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(2 edits) (+1)

Easily my fave so far!

Once I worked out you take the dwarves outside once you kill them, the game becomes BRILLIANT, because the timer really becomes another enemy.

This game looks brilliant. The environment you've created is fantastic - it really feels like someone's home, and the lighting and shadows you've created are really thoughtful.

Fun things that happened to me:

  • When I walked over a rake in the garden and the screen went "CRACK!" I assumed I'd comedy walked over the rake and it smacked me in the face.
  • When 2 dwarves appeared in the playroom I genuinely got really panicked and scared.
  • I beat the final level with literally one second left!

Only a little constructive feedback I have is I'd like the ability to move diagonally. I'd also like a clearer, or a faster attack - it feels a little slow to get going. The "Cracks!" are very confusing with no explanation - I'm guessing they make the dwarves move? I'm sure if you had time you'd have done a tutorial, but even then, I wonder if the fullscreen CRACK is a bit much - is there a subtler way of showing this mechanic?

I initially thought he moved to slowly, but actually I found this added to the gameplay and increased the sense of pressure.

Really great work, well done!

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! 

We didn't have enough time to make a good tutorial,  so it was very rushed and I can see why a lot of the players are confused with some things haha.

The cracks are actually a sign that there's thunder outside, and the lights go out when this happens, that's why when there is a Crack, every dwarf starts running away from you.

That makes sense! I knew the dwarves were up to something when it happened :)