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3 of my payouts are locked in review from 20 to 51 days.
I contacted support multiple time, without ever getting an answer...
I understand Itch review team have to review each payout one by one with human process, but it's the first time it appears. In general I have to wait 15 days...
But here is more than 3 x more than usual, it's a lot of money and I really need it. Yes, payout review could take time, but why didn't I get any explanation since ?
If something is blocking the payouts, I need to know the reason, I need to know if I have to do something to unlock that.
Has this ever happened to anyone? Is there any other way to contact Itch support ?
If an Admin or Moderator read that, the support email tickets number are : 164125 (12 february), 255577 (4 february) and still no response
Hello, it should work like that :
What is your Quest model and system version ?
Je pense que tu mélanges certaines choses.
Normalement, dans QGO, tu as un bouton pour mettre à jour QGO. Rien de plus simple.
Mais si tu es en v74 et que QGO est inférieur à la v12.2.3, tu vas devoir mettre QGO à jour à la main. Soit par sidequest PC, soit avec Quest APK Installer. Si tu choisis de le faire avec Quest APK Installer, tu vas sur depuis ton casque, tu télécharges la dernière version de QGO et tu l'installes via Quest APK Installer ;-)
Essaye de contacter sur leur support, car ça devrait fonctionner, j'ai pu acheter mon application il y a 10min..
Es-tu sûr que ta page est en full anglais ? Parce que le problème de paiement si la page est en Français se produit pour beaucoup de monde. Nous avons tendance à traduire les pages web.
Salut, alors je n'y peux pas grand-chose, c'est relatif à
Par contre, est-ce que la page d'achat est traduite en français ?
Si oui, il faut qu'elle soit en anglais pour que le paiement fonctionne (là aussi ne me demande pas pourquoi)
Par ailleurs, tu peux aussi essayer un autre navigateur pour cette histoire de captcha ou par ton téléphone directement.
Bonjour, vous n'êtes pas vraiment sur la bonne page. Ce n'est pas la page de QGO ;-)
Si Quest APK Installer ne liste pas l'apk de Quest Qames Optimizer, ça veut dire que vous ne l'avez probablement pas sur votre casque. Avez vous aussi essayé de scroller dans la liste des apk listés ?
Téléchargez la dernière version de l'apk QGO et vous pourrez ensuite voir l'apk dans l'installateur.
Quoi qu'il en soit, si vous êtes en v74 et que vous avez QGO v12.2.3/4, QGO peut se mettre à jour tout seul (j'ai inclus un correctif pour la v74)
This application has been on my very large todo list for a long time. Users of my Quest Games Optimizer application have asked me for an easy way to install it (as well as any apk and soon xapk) without going through the Mobile VR Station application (used to install my application) which requires additional manipulations. The emergency being with v74 which broke the native installer package of the Quest, users found themselves blocked. So I prioritized this development to solve the problem. I'm part of the PTC, it was annoying for users and for me.
Maybe you didn't read the description of my application well, the goal is for it to list the apk itself without having to go through a file picker.
C'est parce que vous êtes sur la v74. Avec la v74, vous devez installer les applications avec Sidequest. Meta a cassé l'installateur de paquets. Heureusement une fois que Quest APK Installer est installé, il peut installer les apk car j'utilise un autre moyen pour contourner le problème que Meta a causé
The app scan your headset to see if you have some apk files to install. If you don't have apk files to install, it's shows nothing ;-)
It avoids you to browse your directory (for example download folder) to search the apk you want to install. The app lists itself the apk files it found. For example, download QGO and then start this app, it should show you the QGO apk then you just have to click to install
I'm able to reproduce your color thing. It seems you enabled the High Contrast Color ;-)
About your Quest 1, I saw your video, I don't have Quest 1, so I can't confirm latest QGO versions are still working on it. But as you can see QGO doesn't seems to have the same behaviors and the QGO view is way bigger (I had to make it big because of v69) to fit the correct size after this v69.
Firmware v50 is really too old now...
QGO is designed to run on latest firmwares because Meta broke too many things in all the firmware, so the QGO behavior fits teh more recent ones.
Hello, using old QGO version or old Meta Quest firmware version isn't a good idea. I develop QGO to run with the latest firmware available. SO if you are using a v65 or 69 for example, I can't assure you QGO is still working on these old firmware version.
Many of the previous QGO version doesn't work anymore.
Not using your headset for very long can also cause ADB to deactivate.
I removed the hourglass next to the ADB icon since a long time now. So the ADB icon must be either green or red, but can't be gray. If the color is grey it could be because you changed some things in color settings in the headset. If this is the case, can you screenshot me that ?
When ADB is enabled, you can start a game with a profile and if you receive the applied profile notification this means ADB is working, or you can run a command in the ADB Shell terminal or change the proximity sensor or guardian option to see if it works. Also if you don't have the banner that tells you ADB isn't enabled this means ADB is enabled. For me, you just changed something about colors.
In recent QGO versions, QGO ca bypass the ADB wireless debug prompt, so that people don't have to see it anymore (if auto detect mode is enabled).
Anyway, you should uninstall QGO, then restart your device and install QGO v12.2.4 on a v72 on your Quest 2.
Then come back to me.
You can share screenshots and videos if needed to help me to understand better
Oh you're right, I did shit in the latest update... Will have to fix the browser...
v12.2.4 is coming
Edit : I pushed the update, thanks a lot for the report of this bug