This was unexpected - but a Lovely surprise! You continue to Wow me with your writing; you have such a talent for description. The way you portrayed the blood stone and pact and how that process felt was Breathtaking. Just downright- - Gorgeous.
Love how my MC is shaping out and the dialogue/pacing remains delicious. I’m naturally interested in (Princess for me)Kieran since you gave us a cheeky lil teaser on who they are - - and I Love complicated attractions —but I really like Samira too. When she wasn’t just - Charmed by a flirty MC, I was impressed/intrigued! I like that your character isn’t an exception~ Also wondered if Farah was on the spectrum (which would be amazing); I could see it.
Can’t wait to see more of the characters (feels like more family’s coming up) and hopefully more ROs! So interested in their depth and how they fall into this wicked plot you weave. ;)