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Thank you so much for the game, i just got addicted to it and play it all day long. 

- Reading some discussion about the illustrations and how to add some showing the aftermatch of a fight would be a problem because of the shape of the main character. Maybe the illutration of the companion with whom we just fight and leaving the main character up to our imagination.

- I love Arion, the way he is written is amazing. The description of his cum is incredible hot, it would me amazing if there was more options around it, like just sitting in a stool next to him and milk him until hes drained, maybe his cum can be used somehow.

- An alternative to get planks, Logan's prices are not very friendly, chopping wood the same way you can mine would be cool.

- Love all the ways you can interact with Arion.

- An illustration for the wolves and raptors would be cool.

Thanks to every one involved in this game, its incredible how good it is


I suppose there'll be more interactions and illustrations later, for monsters too, but it take time to do ^^ But yes, an alternative for the planks are a good idea, I want to build the stable, and 20 planks is a lot, and you have to make the same missions over and over to get enough money ^^

...Are your plank prices currently on 60? Because for whatever reason one time I noticed they fell down to 45 for me, and right now they're on 30. Something makes them go down in terms of interactions with Logan and I'm not sure what, but thankfully I realized they don't need to be stuck on the mindboggling 60 forever. 30 isn't as bad even with diabosite farming.

Really ? Did you choose to tell him to not attack the camp ? Maybe it's because of that, or it's a bug x)

Yeah in the current playthrough I'm doing his romance route. But even in that he started off with 60 then gradually fell down to 30, possibly after the werewolf hunt? idk

I did some changes to the price and after searching for his wife the prices also drops. Still there is going to be alternative way of getting planks, but I'm not sure when I will implement it as there is a lot of other things I have to do right now. 

Eventually I want pictures for all opponents and NPCs, but it's like few pictures per month I can get from Zoroj, so filling everything will take some time. 

Yeah I figured it was something like that but since I just discovered it randomly it surprised me since we're not exactly told his prices drop or anything like that. :P And you're doing just fine, don't sweat it about implementation of things~