I'm so glad you submitted your game! I sat here waiting for the jam ratings to open so I could leave this comment. Truly, a gem! This was like watching an animated show with classic cartoon styles. I can see all the pieces of an optimized game and THE ART - I want to serenade you for this art, please let us see all the sprites in their GLORY post-jam. Consider getting rid of the text box layer entirely. Why cover such amazing legs??
I know you ran out of time. The game was fighting for its life when Master called to talk about the bottle quest and then voice lines overlapped, VA lines peaked/had audio level issues, and text went to quick to read everything. I don't know in Light VN if it can do auto-play, but this would be a cool feature to have since this is a kinetic story (no choices). I SO HOPE you and the dev team continue working on this!