I see options for sound sliders but have zero sound. Is that an error or is there just no audio yet in this game?
Edit: Nevermind. I no longer care. I hate the battle system. Good art and interesting story, though. Just not a fan of how much the enemies heal and block and crap. Drags the battles out far too much, especially with the slow-ass animations and crap. That and I am not sure if RNG hates me or what but I keep dying because the enemies seem to be able to keep boosting their turns and healing or critical hitting me to the point I literally cannot heal or boost my own enough to damage them before I die. Happened on my second fight and with the scythe chick twice. Had her down to 30 HP and she healed to over 150 in a GD turn or crit me and killed me when I should have been able to kill her after her attack. Also, why if I pick the cookie first it waits to eat it until last I have no clue. Obviously, I am trying to prioritize healing so I don't die. Why make it heal last, after the enemy can hit me enough to kill me? >.< This game has such potential but the combat is a mess.