its inspirator game Wasteland so how would Warners Bros want to imitate a game which didn't even exist yet when the first movies were released? And you claim that "you don't need to learn history because you lived history"? Well, actually you do prove that you know only what you personally experienced from history and nothing else. Such an ignorant claim is to be expected from a fanatic who genuinely believes that what he unconditionally worships is the center of everything and that everything even loosely similar which exists can only "imitate" it even if they actually existed before because a fanatic rejects actual history and cares only about history after the creation of what he worships that he considers as the "beginning of history", just like christians believe that history started with the birth of Jesus Christ which they call "year zero" while everything which happened before Jesus was born is merely dismissed as "Before Christ" as in to say that's irrelevant because it happened before the start of history, you behave just the same, as every fanatic does no matter what they blindly worship.

Another one of your delusions is that you believe that you are superior to the "tree hugging pussies of the 21st century" as in ecology is for the weak and the mighty shits on nature, you even attribute weakness to the female gender, which only demonstrates that your way of thinking is obsolete and unevolved, you are basically a primitive barbarian macho closer to an animal than to a civilized and evolved sentient being and so your delusions of animal superiority on civilized beings inspire only pity on you like an unintelligent animal inspires pity from sentient beings.

You know the name "Scorched Earth Project" from Desert Stalker which proves that you already explored the abandoned factory in the Zone with Shani and yet you want Desert Stalker to be Fallout so badly that you actually ignored what Scorched Earth Project actually was to make it fit into your mind with Fallout's post-nuclear lore however the Scorched Earth Project was a chemical warfare which has nothing to do with atomic bombing, Cairo's trains station's Project Horus was even designed to purge the red mist's "chemical fallout" (and not radioactive fallout) caused by the Scorched Earth Project's chemical bombing however they died before they could activate it and purge the red mist which turned people into ghouls, which I guess will be one of our goals in Desert Stalker, I mean to activate Project Horus to purge the red mist which turns people into ghouls, maybe even revert the red mist's effects and restore the ghouls back to humans, I mean if Project Horus can purge the red mist from the air, it might as well be able to purge it from bodies which might then be able to repair themselves once the chemical pathogen has been purged from them, or maybe its effects are irreversible, who knows?

Wait, are you actually imagining this discussion as a rap battle? I guess that fits your uncivilized personality that you have been exhibiting so far so this is not that much surprising but now I am picturing you as a gangsta, which actually explains so much about your uncivilized attitude once more, I guess you feel a kinship bonding with the raiders in Fallout, don't you?

The only difference that you have been demonstrating so far is between believing your own subjective version of history and actually knowing objective history.

I'm tired of your vain insults whose only effect is to show off how much of a pathetic uncivilized animal you are and I already informed you at the start of this answer that I will simply ignore your insults from now onward which is why I skip this useless and boring part of your monologue.

Eh, you actually know vocabulary, too bad you don't use it intelligently and only show it off at any useless opportunity.

Yeah, a retard gangsta is specifically how I came to picture you now, which actually makes me wonder if there is any point to bother communicating with you since I have no hope of civilizing a gangsta, let alone a retard one, I already met a few gangstas who were actually smart and could communicate in a civilized way, too bad you are not one of them as you can only communicate through insults which are more destined to yourself than to the other person you talk to, which makes attempting to communicate with you really boring and I have been REALLY patient to keep trying to communicate with you so far and I'm wondering more and more why I even bother.