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A member registered Feb 07, 2023

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Is it my new laptop having issues or is there just a delay between hovering over an icon and it lighting up? I have to wait a full second or more to be able to click on characters or areas to interact, but when talking I can click and it instantly moves to the next line of dialogue.

Also, the librarian's name is one L away from being a famous voice artist who voiced the character Bayonetta in the first two games. lol

LOL It wouldn't be the first time. I was a game journalist for twenty years and whenever I had to play a new game with my boss and co-workers on X-box or Playstation, I would be the one to find every damned glitch or bug. Me and luck are not friends when it comes to games.

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I see options for sound sliders but have zero sound. Is that an error or is there just no audio yet in this game?

Edit: Nevermind. I no longer care. I hate the battle system. Good art and interesting story, though. Just not a fan of how much the enemies heal and block and crap. Drags the battles out far too much, especially with the slow-ass animations and crap. That and I am not sure if RNG hates me or what but I keep dying because the enemies seem to be able to keep boosting their turns and healing or critical hitting me to the point I literally cannot heal or boost my own enough to damage them before I die.  Happened on my second fight and with the scythe chick twice. Had her down to 30 HP and she healed to over 150 in a GD turn or crit me and killed me when I should have been able to kill her after her attack. Also, why if I pick the cookie first it waits to eat it until last I have no clue. Obviously, I am trying to prioritize healing so I don't die. Why make it heal last, after the enemy can hit me enough to kill me? >.< This game has such potential but the combat is a mess.

yeah I tried that. There was a female ghost and what I assume to be a male ghost. The female one sped to me from the other end of the room as I flashed the male one. Before the flash animation ended she was on top of me and no amount of me moving would get her off of me even after being shaken off.  I literally entered the room and had barely any space to move and BAM two of them on me almost immediately. Zero time to even use the suction ability, so even had I been able to get her off of me it still would have been a losing battle.  Not something that should be happening as my literal first fight. Doesn't make me want to even attempt the game again.

Beat the tutorial no problem. Didn't get touched once. Chose easy mode and immediately had two ghosts attack me. The blind feature can only hit one so the other one just suctioned onto me.  As if that wasn't bad enough, that same ghost just hovered over me during my invulnerability phase so the moment I  became vulnerable it stuck to me again. Over and over until I was dead. I fired two flashes off but they went past her because she was literally on top of me. Maybe make it so the damned ghosts don't hover over you like fucking homing missiles while you are invulnerable so we have a goddamned chance, please? 

So, Shinobu is a chika aidoru? You'll definitely want to give some background into that. Sounds good, though. Like I said, I'm definitely following the project to see where it goes as updates come out. 

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Game drops a boat-load of errors when you choose start. Ignoring all of them (as in choosing ignore on the error page over and over), it does work. The dialogue seems very bland and forced, grammar errors aside. I can see potential with it, but don't rush the progression so much with the story. Even though the demo was so short I still felt it was extremely rushed. 

Allow the reader / player to get a feel for the characters and their personalities. Having the characters be like "I'm an idol with my own show." "I hire idols." "Hire me?" makes no sense. There would be a lot of deep discussion as the self-proclaimed idol feels out whether they can trust the MC who claims to be an agent.

 It also makes no sense that she would even consider working for him as she stated she had her own show and was already an idol, which means she has an agent already.

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Is there a keyboard key to quick save, skip, and quick load now? Because the bottom bar is no longer a thing and I cannot find a way to re-enable the quick menu. But there is still a save spot for Quick saves, so I assume it is a feature I do not know how to access anymore. The skip feature was very useful for having to replay scenes like the weekly class punishments.

Edit: Also, a lot of the new scenes keep looping for me. For example, any new scene with Rachel has the dialogue between her and the head master loop three or more times before it moves on and some animations do the same, such as finishing on her, it shoots back to him commenting on her petite body then the animation plays again then they talk about her petite body then the animation again then her petite body THEN the dialogue that should appear AFTER the animation finally shows up but without the animation before it this time. @.@

Clicked on the windows download and it said "no compatible downloads found". :/

Thank you very much. The game looks great, so I can't wait to try it when I am able to download it later tonight!

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JSYK you can't download the game at all if you have the itch app. All the links are either dead ends or because they are external there is no option for it to install. Also, right clicking and copying the link from the download button and then pasting it into a web browser just opens the itch app. You need to set it so it doesn't try to open via the app and opens the mega downloads link instead or whatever.

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I agree! I grabbed it when it was first coming out and as someone who was not a fan of visual novels I became hooked. Going back to it recently after a year of a haiatus (just after the rpg battles were introduced) it is almost an entrely different game!

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Guess I'll wait for the next update since the android version is pretty much completely broken now. Talking to the maid in my dorm crashes the game and force closes it. Talking to Daliah in the shop brings a series of error screens one after the other (I think clicking ignore three times finally closes it out). 

Just to let you know your game is good but literally impossible beyond the tutorial. You have enemies you cannot beat, forcing you to have to die to progress or load an older save. For example, the blob queen or whatever she is. She appeared as a regular non-elite versus battle and you have given us 3 turns to kill her before she revies and our damage is at most 9 HP a round and she has over 30 HP in her form where she needs killing before  reviving. Meaning if we are lucky enough to get nothing but Parasol Strikes at most we can deal 27 damage, so she has a 100% chance of reviving, making the battle literally infinite.  

Also, the first random event guy I popped up against I was doing fine against until you made him heal almost all his HP, negate attacks, counter them, and deal +4 damage per hit. 

Maybe test play your generator a bit more, please? It isn't fun having impossible odds when you literally are just beginning the game.

Thank you. I didn't realize the left hand menu had the huge button for ending the week because I had seen it say save and moved it to watch the error messages I kept getting instead.

yeah, I just had downloaded it minutes before posting here. Also, I am on a fairly new laptop that has a Intel stock graphics chip, nothing Nvidia or AMD or anything.

So, for me, I love the graphics. died pretty fast though because A and D spin me 180 degrees half the time. Super sensitive turning. Also, when I died the screen got stuck at almost 0% contrast. Like, it was faintly visible that it was running and not just a black screen.

I'll be honest, the first three times I played I was thinking this game was trash because I couldn't figure out any of the changes. Now, however, I'm addicted. 

I was about to comment the same lol 

Also, basic core features of Breakthru / Arkanoid are missing such as the ability to move and choose where and when to release the ball when you die and start a new life. The art looks great but this is sub-par as a breakout game.

Assigned people and nothing happens. It just shows I met the requirements and their scores (for example one of the slavers has a 38.9) but there is no button to move on.

Very cute game. Was a nice little relaxing endeavor. Thank you. :3

minihunt community · Created a new topic Aspect off

Entire treasure bar is cut off and there is no way to set options for screen size. I suggest an option for fullscreen or aspect ratio size. Otherwise, it isn't a hunt game, it is a mindlessly click on everything in hopes it is a needed object game.

I have been a fan of finding books since the late 80's. I've played a few similar games to this one but this one has the best style and presentation, in my opinion. Absolutely loved the demo and can't wait for a final release!

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No fullscreen ability. Girls just stand there and make money before dying but you can't even harvest said money from the top two of the four rows because the button is off the top of the screen. Enemies just pile up and kill your bitches? Is that the point? Entire concept is trash with equally horribad execution and programming.

Edit: Ignore the animated gifs for screenshots on the game page. None of them show the nonstop hordes of monsters that will attack with no way for you to combat it on the first night. 

what does the windows link for download go to? I keep getting an error saying I need to install a app to download the source for the link.

I clearly stated "Itch App"... Unless you mean what platform, in which Windows 11. But for me it doesn't even redirect me. when I click the download file it just gives the error message "Incompatible third party source." I tried to copy the link and paste it but it redirects back to itch.

download link doesn't work in the itch app, neither does the "install" button. It can't seem to understand how three different formats are on one file, I think (windows, Mac, and Linux) and it instantly cancels every time.

itch app won't let me download. incompatible third party source.

No shit. That's why I said 'at the moment.' Because I am aware. 

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Can't install on my android tablet because "this app was built for an older version of android and doesn't include the latest privacy protections". 

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Needs severe balancing. No way to make that snowflake currency when in my 3 cycles I never keep any stat upgrades and nothing carries over. The enemies are also suffering from RE 2 Remake syndrome where sometimes the huntress can OHKO an archer in the green zone and other times she just does half damage. Increasing the damage stat never seems to help as it still takes 2+ hits to kill anything and when I die I lose the upgrade anyway.

If you fixed that and added a few females that weren't so overly busty it would be a nice game. But as it stands now, I just don't feel like there is any way to make solid progress without cheating and it is just an aggravating game rather an enjoyable.

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Game is very boring at the moment, imo. Basically, just a slot machine spinning simulator as no matter how many deliveries I make to room 107 she always treats me like we first met. Day 11 and not one new dialogue.

Definitely needs more interactivity.

 And I rage quit it when upon loading the auto save all 106 tokens i had were gone and it said my currency was 0.

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I am having a similar issue on my Oangcc tablet.

It is because it is an update file not a install file like it should be. When I try to install it says 'update' as if I already have the game installed. It SHOULD say 'install'.  Also, attempting to install it via the 'update' option nets me an error 'cannot install this app on your device'. 

Edit: update on info I just figured out... So, I figured if it is giving me an 'update' option that means that it is associated with another game file; perhaps sharing a similar name for the apk. My hypothesis seems corrrct as your game has 'infected' my other game I have installed, replacing the icon of the game Mall Creeps with the icon for Bar Tapper. Whenever I open my tablet's file manager the icons fir Bar Tapper and Mall Creeps are the same, though which one it appears as changes. Originally, it showed my Mall Creeps as the Bar Tapper icon and now it is doing the opposite, if you notice.

I must be locked out of Claire's roaming, then. Because I have three dialogues with her, can change her outfit (though all outfits reset whenever I open the app), and Hobbs just tells me to leave him alone now. I have collected every ghost, task, hidden spirit, object and gallery other than Claire number two. I also still get free money for opening my awards list. I can probably buy the mall now. Lol

Great game, with a few crash issues I was able to work around. However, Natalie's 'energy' scenes are severely broken. If you choose masturbation it crashes. If the kissing scene finishes it also crashes. Can'tprogress that story arch at all.

Still can't get second scene for Claire. She never leaves the freezer. Got everything else in the game except that and the ghost 'in a place that smiles'. Am I missing a trigger to get Claire to wander?

yeah, as a certified PC techie I had thought of that initially. I just don't feel like losing my save data as I cannot navigate individual files for apps on this budget tablet, so I can't pull the save aside before deleting the app and replace it like I would need. I planned to wait until the next game update and see  if it installs first before risking the save and having to do everything over.

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Same result. Can install version 7a no problem but this version keeps refusing to close off properly, it seems. Always "something went wrong. App not installed."

Edit: if it helps, I am using an Oangcc brand tablet, model A15_US