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A member registered Jan 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi, yes I found it with xxxwindfalllfunxxx. You didn't ourchase both QGO and premium extension with the same email. That is why you can't enable it. When I will be back to home, I will fix that for you 😉

Super ! Don't forget to leave a rating on my page if you love the app 😉

Ma question sera la même que vous 😜 Pourquoi repayer ? Vous avez acheté l'app donc pas besoin de retourner à la caisse sauf si vous souhaitez me supporter avec un nouvel achat. Votre achat est lié à votre adresse hotmail. Vous retrouverez l'apk dans vos achats ou dans le mail reçu lors de l'achat

Bonsoir. Vous avez deux possibilités pour installer QGO et le mettre à jour. Elles se trouvent dans la section installation et instructions. Vous pouvez installer QGO depuis le casque (nouveau) ou bien avec sidequest comme avant. Dans tous kes cas je propose deux vidéos et de nombreuse videos de youtubeurs sont aussi disponibles dans la section dédiée.

Hi, I would love to do but they don't have the adb commands I need for that...

Hello, the new v69 update is a disaster...

But the sidequest solution should work if you accept all the prompt and click always allow on each of them.

Also, between each QGO clean installation, you should have to restart the Quest

Hi, because of a Meta bug, you must display multiple time unknown sources to see the unknown sources. So switch app view then re display unknown sources 😉

Yep it's correct. You probably have an old OVR Metrics Tool version. Could you check the GPU Frequency ? On ultra (7) you should see 690Mhz. Old OVR versions only displayed level 5 at max but the correct frequency. Tell me

Hello, thank you and please leave a rating on my page as you love the app :)

GPU Ultra should show you GPU level 7.

Did you get a recent update on your headset ?

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Hi, another guy reported me the same thing on v69... I will look at that but am currently in vaccation, so it will be difficult, I don't have my headset with me... In the meantime you could try to resize it manually

Hi, another guy reported me the same thing on v69... I will look at that but am currently in vaccation, so it will be difficult, I don't have my headset with me...

Thank you for the report and keep me informed if you see something

Hi, what did you do with my app? 😂 It's all zoomed in

I think your issue is because of that. I can see the battery saving profile but not the others ones on the right because of the extrem zoom you get. I never saw that. Waiting for your feedbacks 👍

Hi, when it shows notifications even if you disabled the option, this is because there are some important notifications in the notification list. So I suggest you to just clear the notification list 😉

Important notifications have a diffrente color than the profiles ones

Do you mean auto detection ? If yes, just turn it off ;-) Go to the same place where you turned it on

Hi, you don't need a PC anymore to enable ADB wireless. This is the main reason I removed the.bat file. I prefer users to imagine installing QGO without a PC rather than with one.

But if you choose the sidequest solution, you just have to click the wifi button, it doesn't take time ;-)

Hello, I can only see the QGO app when I check the purchases for your Itch account. I can't see the premium extension. Did you purchase it with another account ?

You're welcome, feel free to leave a rating on my page :-)

Super ! :)

Hi, please, no game profiles request ;-)

There is only an HD profile for this games because it is the best I was able to do without frame dropping. Making a profile higher than this one will introduce lags

Hello, you can update your Quest to v68 and v69 ;-)

If, even without QGO, you can't capture all the peripheral vision, or the field of view, it means that Quest and Meta aren't capable of capturing that.

I've just tried it and yes, the default video recording does crop the peripheral vision a bit certainly due to lens distortion and the fact that the result is a square image and not a circular one.

Hello, glad to see you love the app :-)

I don't understand what you mean about the black screen, could you draw me something or rephrase or take some screenshots in order I understand better ?

Anyway, the full capture is 1:1 format.

Waiting for your explanations ;-)

Hi, this is not an issue, just drag the slider window from top to bottom or click the "B" button to close it ;-)
This is the second time people ask me help for that, I will add a more visible close button in the next update ;-)

Hi, this means, you use a very old QGO version. You can get the link to the apk from the email you received after purchasing QGO, or via this link :

And things have changed since the v10.x.x, you can check my ne tutorials ;-)

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Bonjour il vous suffît juste de rentrer l'email qui a servit pour l'achat de QGO

I answered you on Discord ;-)

On my Q2, QPro and Q3, I'm able to start 2D apps like messenger or my file manager with the 3 methods. Open Next to, need a free place next to QGO. Do you have the problem with all the 2D apps ?

If you have the QGO premium extension, you can run ADB shell commands directly from the ADB Shell terminal. If you get the Quest IP, you should be able to connect via the IP from the PC. Anyway, QGO don't need USB connection since a long time now

Hi, you should try with Paypal. But I know that due to international restrictions, Russian people have trouble to purchase the application...

You're welcome :-) Feel free to leave a rating if you love the app :-)

You must first go to About and click 7 time in the Build to enable the developer options

Through your headset as you install it from the headset 👍

Hello, can't you do like in the video ? You must click the open settings but. It wilk then close QGO. Move the settings app to the left side and open QGO again

Hello, I personally don't have this issue QGO don't touch the mic nor the sound.

What profile do you use ? Can you try without profile ?

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Yep it's a simple wrapper app but very useful

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Hello, the answer is yes but you should forget sidequest for your device tweaking, QGO do much more things in a better way ;-)

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Mobile VR station must be downloaded from the Store 😉 And if you want to install with XR Native Android File Manager (see my other apps), the video also shows that.

If you open the video 4K this will help 👍

Hello, could you tell me more or share me screenshots ? What do you mean by files ? The apk file or the settings app ?

Hello, the current QGO cache system caches applications icons during one day. So yes it is flushed all the 24h. I will look at that ;-)

Hello your email is something like xxxxx092@xxxx ;-)

If you purchased the app, why would you want to purchase it again ? All the updates are free ;-)