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A member registered Aug 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yes, but I actually put the wrong scenes in the build list and you were placed in a demo scene(soft lock). But still thank you for trying my game :)

Thank you for trying my game and for telling me about the cube problem. Unfortunately I uploaded an earlier build with a demo scene being the first one to play.

Hey guys, I just updated my game(also the last time) for a better experience than the last time. Even though it still needs to be a bit polished, I don't really wanna work on it anymore and do something better with actual good gameplay lol

Hope that you'll consider playing it, it's around 20 min :):

bruh, first place game just got disqualified

(1 edit)

tbh, the fact that my game wasn't in top 10 at graphics is really fishy. Not to mention that this game even got a higher place in graphics than mine

Really cool game :D, but I kinda wished that the inventory wasn't that small and , I know I was playing as an old man, so old that his beard was longer than an infant , but the stamina meter I grows too slow.

Hope that you'll also play mine

I'm about to hit 100 ratings.... I need 3 more... and I wanna hit the 100 mark :|

I'd appreciate if you'd play it and also rate it :)

You know, if you had time for post, volumetric lighting and polish it could have looked better than mine lol :). But please, try to also optimize it, my RTX3060 had problems running the game

Hope that you'll also try mine :)

Not a bad game, but I fail to understand why I collect object in to the circle(i can't really build stuff) and I don't understand what's up with the night time.

Hope that you'll also rate mine :)

Not a bad game but the lizard's animations are really cool, just wished that the controls would vary from it's rotation.

Hope that you'll also rate mine :)

Cool game :), just wished that the wrapped sandwich would directly go to the customer(if you're close enough) rather then trying to aim it with the van(just makes life easier, especially that you still have a timer)

Hope that you'll also rate mine

Pretty neat game, but be a bit more careful with the levels because very easily I was able to jump out of bounds, unable to get back and also fall from the map lol :)

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Wished I could also cook a car in real life. Pretty cool game btw :)

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Done :)

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"You are the Calm Before The Storm", no I was just a god damn janitor lol

Hope that you'll also rate mine :)

Pretty cool game, none of my people survived :)

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A really well and polished game :), Glad that the monkeys didn't actually fall from the sky , nor grow wings.

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Pretty cool game, but I can just at the bottom of the screen and not get hit by anything lol(at some points).

Hope that you'll also rate mine :)

Bruh, not even a game jam can't remind me that I'll soon start collage💀. 

PS: The lawn's interaction collider should be bigger and a bit more to it's back.

Hope that you'll also try mine :)

Not a bad game but still wished that the enemy's projectiles would come after me, not go trough the terrain + more developed UI.

Hope that you'll also rate mine 

Interesting setting and game, but because I suffer from a disease called "no friends" I played it alone.

Hope that you'll also rate mine :)

Pretty cool game, just wished that I could scroll the lists faster.

Hope that you'll also rate mine :)

Man, these are some stupid tourists lol. Btw, there seem to be some audio glitch sound after you pick up stuff, not sure why but the sound is not pleasent.

Hope that you'll also rate mine :)

Now, I've seen everything. Fun game :).

Hope that you'll also play mine

I'd be happy if you also rated mine :)

You know what. I actually liked it. Just a bit too repetitive after a while

Hope that you'll also play mine :)

You know, either some counter movement, or replace the RigidBody with the Character Controller can make the controls feel not slippery. A pretty fun game but man, at some point everything was just blue, no light source, nothing lol.

Hope that you'll also play mine :)

Damn, I'm so ugly that not even the monster was running away from me. Cool game though :).

Hope that you'll also try mine

Getting Over It -Kermit Edition- . So yeah, I raged quit lol 

Hope that you'll also rate mine :)

Not a bad game but the controls were very annoying. Always getting stuck mid air by objects. Most probably you used a rigidbody. I'd suggest you to use Unity's implemented Character Controller, for this type of fame would make your life a lot easier. Most of the times, the rigidbody is used for physics type of games.

PS: I can move the camera during cutscenes

Hope that you'll also try mine :)

Pretty cute game but I think that making the player get slower by each item collected could make the game more interesting because I can just collect almost everything and complete the game in a matter of seconds. And also make some items have their own outline colors and with their respective target models could make the player's life easier.

Hope that you'll also rate mine :)

Cool visual novel, I don't really have anything to critic about it and I also didn't encounter any bugs, so good job :).

Hope that you'll also play mine

Not a bad game, though some more sfx wouldn't have hurt and maybe make the bullet's collider bigger, because this type of camera makes it harder to aim, especially when the zombies are so fast.

Hope that you'll also rate mine :)

Not a bad game but there are too many enemies that spawn and it get pretty annoying, especially when you want to get the purple points.

Hope that you'll also rate mine :)

any chances that we can see the vod?

I for one already did :)

I'd appreciated if you also rated mine

A very interesting game, too bad that the character controller wasn't developed properly. Most probably you used a RigidBody and because you couldn't make it climb stairs(common problem) you made the player teleport to the next floor(not to mention the camera rotation). If you used the second way, using Unity's implemented Character Controller it could have saved a lot of stress(for this type of game). But still, the visuals were very interesting and unique :).

Hope that you'll also rate mine

(1 edit)

You literally described my game :)

I'll try yours a bit later