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(2 edits) (+2)

Not only you mate, but me and my country Poland too have similar regulations. For me it's unbelievable that they run for such long time paypal legacy, I even sold one copy of my game without problems regardless what they are saying about reports and now they simply want to remove for so many developers ability to earn money. I also was filling that damn tax review, had so many problems with it and when I finally signed it and sent to their email, I see they will take also 30% of my earnings, not mentioning I had to give my personal data to people who I don't know.
In my country if I earn less than 1000 PLN (that's over 260 dollars) I don't have to pay any taxes at all and register it anywhere, but ofcourse some USA geniouses choose to complicate things for developers from other countries rather than make things easier, saying that my money it's not safe, when using paypal legacy cuz you dont know to whom of from who you get money.
If this problems won't be fixed, I think I try make my own www, cuz this will be the best choice for me as a developer from other than USA country.