The story really isn't very coherent.
The different routes with the different girls end up being more like an anthology of stories, rather than one interwoven tale.
And to where I have played, the main plot is pretty much nonexistent. Or, at least if it exists, it doesn't stand out appreciably from the background noise.
It's a LOT of grinding for points to send Agent 17 on missions. And the loop can become somewhat tedious when trying to get to the next level with the girls.
It's not a bad game at all, but the OP is right, the MC is pretty unlikeable. However, it isn't because of the degenerate incel trope. Instead, he has been bullied all his life, and even gets his ass beat by a girl a few times early in the game.
When he gets access to Agent 17, he immediately gets the power of a petty tyrant, and is drunk on the power. It makes sense from a psychological perspective, but it it matters very little to the reader.
The biggest problem with the game is that EVERY FUCKING PROBLEM and EVERY FUCKING SOLUTION TO THAT PROBLEM are both caused by the MC's dick.
The writer doesn't grasp that not EVERY word in a porn game needs to be about sex. And that the sex can revolve AROUND the plot, not actually BE the plot.
But if you want to play a game where you can dominate, extort, and lightly abuse women, with low expectations, it is an enjoyable enough time.