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A member registered Feb 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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I run at 1920x1080 and text is hard to see at some places. I wish there was an option to scale text.

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Thanks for this game, just bought it! It reminds me a game from my childhood which I really liked, "Godzilla 2 War of the monsters".
I am also a game developer too, so if you will want and have time, please visit my profile! :)
The only thing which interrupting my playing is that font which is hard to see for me on some places, is there any way to make it bigger?

Hello Sarah, thank you for your comment.

"Sometimes movement keys didn't registered if pressed shortly."

This is not a bug, this is intended as it was in Robbo and Boulder Dash (my game is inspired by those two games). Try to press keys little longer.

"Also I found it a little bit hard to play without undo button.  At least limited undo per level would be nice."

This is one of main concept in the game and unfortunately can't be changed, because it will break the overall idea of a game. If you get stuck, or can't finish a level you can press R button to restart level (cost is one live of Dardo) or M, to restart entire game. Everything you need to know is listed in game, which can be accessed by pressing SPACE key while you are in game title screen.

I hope this will help you, regards, specopsbarton.

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Dardo: Caves of Dartial

Dardo Caves of Dartial is an logic-adventure game I started to make very long ago, inspired by old games from Atari 65XE such as Robbo, Boulder Dash.

Game is finished and fully playable, you can buy it or try free demo at my site here:

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To take money you are first, but to fix game breaking bugs on steam version of game you just don't care. I wonder when you will fix that game breaking bugs with skills tree.

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This is unbelievable how this game won. I always wondered why games like this without actually any effort put in it are winning, and conclusion is clear - it only shows that people just don't have liking, rating high games that shouldn't be actually called games. That's why I don't like participate in any contests, because always are winning people who not deserving it.

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Yes, it works - I had two options to choose - private and business account, ofcourse I choosed private and it is succesfully connected, thanks!

EDIT: I see there is a bug - I still see "Connect to Paypal" button in payment processors and when I click it, error appears:

"We had some trouble connecting your account You already have a PayPal account connected"

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There is a demo under "Download Demo" text, just press "Download" button at my game's site at the bottom.

Yes! This will be awesome!

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Not only you mate, but me and my country Poland too have similar regulations. For me it's unbelievable that they run for such long time paypal legacy, I even sold one copy of my game without problems regardless what they are saying about reports and now they simply want to remove for so many developers ability to earn money. I also was filling that damn tax review, had so many problems with it and when I finally signed it and sent to their email, I see they will take also 30% of my earnings, not mentioning I had to give my personal data to people who I don't know.
In my country if I earn less than 1000 PLN (that's over 260 dollars) I don't have to pay any taxes at all and register it anywhere, but ofcourse some USA geniouses choose to complicate things for developers from other countries rather than make things easier, saying that my money it's not safe, when using paypal legacy cuz you dont know to whom of from who you get money.
If this problems won't be fixed, I think I try make my own www, cuz this will be the best choice for me as a developer from other than USA country.

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Why you not just leave this option paypal legacy available forever with adnotation that you use it at your own risk?

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You only complicated things for us developers. It was good when was earlier, where I just had to only connect my paypal account, now I must do some tax crap at your site which I dont understand and have no help at all from anyone.
You really disappointed me, I think I will look for other place, where it will be less complicated to me to post my game and earn money.
Not mentioning I must give my personal data to someone who I don't know.

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Hello, here is a screenshot what I click and have at my account:

Then I login to my paypal account and it saying to me to convert to business account, make one or login to existing one.

When I want to connect my paypal account to it ask me to convert or login my current paypal account to business account or create new business account. Like I said Im from Poland, I dont have a business and I cant register one since I dont earn that much money, and it can be a real problem for me when I will have to.

Please help!

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This is not true, I now trying to reconnect and it asking me to change my paypal account to business.

Actually I dont know what to do...I worked so hard to make my game and sell it on, and now they are removing me ability to sell my game? Im from Poland, and I hope I dont have to register any business. We will see.

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Go to Dardo's main site
Hello, I wanted to write few words about a game on which I'm working.

Dardo Caves of Dartial is an logic-adventure game I started to make very long ago, inspired by old games from Atari 65XE such as Robbo, Boulder Dash.

Long ago, some powerful sorcerer hide his treasures from raiders in mysterious caves of Dartial. Many tried to get them, but no one was able  because on caves persist powerful spell which disables entering lower caves without earlier gaining all magic gems. Dardo decided to visit them, and see what he can find.


- Inspired by old retro games such as Robbo and Boulder Dash from Atari 65 XE, but with many own unique elements;
- Rogue like play style - you have only few lives, can get more during adventure but there is no saving, so when you will have no more lives, game is over and you need to play from beginning;
- Many mysterious objects - there is only description of few basic objects, how other work you need to find out on your own; - Unique difficulty - every cave have it's own difficulty, some will be easy and some will be a real challenge for you to finish;
- No background music - it will be easier to think logic how to finish a cave without music;
- No timer or time limit - you can think calmly without hurry;
- DRM Free - after buying just download and play;
- Try before you buy - you can try free demo with 6 caves before you buy full game.

You can download free demo and get more informations about game here:

Dardo: Caves of Dartial

Made in Poland, by only one developer.