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(5 edits)

Feedback well appreciated. 

-How can we improve upon the existing objective marker system to indicate to the player where to go?

-The player begins to heal after 3sec without taking damage, and will be fully healed in about 25. This is actually twice as long as intended due to a bug made in some late night jam marathon coding - the interval on the timer that controls this is hardcoded and does not match the interval used for the math in the function. Good catch! Correcting this for the upcoming P0.2 update. The design intention is 12.5 seconds, which is meant to roughly match the time it would take for the player to, once behind cover, reload both of their weapons, meaning that all of the actions requiring downtime could occur at once. 

-Yeah, the entire revolver is itself a design misstep. But, I hope I can answer your question - the shooting here was designed and written during a very early phase where a slower, stealth based, tactical shooter was the plan. Then, as the movement morphed because the game was more fun as a movement shooter, due to time constraints, the gunplay did not fully get tightened up to match. The result is that these two sides of the game directly conflict. In the upcoming P0.2 update, I've rectified this by making the default starter weapon a 1911-style semi automatic pistol with significantly tighter handling, adding crosshair highlighting to help with timing and hitmarkers that indicate enemy health, and buffing the revolver with zoom and the benefits of a reworked ADS system to turn it into a true hand cannon, punishing both to the enemy if the player is skilled and thoughtful and to the player if they make a mistake, for the kinds of people who love to play deagle in CS, the reload being punishing if you try to "COD load" becomes part of the fun if the revolver is an option for some playstyles but is absolutely not fun for most players when it's the default option.  There's a devlog on our page here if you are interested: New weapon implemented for P0.2: Semi-automatic pistol (1911) - Shadows // The Shroud in: Calm Before the Storm by Winnitude!, Cageramnod, Kyron VideoArts ( 

I post new updates and progress every couple days, our goal is to reach a state where we have a very fun, polished, playable, multiplatform game with strong multiplayer and singleplayer to match, to then fund and build into something even greater. We are fully committed for the next 2 years. So if you like the core game but want to see it with more polish and time behind it, feel free to follow along :)

-Yeah, levels came last - still proud that we managed to get 4 levels with at least a taste of a parkour section, a stealth section (though it sucked and the map itself was an asset demo), waves modes, and 5 cutscenes in time - but level design is absolutely not the strong suit here and we're reworking the campaign as we progress towards P1.0. Do you have any suggestions?

Hope you enjoyed & hope you consider coming back in the future!

Will give your game a shot in the morning.

(1 edit)

-The objective marker isn't a bad addition but it can't be at last building. It can be a bit disorienting. Being in every consecutive building could be an upgrade. Not only that but there are many other ways that you can guide the player where to go like: different light colors, signs, new enemies on the way, yellow paint lol and other many ways :). 

-The healing takes too long, especially when you fight enemies with shotguns(at least get full healed during each break between waves).

-Getting rid of the bullets inside the gun while reloading is just a no no.

-And be more careful with the collisions.In the first level, you can jump on the second building only if you get on top of one of the little pillars, which is a bit annoying.

PS: Just know I discovered the dash mechanic and it's very broken. I think just a simple wall run mechanic would have been more convenient.

(7 edits)

The game does have a wall run mechanic - if you hold forward as well as the direction of the wall while wall jumping you move along the wall, you can time it to ride the surface, kind of like flappy bird without obstacles. You can do this infinitely without losing height. If you only hold the direction of the wall when wall jumping, but not forward, you bounce off of and away from the wall. This, combined with the dash, is the intended way to cross the gap and reach the final buildings in the first level, wall run, bounce, dash to next building, wall run, bounce, dash to next building. Based on the wording of "discovering" the dash mechanic, I am wondering - did you play the tutorial?

Can you explain what you mean by very broken? Other reviews have mentioned it makes the game fun, I am wondering what bug you encountered with it, or if you mean it is overpowered, so that I can improve it for Sunday's update. Right now it is infinite instead of being only twice in the air, which is to allow jam players to circumvent difficulty to play the game, as a courtesy owing to the limited time we can give each entry as we play them.