-X-ScornGames presents...
In this difficult hour, we thank the divine quanta that LILA stands in the name of all humanity against the horrific attackers from an infinitely distant dimension called heaven, namely the inhuman religious blocks. LILA is an absolutely merciless and deadly secret society agent, the only one to have survived the nearly impossible training of the secret society X.
A feat that no one before or after her has accomplished. The enemies, who have already begun their annexation, manifested as crystalline religious blocks possessing utterly inhuman abilities. If anyone can banish this heavenly threat, it can only be LILA. Let us beseech the divine quanta to stand by LILA in this difficult moment!
- experience a fancy cyberpunk setting
- fight against creepy religious blocks
- six deadly weapons
- extreme difficulty
- horrifying endboss
- hidden secrets
- chippunk soundscape
- save/load your progress at anytime
- settings to customize your gaming experience
- no-drm
get it here (free) ; https://xx696.itch.io/lila