ok gonna be real honest, I came in and saw “tetris but with physics and can’t rotate” and I just thought aw snap here we go again, thinking I wouldn’t get it.
First run I kind of made a mess and then rip. Second run though… made it to wave 5. Huh. It was like 4D Tetris, where you need to think ahead of time where the blocks fall to make a solid wall.
I then started building little castles and shapes that if hit this way like the enemies do, they’re gonna fall like this. And then you add another enemy. Had to re-engineer on the spot.
Apart from the audio jumpscaring me (which, tbh, I think every Godot 4.x had this audio level issue; my game did too, to a dangerous degree; and many others that I play did); and some art decisions (like the game over screen) that I didn’t really vibe with…
Solid gameplay. Good idea!