LMAO @ MILFing Fields. MILFields for short? :)
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It's a good game, so far, don't misunderstand. Just saying the things that needed attention. I'm used to the whole development thing. It's just the beginning seems overwhelmingly one-sided and difficult with no breathing room.
Glad to hear everything is already being worked on for the aforementioned issues. The X doesn't seem to be working for me for some reason on the in-game computer, which is why I had to keep closing it out using the windows logo. I'm playing on a windows 11 laptop that doesn't have a graphics card, technically, so it may be an issue on my end in that case?
So, the GPA goes up one point every time you pay attention to a lesson but lowers 2 points a day? That makes no sense, because that would keep it the same. However, I just went from a GPA of 24 and paid attention to the lesson then was at 23, got the scene where they went to to library while the teacher was away and the MC said he had no clue what he was doing, and then the next day my GPA was at 17. Is that drastic decline due to the scene from him failing to understand the lesson, or was that a bug, then?
So glad you posted all of that, because I am on my second in-game week, been playing for 3 hours, and so far the game has been a headache for me. I WANT TO like it, but it is fighting me the whole way. Rather than make an entirely new post, I'm just going to add to yours since you said a lot of what I had planned to.
The Engrish is bad, as you said, making more than just the beginning confusing. But to me it is the UI you said was good that truly needs work. Sometimes it is stairs that makes you go back a screen. Sometimes it is an on-screen text saying "back" with or without an arrow attached, and sometimes there is an arrow that looks like it is the same arrow as "back" but brings you to an entirely new screen. It is all over the place. And yes, definitely needs highlighting.
Also, what are the bars in a circle for on the map screen? Some are red and some grey but the tutorial never even mentions them. They showed up when I unlocked the electronic area and Japan town, and more keep appearing, cluttering the screen even when only the school is able to be visited.
I'll add some bugs you missed pointing out and some things that may not be bugs:
First, the GPA score in class. No matter whether I talk to a student or just focus on my lesson, the GPA is constantly dropping, with me only seeing it increase one point one time despite going to class twice a day. And no, I do not naps or take bathroom trips.
Secondly, the supermarket. Every time I enter, I cannot leave without the game forcing me to make a purchase. It legit says "You haven't bought anything yet" and I have to buy a bottle of water and check out to change screens. Infuriating and costs money I lack.
Likewise, I make food after school and get stuck having to watch as I lose favor with my roommate because it forces me to talk to her and turn her down. So, every day I can be certain I am going backward in progressing with her. Joy.
The computer: The entire UI for it is annoying to me. If you open anything, like the internet or dossier, you have to close the computer then log back into it to do anything else. That's the equivalency of turning off and then back on a tv every time you need to change the channel.
You mentioned everything else I was going to say, so it just adds to your post.
Definitely look into the way Mall Creeps does it. You will be able to use a very similar style for your game no problem. I can already see in my head the slight changes you would need to make to make it work for you. I'm thinking a combination of Mall Creeps and That New Teacher would work best. For example, locked images in the gallery all neatly lined up same as Mall Creeps has for each character, but for your game labeling each image/replay via the scene tied to it, still with the hint that pops up upon hovering. This would allow you to have many branching paths still and keep everything organized and tidy.
That looks like it will get confusing and cluttersome real fast as the game gets bigger and bigger. Like a family tree with an extensive family lineage, but one that shoots out in all directions.
The gallery idea has merit. A lot of H-games have a gallery and hint system that work through character profile pages. A couple good examples are Mall Creeps and That New Teacher. Mall Creeps has a very organised image gallery with the images locked and all black silhouettes. You hover over the image and it gives a clue as to how to unlock that scene, acting as a guide system without ruining the fun of figuring out the specifics yourself. That New Teacher does similar, but instead of through the gallery, it has the guide system as a To Do list where you can simply read what the next step is to progress that particular scene, with each scene having a name, and each listed title revolving around a character so you know what to do to see that character's particular scene. To give an example, if this game used that latter system, it would have several things like, perhaps, "A Night at the Club" and then under it a description like "Mom wants to go to the club on Saturday. I wonder what would happen if she didn't have the money though". Then, when you refuse her money it would change from the 'I wonder what' part to something like '"I should follow her tonight." Meanwhile, the sister would say "I should talk to her when I get back from the club with mom. (Progress Mom's story 'A Night at the Club' first)."
A couple honorable mentions for good hint-like guides are Cozy Cafe and Lustful Sin. Lustful Sin has profile pages that act as a guide to the next step for that character, which you wouldn't be able to copy due to having a much less linear gameplay in your game, but the way the gallery has the hints on it is a good layout you may be able to draw ideas from. I suggest checking some other devs' works and see what suits your style best. I'm not saying copy their ways directly, but maybe grab some inspiration from it. You definitely want the system to be a clean and tidy affair, not a jumble of words or images.
By the way, great work thus far. I'm enjoying each new update.
Needs an option menu on the title card. Can't play it like this on my laptop as the entire bottom of the screen gets cut off with no way to fullscreen it. the > arrow, for example, is just a \ upper half. Pretty sure I am only seeing the first few words of dialogue too.
Edit: didn't know the game had sound. The first time I loaded it I had no sound and I had clicked dialogue up to the ticket seller saying she was a cosplayer. Then. when I closed it and r-opened after deciding to post screenshots, the music was blaring at me. So, possible audio glitch where it doesn't work sometimes as well.
Right clicking brings up a Microsoft Print to PDF feature button and no menu, by the way.
Decent so far, though severely needs balancing issues resolved. Charity Donations are always the best pick for gaining followers, as it pays out more than anything else, for example. Weddings do not give what they should (I get +6 followers at church fame level 6, despite it saying I should be getting +21 followers, for example), The notoriety deduction at level 1 states it reduces notoriety daily by 5 but it only goes down by 1 every day.
Okay, so! Game starts up talking to me like I am a game dev, telling me how to navigate the Unreal Engine's build mode. It also requested to install and monitor dev tools by Epic Games, which I declined. It brings up a menu to set fullscreen and other sliders. I choose continue and it brings up the menu, again, with more dev options under the 'new game' button. I pressed 'new game' and the screen reverted back to the options menu, locking up to the point that even task manager couldn't display on top to close it, forcing me to restart my entire system.
Don't trust this 'game' one bit. Lots of odd and shady things going on here.
Decent so far. Definitely needs a couple quality of life add-ons. I'd like to see a counter when you find the juice cans so you know how many there are and how many different ones you have come across. I found 3 and am not sure if that is all of them, but a pop-up would be nice. Say there are three total, then a "1/3" when you find the first can for example. The other thing I'd like to see is an option to adjust mouse sensitivity as I prefer mine far more higher than what was given. I hit 'esc' not realizing it is a dump switch to close out the app, thinking it would be the options menu like most games.
As someone who isn't a particular fan of linier H-games, I gotta say I'm impressed. I love this game a lot, and despite the choices feeling too far and few and somewhat meaningless at times, the story s great. The animations for things like showing the dynamic camera movements and people walking are also impressive. Even more so when you factor my new laptop I am playing on is a business laptop, not a gaming one and has no graphics card. Most games with way worse graphics can't even run beyond 2 FPS for me, but you have full-on animations, slick and sexy graphics, and all running smooth as hell on my lappy! Keep up the great work for everything. I'm not even done with what you have so far as I just picked this up two days ago, but I am absolutely loving it and can't stop playing. Oh, and great charact designs for the females, imho. Nice to see non-exaggerated bodies and chests most others seem to be doing that push me away.
He means making the girls larger and larger like blowing up a balloon. Since you made the breasts so ridiculously large to the point it is laughable rather than attractive, it seems like it would be leading that way. Most who exaggerate the breast sizes that much tend to add inflation to their games. For me, the breast sizes is why I am passing by this game. The story seems interesting and like my type of game since I love corruption, but those breasts... lmao... just way too big.
Okay, not really feeling this game as it is a lot less interactive than I expected, basically being reading with a few images like a picture book. But, either way, two changes I feel you should make to help others:
First, move the damned text boxes lol. Bottom of the screen, not smack dab in the middle like you have them so you have to click 'hide' just to see anything. Who the hell puts huge-ass text in the very center so it covers everything? lol
Secondly, the character descriptions should be categorized along with the genre they fall under. For example, to choose a daughter I had to click on 'daughters', memorize the names of the possible ones where 'new game' was, then flip through all the character names and descriptions again to read about them. Those descriptions should be under the 'daughters' area. Basically, make it so you click "Pick a story" then choose, "stepmother" or whatever, and THEN have ONLY the stepmothers descriptions show up. Do that with each category so we don't have to play a memory test to pick a story.
Grabbed it from your link because, yeah, same issue. Thank ou for the direct link in the reply! Screenshot attached for proof I'm not lying lol
Edit: *sigh*. Apparently, the dropbox is not working for me either, though it is an issue on their end. Logging in with my google account makes the site lock up on the gsi transformation address. I'll just wait until you do the next update and grab it then. Thanks for trying.
That last part is exactly the issue. I never walked to the kitchen. Why would I have any need to if I am unaware of there being a hunger system and the tutorial thus far only tells me about working at my office and training the slave? You buy the slave, the tutorial says take her home. Then, you talk to your servant who says she can help train the slave but never has a command to do so (and whenever the slave is being trained there is a different NPC doing it in her room and the one we are discussing now is wandering the house at the same time). That same NPC also teaches you about the scribe job and then that is it, at that point, you have a quest to buy five high quality meat and a red wine for her, and then the bottom of the screen says to train and sell your slave. So, the typical player is going to focus on the training of the slave and the acquisition of the meat and wine as nothing says to go explore the house for more tutorials or anything about the food system.
Also, if I'm supposed to get paid 6 or 7 rather than 3 each time I do the scribe job, I wasn't getting it. I got at most 5 and only twice. The rest of the times it was giving me 3. Be it a glitch or whatever, IDK, but I stand by my statement. I'd take a screenshot, but as I said I uninstalled already. Best of luck on the game, though. Sincerely. The concept seems really good and I hope it goes well for you.
You... you don't make enough money to afford that early on. I'm still in the tutorial with the training of the first female. The scribe job is my only available source of currency at around $3 a job for a total of $12 a day. By your calculations I would require 6 food a day to feed me, the slave, and the starter NPC that says she helps with training. That would cost more than I can make each day to afford the ingredients. Especially considering if I had the ingredients I couldn't afford to waste the time cooking them because I'd not make the money to buy more. On top of that, the very first 'quest' you have us get is one to purchase the most expensive food item. You probably should make a note in the quest to save this for later, as I killed my funds buying one piece because the hunger system is never even mentioned in the tutorial until you get a pop-up that people are starving. You DEFINITELY need to have a mention of the hunger system; preferably even before the purchase of the slave. It would have made me start with a cheaper slave to pool my starter funds better for food.
I'll check back on this game in a few months. Currently, I uninstalled it as it just seems like, in its current state, it will be a stressful nightmare of a highly unfair and unbalanced management game.
2 fish, a red wine, a high quality meat... "Your people are starving." I cook it all for the morning, evening, and night. "Your people are starving." So, how do you feed them? The game says" have food in inventory", but that is apparently a lie. And even then, you make like 5 coins every time you work as a scribe and the food vanishes faster than you can buy it. I feel like the entire food structure is highly broken and needs to be removed or completely overhauled.
PP doesn't seem to work right, or maybe I'm just not understanding how to get it. Completed the game once and the challenge mode #1 with an SS and only had twenty PP to show for it. Considering the cost for an HP upgrade is 100, that seems steep for beating the entire level and still not having the funds to get even one upgrade. Though, in truth, a reduction of multiplier lost when taking damage would be vastly useful to HP max anyhow, since I found myself constantly dying intentionally to try for a different weapon (the icon that upgrades your weapon to a new type doesn't change, so there is no way for me to collect the type I desire. I assume it is supposed to swap through the letter corresponding to the weapon type like in classic R-Type / Gradius style shmups but it always displays an N or H, not sure which it is).
serious balance issues. Bosses seem to be impossible. Even when I increased my max HP by twenty the bosses can attack 3 times and win should they decide to do x17 attack strengths each attack -.- Fought bosses several times and either died or had to use the instawin cheat. Game needs more cards that help you with healing rather than just one that heals for 3 HP when bosses hit for 5-6 times that.
Also, using instawin cheat on the police officer game breaks you as it removes her from combat but doesn't bring the map back up, so you are locked on an empty screen with the only option being making a new run.
Thank you very much for the detailed response. That was exactly what I was wondering. I was thinking, when it gets a lot of changes I'd like to test the direction it is going in and see if I like it a lot more. As it stands now, it is a good start, but as you said limited. I'm assuming there will be objectives or a shop or something in the full version eventually?
Not sure if it is linked to this update or what, but I'm hard locked out of progress, I think. I started playing for my first time a few hours before the game updated. I stopped right when the ring was given to me. Came back to the game updating. got the tutorial for Journeys. My touchpad on my laptop apparently doesn't register when in a Journey, so my spells didn't get chosen. Got into my first tutorial battle and noticed the spells were not there and I couldn't progress, so I left the Journey via the 'exit' button. Chose to make the Journey again and this time used the actual mouse buttons to choose my spells and the game's tutorial for loot and resources in the adventure went on as it should. Entered the gate to finish the journey and the story moved on with Grace asking for 30 magical dust and Audrey telling me to fix the garden and wall. I can't get more magical dust than the two I obtained in that one and only battle the tutorial gave me, because my Journey button brings up an empty menu and when I click UPGRADES it tells me to finish the first adventure, which I assume was the tutorial I already completed.
Meanwhile, I have all the materials required to fix the garden and wall, but none of the NPCs will take them and there are no places on any maps for me to click and use them, so I cannot progress any of my three tasks.