yes great app
yes i did shortcuts to main menu apps so they open as qgo they all work fine
but in qgo i have to turn it off/stop auto load etc when i need to go back to quests setting say for controller power/add the bluetooth im using pods etc
also in qgo in the list of app it only shows apps it can change/has upgraded
so you still have to go back to quests app menu to open ?? say meta tv or apps that are not in qgo
would be nice it qgo showed all games apps you have on quest even if it cant upgrade them lol
i know lot to ask but feedback is good for app lol
really i would like to use qgo instead of meta menu lol on everything (doubt that will happen)
also might be my problem ?? when qgo starts it keeps asking to debug network
i do click on always allow on this network but it still asks every time
any fix/ideas thanks
also passed this app info onto few people inc #jaybratt ( youtube )
as i get lot of quest info from jay
always testing out things