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A member registered Jan 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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LET'S GOOOOO, roughly 20 min

Didn't expect it to be this fun when I loaded it up. Am always pleasantly surprised with how neat PICO-8 games end up being.
What's inside is not much, but I didn't expect it to have this verticality leading so far down. As well as the surprising depth of the secrets, even if it was in large part being very evil.

The level design may have been really evil. But I loved that. Those walls that have no indication of being shootable are a blessing for someone who is in the process of enjoying Environmental Station Alpha (gotta keep my brain thinking of hard to discover secrets even on days where ESA is a bit too much).

Also this room:

Delightfully evil. But actually really fitting as you gotta realize that the wall does refill your double jump. I just always missed that because I tried doing a quick final walljump away from the wall. But that's only feasible with coyote time, which we don't have here.
And with that "trick" being so important to resurfacing it makes sense there's a collectible that needs it.
(1 edit)

Is there any end goal? Or are you just doomed to die as you inevitably run out of things to feed upon within the finite world of this game?

Other than that, I must say even with the tech-demoey aspect of this game I really like the aesthetic. Not just the cool physics based pixel stuff. But also the "monster" design, those are really unique. The tiny thingies look like tasty beings that may not be asking to be devoured, but I can't bring myself to not devour them. Especially when I play as this somewhat big guy who... got an Eye on his shoulder with a MASSIVE WEIRD ARM TO DEVOUR SOULS. And then we of course got the Dark Sign and Black-Dark-Mind from Kirby... Cool, I like it.

Also fun thing I noticed:
All the tiny devourable men run away from you as you approach the cliff on the right. Dunno if that's a technicality, a desired thing, or just plain coincidence. But if was funny seeing their undeveloped ai walk away off the cliff... slowly... very very slowly.

Also I'll note down that Cormac McCarthy in my head, sounds like I could find some cool stuff when I read up on that.

Edit: Also sorry for having to point this out, but from what I can see this is neither a metroidvania (as stated in the tags) nor a SoulsLike. Unless I missed some metroidvania-aspects. And SoulsLike is so misused, something having a Souls-inspired dark tone is probably not the worst misuse of the term I've seen.

Very cute, liked it a lot.
Though I hoped for more scenes. Especially Mount Fuji was sadly absent.

Surprisingly fun
Will definetly reccommend to other people or just play with others when hanging out.

I do have a tiny issue. The powerup does not make YOU able to eat ghosts for a while. But makes the GHOST able to be eaten for a while.
That makes it kind of annoying when you eat a powerup but it was in the time when the ghost was returning to its goal or while it was already possible to be beaten.
There were a few times where I just ate a powerup and the got instantly spooked by ghost.

(dunno if that is the case in OG pacman, just something I personally found odd)

No problem, I like games a lot, so playing one is an absolute blessing.

I also keep all my played games in a list and sometimes check up on devs that made games I enjoyed. I already have a tab open for omeyocan (which I believe you also worked on), just currently having an issue with playing through my itchio backlog. But I'll get to it, maybe even today.

Heyope, played your game a week ago.
First off congrats on the finished project of course. Though I've also got some detailed thoughts here:


I think the jump is a bit off a miss. It feels VERY floaty, but I can't exactly say why. I myself haven't worked particularly much with 3D Jumps so I can't give any direct advice.
I think maybe it's the amount of time you spend in the air or the high amount of air control you have. Maybe a bit of a harder fall could fix this. Butof course making the jump not floaty at all could feel pretty out of place.
Something with a bit of a Hover time at the jumps peak could work, giving the feel of a harder fall while maintaining a bit of floatiness (as far as I know this is also relatively common even if it doesn't feel like it).
Sadly the only pointers I can give to fantastic 3D Platformer jumps is A Hat in Time and Kirby and the Forgotten Land.

Shortly on the genereal movement: The Ground movement also feels floaty, but I got absolutely no clue why. Maybe the movement speed. Maybe the time you need to stop. Or the amount of time I played the game being low (26 min can be very little when getting used to a new character controller).

In contrast to the jump I think the shooting felt fantastic.
The slowdown in combination with the aimbot feels REALLY satisfying to use. I have nothing else to say on this because of how fantastically well this works.

Level design

Was a bit confused about the collectibles because I just wanted to test out if I can break one of those thingies. And indeed I could. But I think it complained how bad I was for everything so I guessed it was meant to be a one-off story moment.
A less annoyed dialogue by the first collectible as well as a more obvious animation would've been helpfull. Something like the jinjos in Banjo Kazooie, or just something that flies into the HUD that pops up showing you how many you collected (I completely missed the HUD popup at first).

In general the level design felt ok. Nothing particularly bad And nothing outstandingly good. The scripted Hazards were nice but also not perfectly timed, which is fine.

Lastly on the level design: The save system of those pillar-thingies works ridicolously well. I once went the main path instead of first trying out an optional path and I was really surprised hopw well the save-pillars worked with that.


Why? Is? Nothing? Explained?
From what I can gather in the comments you have a more detailed story but didn't have the time to implement it. In that case I think you could've just written an abridged version of the story and show it to the player at the start. Something along the lines of:

"This is a story about a God furious about his passing into fantasy and being forgotten, thus wanting to destroy everything. So his wife says 'no, please don't' and his daughter shoots a big sphere."

The general storytelling also felt a little annoying. And I don't wanna complain about the voice actors and writers, but Liv was very annoying.
I am not really a fan of a player character monologing to themselves about the stuff I can see... I can already do that myself.
And I think Liv is a pretty good example of why I usually don't like this. She does very useless observations which are barely engaging as a listener, especially when it is reacting to thing I woulds like to react in the gameplay or the atmosphere. Like that "Oh that was close" when some rocks went flying by.

The other issue is how unengaging the monologues are. Which also has to be REALLY hard to do well. Because in gameplay you usually only have time for one-liners. Meaning you gotta throw out some singular line that is actually interesting and that a multitude of times to build up a comprehensible character.
the only game series I know which actually manages to engage me in short dialogue-snippets is Touhou. And in thatcase it manages to do it because it has dedicated points in it's stages where you expect a piece of dialogue (not monologue like here), and the fact that it always either throws out a really fun joke or does some neat worldbuilding/characterbuilding.

The final act of the game in general felt really good in its combination of storytelling and atmosphere. It had a really cool dynamic of Liv, AngryGod, NotAngryGod doing lines in the chaotic atmosphere of the storm.
And especially the way the lines of the Angry god were delivered kinda makes me wanna replay that part.

In that last act the monologue/dialogue finally really felt like it had a story/atmosphere reason to exist. Unlike in the first part where it felt more like the character tried to take away thoughts I could've had.
With the collectibles being kind of story-relelevant I think you could've given Liv some lines as answer to the ghosts or have her monologue based on what a ghost said (Maybe she did and I completely forgot, if so sorry).

Graphics (nearly forgot this part):

The art design is definetly really good. I think it could've been placed a little better by giving the player a little more breathing space to look at things (there were a few but it didn't quite feel like the game really wanted me to jump on some nearby rocks to try get a better view of things in the distance).

On the VFX side of things I sadly don't remember it too well anymore, only that it had the kind of ok look to it I get from indie VFX that hasn't had the 3 year polish a full dev cycle brings with it.
I also don't remember it well enough to give any advice on how it could be improved, sry.

ANYWAYS, finishing this off:

Had a fun time with the game. Good job with it. And good luck for future projects, hope that my overly-long ramblings might help a little.

As someone who doesn't struggle with the themes in this at all it was still really cute to play and I did have a fun time.

Ray of defiant Joy sounds fun.

Heyope, do you have a sample version of the pack?

Would love to support you and get a full music pack alongside, but currently I have to keep my spendings low so that's not an option right now.  So I'm asking to be able to check out some of the sound-effects in a project and give some feedback alongside that.

This was absolutely amazing

I just found the difficulty kind of annoying with how you had to start all over after loosing once.
That and the fact that taking blood takes about 2 seconds to get started made me not entirely finish this, though I think I got to the last boss.

On that Boss the Blood healing seems like it'd be the most fun to use, however I couldn't find any timing window which gave any meaningfull amounts of blood. I bet I could if I would restart the boss instantly but I guess that doesn't happen (correct me if I am wrong, the game had a crash when I dies on it).

Anyways, that should in no way distract from the fact this is amazingly made. Really enjoyed my 1 hour with it.

This was pretty amazing.

The movement is extremely annoying, especially with how often I just got stuck when trying to move forward when I had lots of backwards momentum build up.
But its was still really fun in concept.

But taking the lack of movement polish and the missing I-Frames and the annoying geometry out of the equation, this was really fun.

This was really really fun to play.
Now I wanna play the original Gekisou Tomarunner.

Really fantastic. Enjoyed everything about it.

The atmosphere is fantastic. Despite the Itch-Page I did not expect that gameplay twist at all. It's a really unique game and on top of that it has good enough execution that I am getting some really big interest on the original genres.

My only issue with the game was the puzzle in the art gallery. I had been on the wrong thread for quite a little while and I had to search up a playthrough on youtube to figure it out.
Nevertheless the solution is insanely cool. I am unsure how to make it more readable so you can understand it more easily.

And I won't spoil the end here but it I really like it. It's nothing special but from the atmosphere I expected something very different so I am very happy with resolution.

Played this a little while ago (exactly 2 weeks), and really enjoyed it so I wanted to give some feedback.

First off I gotta say I really admire the artstyle. It looks absolutely fantastic like an insanely cozy game. I don't think there's any possible improvement for the general art-direction of this game.

However I did have some tiny issues with some details.
The first issue is the distance blur effect. It can be really distracting when trying to analyze distant objects and trying to plan out a route to go.
It seems you already tried fixing this by only having the blur active when the camera is close to the character.
But I don't only have the camera close to the character when I am trying to look at the character. There's been multiple situations where I've just been moving the camera around to get a good angle of something in the distance.
Maybe try giving the player an item like a binocular with which they can analyze their surrounding from the players position. Or maybe a scouting magic pet thingy that allows them to have a flying camera.
(Or some less intrusive blur would also work, which would also make it less annoying to get out of places where your camera is naturally close to the player such as the bird statue)

Another detail like that is the "shadows". I dunno what exactly I am reffering to, so here's a GIF:
Take note of those weird Shadows happening when the character walks. No clue where that comes from and how much of a difference a "fix" would make.

Back to the general atmosphere of the game. I really really like the music. Together with the graphical style this already feels like a finished game.  It's making me extremely excited how the final project will look like.

And at last the gameplay.
I found it a bit tricky to control but that was far more so a feature than an issue. It feels like the kind of controls you casually learn as you go through the world, I like that, it fits the atmosphere.

I do have 2 minor issues here again.
The first is a bug. Sometimes the gliding doesn't start. From what I could playtest, I think it is caused by the ground not properly regenerating all the flight points. When that happens the broom doesn't start the flight automatically (or not even at all, I don't remember correctly). And just falling onto the ground again does no longer regain any flight points (from what I remember that was the case).
That's all the info I can give. I sadly can't reliably recreate it, it just sometimes happens.

The other issue is the general concept of the broom starting flight automatically. I am kind of unsure about it. It stole me quite a few flight points because I often try starting it manually instead of just waiting till it starts. and when I do that it uses up 2 flight points instead of only 1.
I think the startup of the flight should either be controlled manually or not use up a flight point.

Anyways that's it.
I am really hoping development will go smoothly and you can finish a great game. Good Luck on that Kickstarter.

Every time I pick up this game to try speedrun it, I end up taking an entire hour to beat it

I find it a bit of a shame that the fighting is pretty lackluster in this. But I think the main reason for that is because of how phenomenally it looks.
Seriously with how polished that project looks I've gotten my expectations in the direction of something as well done as Sekiro.

It's not that this plays bad it's just that it doesn't live up to how fantastic it looks, which is one hell of a hurdle to life up to.

Reflecting about the combat a bit, I think the main issue is just how easy you have it to beat enemies. I think my main concern wasn't trying to not get hit, but rather trying to just remove things from the screen.

From the dodging I did do it also seemed to just kind of mess with your positioning, so it is pretty easy try to try to dodge somewhere but then be in no good position to attack, or you try to move somewhere to attack but can't really controll the speed.

Though maybe I am just misinterpretating the combat. It could also work better in a direction of being an overly powerfull character that easily goes through hordes (for that I didn't have enough enemies to destroy).

But ehhh, who cares about me overanalyzing the combat of a short 10 min game. This is one of the stylish games I've seen, even including FullPrice titles. Seeing stuff like this always motivates me to try tinkering more in 3D-Graphics. Especially the Trees work really well, even though they seem to be an extremely simple technique.

Oh yeah, I've put this game into the top Itch-Games I played in 2023 at place 4 (others are listed here)

As with the other games I would really like to donate a little money, but the itch page doesn't allow for that. Any other way I can donate it or are you planning to make a game where I can donate in the near future?

10th favourite Itch Game of 2023 (Others are listed in this Blog Post)

It's sadly been too much of a while since I played this game so I can barely say anything about it. Though I do remember being very interested in the difficulty curve.

Though the only thing I have noted down "Interesting difficulty spike at lilypad".

After a short reoplay up to that point I also really get that. Lilypad is a quite interesting level to play level and makes a lot of fun, but it also has a lot more dangerous sections than the previous levels. It's not that the feel of the character-controller isn't well enough established at this point it's just a bit of n unexpected jump at this point.

Other than that this game is really masterfull at how it satisfying it looks. The graphics are really cute but also very functional. You can very quickly notice the death zones and even the ways you drove in previous attempts. And the game over screen is very quick and barely gets in the way evough despite being extremely satisfying.

9th favourite Game of 2023 (Others are listed in this Blog Post)
Am gonna gib some few bucks when I finished post.
Just gonna repost my review here publicly as comment so I can refer to it in the post (why are itch review private anyways).

Gotta be some of the best games of this size I played.

I just love stories that are expressed with gameplay like this, actually being the character and getting your (very standard) abilities taken away is fantastic.

The jump in itself feels really good to control, though I'd say it is a bit floaty (or maybe it's just the very large gap in timing between your smallest and highest jump, it feels like the time time difference betwen how long they take to reach their apex is just too high).

The level design is also quite good at playing around with your abilities. But I'd say it is the weakest part of the game, not that it's bad it just feels some too frustrating.

I also think I will try getting through to the end with the required amount of hearts.

Top 8 favourite Itch Game I played in 2023 (Others are listed in this blog post)
I will give some money and Whishlist on Steam when I finish the Blogpost.

I really like the uniqueness of this Deckbuilding. Am excited to see what the full Steam release will offer.
If I recall correctly the normal Enemies got kind of easy after a while, though the Boss at the end was too much for me every time I reached it. But that's really the only feedback I can give now (usually I have a lot more to say but I am far too exhausted from writing lots of other stuff).

The game ended up being my 7th favourite Itch Game in 2023. The bosses are just really neat and inspired me to work on my own Boss Fight... which is now since around the time of this post in development Hell of me barely getting enough time to work on it.

So I will give some money when I finished my 2023 blog post.

Also no pressure on finishing that update for those Safespots and Jank.

Chose this as my 6th favourite Game of 2023. (Others I list in this Blog Post)

Kind of also because of how much I love your general gamestyle and how you always make stuff as high Quality as this one. Got a lot out of your Games in the past Year.

I wanted to give a little itch donation as a thanks, but I can't find any downloadable Game where I can give some money. Any other way I could give you some Money? If not I'll keep it noted down for when you make a Game where I can give a few Bucks.

My 5th favorite Itch game I played in 2023 (Rest are in this Blog Post)
So there'll be a bit of money when I finish the Blog post (and that for me seems to mean some Booklet, excited to look into that).

I really don't know what to say about this other than it's really interesting and got me interested in your other stuff.

This game is a freaking trip and I have absolutely no clue what it is about, but it just has a perfect vibe... Whatever the hell that vibe is.

3rd favourite Itch Game of 2023 (other ones in this post)
Will give some money to the game as thanks

The graphical style definitely helps making this so high, though I think even without it this Game would've been my favourite Puzzle-Pame of 2023. Though I do think the Shadow-UV-Texture could've been a little but less repetitive, still an amazing effect. Any hints on how to do this, the texture is applied via Screen-UV but I don't quite know of a way to get a fitting lightness value in a Fragment Shader to make it look like shading.

I really don't know what else to write because it was such a long time since I first played it (now a year ago). So I can't really comment on the Puzzles themselves.

I would be really really interested in seeing what else this game could have to offer. So if you ever do get around to continuing this then I'll be really excited to see what it's doing.

2nd favourite free Itch game of 2023 (other ones in this post)
Meaning I'll give some money as reward, and also meaning I'll get more of the game, yay

I sadly don't remember too much anymore from the Game as I played it at the start of the years and back then I didn't write down everything I liked about a game (actually still don't)

But the Free version of the game was already a really polished good time. I don't play these times of Games particularly often (the funny difficulty type) but they cam be very fun when done well, and this one is done extremely well.

The Pogo feels surprisingly predictable, but mastering it is insanely hard and a slight slip up can end in really unpredicted Deaths. The comedic effect of Deaths is really good, the dumb splash sound effect, the little jiggle animation,  the x appearing  and abrupt Respawn makes every single one of them feel like a little Joke. The fact you often know 1-2 seconds how you die before Death catches up with you often helps with that.
The game might be frustrating to some people, which would make the deaths pretty non-funny, but for me personally it wasn't an issue because of how many difficult games I play.

So yeah, dunno what else to say here because it's been a long while since I played... OH YEAH, the sound design for the ground is absolutely amazing.

(1 edit)


I am insanely amazed by the quality of this, it's way above all the other itch games I played this year. This is so good I do view it as one of my favourite Games I played in 2023 in general.

At first I was only fell in love with the extremely unique Bullet-Hell mechanic, the Artstyle and Humor.

But with the later parts of the game the got a lot more interesting. The freaking boss gimmicks all start becoming some of the most unique stuff imaginable. Which added on top of the unique Playstyle makes this some of the most varied 6 hours I spend on a game.
There's games of 60 hours playtime that don't have this amount of variance in them (of course not the only metric of a games quality but I just wanna point that out as a reason why I love this so much).

Now towards some actual Analysis of my thoughts on this game:

As I said the Bosses are insanely varied, if I recall correctly every single one has its own Gimmick. And to top that off I wouldn't call these hard Gimmicks but rather soft gimmicks. What I mean by that is that they exist to give a boss a unique identity but don't distract from the main Gameplay by creating their own goals.
Some examples would be Fromsoftware who usually make very very soft Gimmicks, barely noticeable as Gimmicks but still enough to give each Boss its own identity and the Zelda series which usually has Hard Gimmicks to act as a challenge to the Dungeon item the Player learned.

These aren't quite as soft as the ones Fromsoftware (usually) does but I think they aren't as hard as to change the Gameplay-Loop of the Boss in a significant enough way to say the Gameplay changed.
And I just really like that, it helps highlight the strength of the unique Gameplay Mechanic in so many different ways.

I actually wanted to say that I think the Gameplay mechanic does end up being a bit too much "just suck lots of the same stuff and 1-hit". And while I do think that Aspect could use some improvements, the Game does end up with a few harder fights that do manage to make this Aspect more interesting. (and I can't think of any ways to improve this in general, partly because it's been a while since I played the game.)

My favourite boss was probably HECC. I love her mechanic as it makes you quite involved with the right side of the screen so that you can control her versions. It just creates a really cool interplay of not just the Stuff you SUCC but also using the Stuff you sucked to switch to the right HECC-Mode which changes what you can SUCC. I really would have to play the Boss a bit more to fully explain why this entire thing works so well.

Something I was a tad bit sad to see was how there weren't any beautifull Danmaku Patterns, as that really is a Staple of the Series (next to the funny Girls). The Game does have unique patterns in the latter half in terms of Gameplay Mechanic but they just aren't beautifull.

Anyways lets talk sbout the funny Girls. I like wacky interpretations of the characters. I do think that's not even too inaccurate to Touhou because of how Wacky and Humerous the offical Games, Manga and other Stuffs ZUN makes already are (HECC, the thing that got closest to finishing off Reimu was Food poisoning).

I just love the funny Girls.

Also a minor complaint: Screen-Size 3 is kind of annoying because it isn't actual full-screen, and especially annoying because the places you have to click the blocks aren't the right places.

Anyways to not leave this off on such a minor complaint:

Generally, I love this game and it's definitely one of my favourite games of 2023. I will pay about 10€ for that when I finish listing my other 10 favourite Itch games of 2023 and my 2023 review Blog (not gonna finish 'em now, it's 2 in the morning).
(I noticed this game doesn't have the choose price option, is there any reason for that? Another game you uploaded does take money so I will probably just give the bucks via that one)

(1 edit)

Some seriously good Bullet Hell!

The first half of the fight is a bit too heavy on the redirecting of bullets
But that seems to be fixed in the Ultra mode, making it more complicated redirecting.

The fight really shines in this second half, where you get some spells that are really good at abusing how hard you can macrododge thanks to the unlimited speed.
There's that attack to the right (2nd picture) which is some extremely fun to macrododge stuff.

I was a bit sad about the final attack (preeetty sure it was the final attack, but maybe I am micing up the penultimate one with final) being rather basic in comparision to the previous ones as it's basically the aforementioned attack with more danger to the side, which makes it harder but not really in an interesting way and mostly just makes it less fun.

I haven't finished ultra but the first half already seems a lot more interesting than in the original, I might try beating it when I am less sleepy to see what else there is in store.

This is some of the most funny little games I played this year, I'm happy the "assets" shown as the thumbnail of got me to check out your page and find this.

The concept is freaking hilarious and genuinely fun to play (though unsure if I like the heartbeat-rate being restrictive, though that's just me loving to shmove around). And on top of that is some fun character-design and some really neat sound-effects.

There's two things I would recommend to keep in mind for future games (I thought I had more but I can't remember them right now):

1. Give your character some maximum fall speed. Unlimited fallspeed is pretty much always unwanted (though in this case it might end up messing with shooting yourself down, so I might've also not bothered with trying to find a workaround for that in a jam setting)

2. There's some issue in how you detect wether you're on the ground, this kind of looks like either your collision shapes are a mess or you use some faulty setup with raycasts for cheking forground instead of just using is_on_floor() (looking at newer stuff that doesn't seem to be a problem anymore)

I also wanted to ask if you'd allow me to use this concept for a little game myself. This is one of those concepts I'd love to try playing around with when I have time.

Been a while since I played the game (2 months) and I nearly forgot to write a little feedback, really happy I remembered to do that because I really really like this one.

The concept is insanely versatile for unique puzzle levels that all follow a certain rule but can still be insanely surprising.

It's hard to have a simple ruleset that a player can understand but which also allows for tons of surprises while not breaking any rules (I've been kind of obsessed with stuff like that recently because I started watching some Mario Maker Troll levels which are absolutely insane in that (atleast for people that know the language of those levels))

The physics felt a bit awkwardly floaty at times but it really fits the feel of an oldschool newgrounds type of game. And a faster jump might also mess with the playhead shenanigans because adjusting those does need a lot of thinking which you sometimes gotta do mid-jump.

The only other game of yours I played is A Time Traveller's Guide To Past Delicacies, but from these two your way of telling a story is already really interesting.
I also really like straightforward easy-to-interpretate stories so I might even prefer this one storywise to the Time Traveller's Guide (though ATTGTPD is definetly a more fun ride with all its... stuff).
Hope I'll be able to get around the your other games soon.

Got around to booting it up and playing through the bit

The more bare-bones graphics makes it look a lot more readable and fun than your first project uploaded here

The level design also feels less chaotic but it also feels a lot more samey. Though there's only so much you can do with a player character that only has a static jump-height and no other moves.
For that it's pretty fine.

For me the Game crashes because of missing ffmpeg.dll

When I give it a copy of that .dll into its folder it gives this error

Oh thanks a lot

Though I am not too proud of it because it is "barely" (being a bit too harsh on myself here) playable thanks to Godot not properly exporting the healthbar and me forgetting to show what the keybinding is (both things I wanna fix when godot exports it properly, so I can put my dissatisfaction away).

But it's true this game looks fine. Especially the fire shader does a great effect.

But my current project is far far more impressive than this. After that one is finished (which I hope I'll still get around to this year) I'll try getting around to some more smaller Jump n' Runs like Big Jump Small Jump.

Will check out what you made later today, been a while since I had an game day so it's fitting.

I sadly couldn't finish this because of the absolutely over-intense scrteenshake
The bullets are at a speed and amount that makes it important to look exactly where they go and I just couldn't keep up when the entire screen shaked every time I fired a bullet (stopped at the flying head ball)

But the game does look really neat otherwise

Got interested in this little gem after watching a bit a video of the steam version

And now I spend about 2 hours on this version to get stuck on the drone problem, kind of a sad ending wanted to try destroying the red blocks

But that convinced me to get around to buying the steam version sometime, though first I'll probably sink 10 days into the other itch version

I think it could need some better introduction level so you get used to moving the mouse quickly, but other than that I lobe absolutely everything about this (expect the lack of more levels).

The platfoming in this is really interesting when it comes to the portals, sadly the transformations kind of fall short in comparision. Though my biggest issue with them was how I often messed parts up because of how I didn't realize I was meant to transform at that point, which became a bit tedious when using the frog or lizard.

But the neat portal shenanigans made up for it so I mostly enjoyed my time.

Also the glitch with the camera being the wrong size happens for me on the windows jam build 1.0

(1 edit)

Oh this works really well, didn't expect it to play very interestingly when I saw the concept but I am positively surprised.
The COMs seem smart and like they have some tactics, though maybe that's just their ability to easily dodge because of the scattered shots and your own very large hitbox, but the way it's achieved is unimportant, important is that it works well

It does kind of happen that you can very easily hit the defender when you have few ships left in the middle, but it doesn't always happen so it still keeps the tension of having only few ships left.

So far the best game I've played in this Jam.

The idea is absolutely amazing and is really intersting to play. It's somehow a normal stealth game but it focuses far more on the gameplay aspect because of the difficulty of staying in eyesight. This i8s such a good and faithfull twist on the formula that it really gets me in the mood of playing normal stealth games or even making something with a simmilar concept. And I just absolutely adore things that give a genre a unique twist while still making me want more of the original genre too.

There's also the way the game plays around with level designs to keep it interesting. I didn't expect that from a jam game and reminded me how much I love trying to keep engagement through unique level design. Only issue I'd have here is that I personally don't like the laser bars introduced at the end, their instantness just makes it feel too different from stealth for me.

The visual presentation is also just an absolutely perfect extra on top. the game is extremely easy to read and understand.

Really interested in seeing more levels.

(Also unimportant "glitch" I experienced: I could only dash into cardinal directions and up-right, the other combo-directions weren't possible to me, I've been using the arrow keys, when I tested it out on WASD it did work fine, so it might just be my keyboard not liking that combi of letters)

Yeah I had absolutely no time to get on making assets for menu and switching the game-mode.

It is interesting how the writeup got you to understand the blue part. The red one is actually the one it is describing (outside of the controlls of course). In the red part you're meant to kill the skeletons (which might be hard to tell because of the glitched out health bar, thanks godot for that export bug), while in the blue part your playing the lord of the skeletons and killing the oil barons instead (you got the roles kind of reversed in your description there).

I hoped that side-switching would be apparent enough from setting and high-score descriptors. But a proper intro could make it far better (but absolutely zero time for that because I only thought up the story within the last hour).

This game has a really fun lighthearted feel. The voice changer lines are barely audible but just having that gives it a fun atmosphere.

I think my main issue is how it feels to play the game (partly being the keybindings just being unusual to me). It is barely possible to do any auto shooting while casting other things and there's little reason to switch up when you found something that worked, all spells just kind of have the same reason to exist none really feel like they have a special reason. Maybe they could each have more special effects or just be a bit more spammable so it can give the power fantasy of a boss with many moves.

But I think with a bit of balancing I could have a lot of fun with this, it just doesn't feel like you're being particularly powerfull when you play the game.

Another thing, I think you have some setting wrong on the textures, their blurr looks a tiny bit like what you get from Biliniear filtering. It interpolates between the pixels instead of just cutting off as is usual for pixel art (there nearest filter is usually used). But I haven't used GameMaker so I can't give any specific advice.