LET'S GOOOOO, roughly 20 min

Didn't expect it to be this fun when I loaded it up. Am always pleasantly surprised with how neat PICO-8 games end up being.
What's inside is not much, but I didn't expect it to have this verticality leading so far down. As well as the surprising depth of the secrets, even if it was in large part being very evil.
The level design may have been really evil. But I loved that. Those walls that have no indication of being shootable are a blessing for someone who is in the process of enjoying Environmental Station Alpha (gotta keep my brain thinking of hard to discover secrets even on days where ESA is a bit too much).
Also this room:

Delightfully evil. But actually really fitting as you gotta realize that the wall does refill your double jump. I just always missed that because I tried doing a quick final walljump away from the wall. But that's only feasible with coyote time, which we don't have here.
And with that "trick" being so important to resurfacing it makes sense there's a collectible that needs it.