The art and music in this game look so good and there's quite potential for a good game but currently, it needs a LOT of improvements which takes me away so much from enjoying it (Except specific scenes, those are great) - Have the option to adjust the resolution of the menu, why is it bad at the menu but I hope what I see is right the game itself looks properly sized - For this version, I enter the game knowing nothing (assuming I didn't read the itch page, but I shouldn't need to read the page to be immersed), there's no tutorial, no guide, I wouldn't even think of interacting with the NPCs on the side of the start unless I knew E was an interact
- Sometimes pressing E doesn't work and I need to be in a different spot or move away then return and press E again
- Like some others have said, losing health does nothing
- Pausing which is ESC or P, shows save, load, and options yes? None work, sometimes pressing escape also doesn't work and quit too