understandable, but i can convice im not a scammer just cehck this site https://xx696.itch.io/bundles-ultimate ive already create more then 6 different bundes the last one with mopre the 80 people involved and they were all happy the finally get some money for their hard work, this is not about scammng soneone, the copy past is just to get in contact with a lot of peolee whose games look good, i never said i played it, im the leader of BUNDLES ULTIMATE so i have to take care to have a good array of diverce games that at least look good, the aim of our bundle is collecting 300 games, i mean i hope you understand why i copy past it becasue else i would never get such task done.neverthe less i understand your fear in beeing scammend and i fully respect your decision, but just dont thing im doing this only for myself a lot of people which rather unknown games profitted from the attention, its not sooo much about the money, i mean we'll have a lot of people involved, nevertheless the split of the revenue will be exactly equal like it always was with my bundles and i dont take more then the others, even tho i'll have to add each of the 300 games to the upcoming bundle! its your decision, but i promise you yiu wouldnt regregt it :) best regards & peace