I am getting back to this after like a year, and thought "why not just start fresh and see what's new?" Well, there's a lot new. And some really funny bugs because of it. Namely the uh... graveyard scene. The new graveyard is neat, but it's uh... got a couple skeletons trapped or inside walls funny enough. And after I was already thinking "this is definitely a fancy new look for the place, and new dialogs for the scene for the guild (neat)" the scene spits me back out in the old graveyard xD I got extra chests this way, but uh... it broke some stuff because that happened haha. And for context I'm on android and I did do an uninstall and new install of the game prior to starting it back up. I only just got to the temple, so I'm definitely not far in, but that's the biggest bug I've found so far lol.