masculinity is TOXIC??? if so then I am proudly the most toxic mf you'll ever meet. every man should be masculine and ever woman should be feminine there's no such bs as "toxic masculinity"
“every man should be masculine and every woman should be feminine” is not an objective fact. There are scales to how “”masculine or “feminine” anyone is. Not that it matters because these gender roles are socially constructed so technically masculine and feminine don’t technically objectively exist. I have a friend who lights candles every time he takes a bath. Is he not masculine then? If he cries a lot but he hunts, does that mean he’s “feminine”. Respectfully, this comment is beyond ignorant. “Feminine” and “masculine” traits are in your mind and there is no objective measure that makes someone definitively masculine or feminine. This is ridiculous. It’s not quantifiable. Not that masculinity or femininity even defines the worth of a person or every person has to be one or the other. My suggestion is to no longer be on and try to go back to the 1950’s.
I disagree while I get you pov but let me explain some Masculinity traits
Strength (both physical and mental), Assertivness, Independence, Rationality (look at the number difference between male and female politicians), Protectiveness.
some Femininity
Nurturance, Empathy (heavy on empathy), Expressiveness, Collaboration (valuating relationships), Sensitivity (HEAVY on this)
and you saying go back to 1950 I wish so? this "woke" agenda destroyed a lot of families
I’m not even going to give that statement the value of a response. This is so ridiculous that I’m not going to engage in a discussion anymore. This story isn’t for you. Please stop harassing the community with your need to fit everyone into these boxes. Thank you. A man can be sensitive and a woman can be rational. That doesn’t make them not a man or not a woman.