Im grind until TRANSCEND gave me a 330% boost BUT it so hard to grind more BC when i Transcend it reset all process and it so many Xenocytes attack my Anamoly
My cell has -200M+ while cell i create from click is 200K+ and 0 upgrade in ENZYMES
i can only do 1 damage then it cause so many game over again and again
I did anyway to clear all Xenocytes but it cant beat them all
So i just start new game (i thought it make me new creature and continue on 330% boost but it didn't)
I lost all my boost π π
I need to grind again from 0
But I won't give up
I start new and got 2 Transcend nowπΆβπ«οΈπΆβπ«οΈ
Remember dont press new game
That was my stupid idea
If u can't beat all Xenocytes just let it game over again and again until u can upgrade something that can be your power to destroy them
I hope this post can help u π π
I hope developer will update save slot soon it can save we process
Thank for reading
At last i will tell u i'am bad at English
If u don't understand i apologize π