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A member registered May 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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...Dude I can't fucking believe how amazing this game is turning out to be. I'm aware that won't last long since all good things eventually come to an end, but while it's still going, it's just Lustful Desires but MUCH better and more unique with the skill system. The only thing I'd love is at least some top content thrown in as well, but so far it works out nicely with bottom only too. Can't wait for more~

Hmm I don't remember any differences in the endings for solar or lunar wins, do any specific transformations influence that or is it JUST a win overall? I did notice Fatuity influencing some outcomes but with so many of them I wasn't sure what exactly makes a difference for endings. Like did I need a specific Separation/Multiplication change to occur to influence a special ending? Did a certain physical change need to happen? Do I need a sex scene to happen with a character during the game to have a better ending with them? That's why I love these kinds of games with a lot of choices and different outcomes, but it can get overwhelming so walkthroughs are always welcome (sometimes even a must) lol.

I figured it would be too many iterations to properly include, but I was wondering if you planned on expanding on some of it regardless. So you say there's 7 endings right now? I think I found 2 for Mark (turning Caleb into a girl, then Ethan and Caleb into twinks), 1 for Caleb (perfect boyfriend) and 1 for Ethan (open-ended, no particular direction that I noticed). Unless you mean the extra 3 endings for the game ending on a tie with the characters reacting to it differently? I've been trying to select specific transformations that I'm personally interested in to influence my endings but I have trouble forcing the game to go the way I want it to lol, I always love to narrate my own route in games like these. I do also like the idea of them ending in a tie with each of them having some changes done but I guess that's another difficult thing to implement lol.

As far as Separation and Multiplication cards go, I like the idea of them but I was hoping they'd act like the physical transformation ones and you can get a change for each character. Right now only 1 of the 3 characters can hold a Separation/Multiplication change, if another character gets one the change shifts to them. It's hard to end on a specific character's victory with a Separation/Multiplication change included, lol.

Loving the minigame idea, the more intricate content the better~ And yeah, a roadmap is always nice to refer to in terms of what to look forward to in future updates. I guess I'll have a look at the email thing later, but thanks for elaborating on your ideas for the game further in regards to community suggestions~

Yeah I figured that would be the case. I realize as the dev your focus is the fat routes and encounters but I'm glad there's a fitness route and fit characters included as well so I hope eventually the focus will shift to those as well. Thanks for the confirmation.

Loving the game so far and hope to see more, but as far as endings and content goes, are the endings only the "foreshadowing" kind where the scene ends just before things are about to get raunchy between the guys and the actual sex scenes are reserved for mid-game during transformations, or are we getting more elaborate endings at some point? I feel like not much changes with any of the guys winning and none of their victories feel too rewarding right now, especially not my character since that ending seems to be the most open. I like how some of the transformations complement each other and having one unlocked and then another related to it unlocks additional scenes between the guys during the game, but I'm wondering what the plans are for additional sexual content for mid-game and post-game results?

What choices can we make to have sexual encounters with any of the fit characters on a fitness route, or are they all for the fat route only? I reached the end so far by selecting weight loss and muscle gain options and I only have the first morning muscle image unlocked and 3 NSFW scenes (Ziul at the start of the game, shower with Zac and post-sumo sex scene with Ian in his room). Anything I missed on my route?

I'm constantly encountering multiple black screens randomly whenever I finish an area. It's getting somewhat unplayable. The screen is just completely black and the music is still playing. I can only open the menu to quit the game and reload, praying it doesn't happen next time. Are you aware of this?

I posted this already on the F95 thread but I need to get this across. The save system is pretty terrible. Please turn off the default autosave feature when the phase of the day changes and potentially increase the number of save slots. There's no point in manually saving the game the way it is now since it autosaves after every minigame or battle or story sequence (whenever the game changes to day, evening or night). And I wanna be able to save scum by reloading my save when I do something wrong in my playthrough. The fact that there's only 3 save slots is bad as well.

Ohhh I thought it was when Korg was awake since he's supposed to fend them off apparently. But alright then I'll test it at some point, thanks man!

Ah I see, I'd still like to actually witness it in game at least once, though. :P Lowering bandits' attitude is easy if you just fight them, but lowering the morale is a pain in the ass since it takes like weeks of ingame time, lol. But what I need to do is just enter my home somewhere between I'm assuming 10 PM and 2 AM and the scene should happen?

So far I think the single only thing I haven't encountered in the game that I'm interested in is the bandits' break-in at night in the house with Korg. What are the exact conditions required to trigger that? Because I had the bandits' morale lowered to literally 0 and they're showing up at the track again but I see nothing happening at the house, with or without defense improvements to doors and windows.

...I honestly don't know why a lot of people aren't up to speed with all the updates, even if they just discovered the game recently. Apart from a few specific instructions to unlock some scenes and routes everyone should know who's who, what everyone's names are and how to unlock major routes.

Barrel = Fat Bandit

Harold = Bartender

Scene is Love Potion with Barrel in the tavern through the submissive option.

What we TRULY need is threesome/orgy options, like what we got with Barrel/Harold/Wererat/MC in the basement~

I do have the latest version and I tried to plummet bandits' morale and reputation as low as I could make it but nothing occurred so...not sure how exactly to trigger that.

I saw mentions of an encounter with bandits breaking into your house at night and Korg fends them off and I couldn't get that to occur either, I'm assuming this might be the event they mean.

Notice the latest comment posted by the same person who started this thread, bitching (yes bitching, try harder to convince me otherwise) for Android yet again. These are the kind of people that don't deserve any sort of attention or catering by devs who are pressured into doing extra work they shouldn't focus on. Motherfucker I know what I'm talking about so just shut up please (I said please so I'm not bitching~) since I've seen this so many times that it makes me sick seeing these entitled demanders everywhere. Clearly you're not much of a game dev to realize this or you're just a doormat people walk over just because they ask for something more often than they should or you'd like. Also no, people aren't moving towards phones more, that's all the underaged brats who need to hide their porn from their parents and who shouldn't be seeing porn in the first place. But since you can't prevent kids from watching porn and they're flooding the adult websites regardless, at the very least you ignore their needy requests since it's obvious which ones those are in the same predictable pattern.

You don't get it. In this day and age people fully expect a game to be released on every single existing platform from the beginning and act like they're owed it because of the easy access to everything today. Caring about what users want in terms of content for an already focused platform and making sure to cater to a specific non-existing platform and devoting time to consistently managing and updating it are different things. Devs are put under pressure to cater to those people so they don't lose potential clients when there's an existing fanbase to also look out for. It takes away from the already established fanbase that was created. The "common" platform here is PC, which has its existing platforms already. Saying "please" means absolutely nothing if you don't mean it, which 95% of these Android requests don't. If you say you're a dev you should already know how users generally behave before and after certain requests. 80% of them act like they deserve full attention of the devs even when they literally discovered them on that same day and that's what I've seen in COUNTLESS of these "gib Android pls" requests on every single project that doesn't have it from the get-go. And Hyao already has a FAQ for this and the question is already up there, but does that make sure these requests aren't begged for on every occasion regardless? Nope, because that's how users are~

What's hilarious is that even with the insane amount of bitching these people do for devs to release Android versions, when they actually do it's like nothing ever happened. They just don't give a shit, act like they were owed it from the beginning, maybe check the game for like a day then dump it in the gutter never to return. It's pathetic and I'm glad devs generally don't prioritize catering to these kinds of shitheads.

(1 edit)

Oh, right, I forgot to specify that I wanted to encounter fat bandit BEFORE finishing the bandit camp quest since I wanted to see if anything changes in fat bandit's behavior towards you before and after the camp (as it is the case in many occasions). I already knew about the post-camp sparring~ Right now for some reason fat bandit's encounter rate is almost the same as female bandit's for me and I'm fully gay in the playthrough. Sometimes I even encounter female bandit more often than I do fat bandit, lol. Something just doesn't feel right with his encounter because it's almost 100% male bandit for me right now. Not to mention the amount of times you find anoley/red berry/angel leaf/nothing that interferes with encountering the bandits. But the ingredients are perfectly fine since it feels like 50/50 on bandits or ingredients. It's just the male/fat bandit encounter rate chance that's off.

...Also by "male bandit" I mean the muscular bandit whose image is basically your title character on the game promos lol, not male as in gender. There's male bandit (muscular), fat bandit (Barrel), female, and pair (Bandit + muscular). I meant that muscular bandit's encounter rate is about 99%, Barrel barely even appears for me. In case you got confused by the use of the word "male" lol.

Yeah I figured it was something like that but since I just discovered it randomly it surprised me since we're not exactly told his prices drop or anything like that. :P And you're doing just fine, don't sweat it about implementation of things~

Hyao could you do something about the encounter chance with the bandits on the track, mainly the fat one since it feels like his encounter rate is 0.1% compared to male bandit's 99. Female is also low but I'm glad she is, lol. However there's barely 1 encounter I have with fat bandit to male bandit's 20. I'm shifting between Wary and Favorable for them at the moment and fat bandit just pretty much refuses to show up for the most part, and I've submitted to him multiple times on the once in a blue moon encounters I do have with him.

Yeah in the current playthrough I'm doing his romance route. But even in that he started off with 60 then gradually fell down to 30, possibly after the werewolf hunt? idk

...Are your plank prices currently on 60? Because for whatever reason one time I noticed they fell down to 45 for me, and right now they're on 30. Something makes them go down in terms of interactions with Logan and I'm not sure what, but thankfully I realized they don't need to be stuck on the mindboggling 60 forever. 30 isn't as bad even with diabosite farming.

Yeah I figured they don't work. But as long as you plan on adding them at some point it's good to know~ Thanks!

In short, this has the potential to be one of the best gay adult games that's being released recently, and I'm hoping you guys succeed at making it so~ I'm fucking loving it beyond human comprehension so far, keep it up~

That said I noticed you, just recently, with the latest update, switched to Unity I think...? Because there was no option selection in earlier versions before the game loads, like choosing the resolution and window size and all that. However, the controls remapping does nothing. I dunno if you just haven't allowed that option yet, but in sex games like these, it's almost CRUCIAL for a LOT of people, myself included, to be able to modify the controls to suit their own needs. AKA, the possibility to play one-handed of course~ Please add the option to do that eventually. Thank you~

Awesome, thanks!

And just wanted to say, to be fair, I stopped caring about text games since they bore me and I prefer visual stimulation...but this game of yours is amazing so far because it's more than just a text game, and there's an abundance of gay content too~ Not to mention that artist is phenomenal. Best of luck with development!

Oh and for the same 2 bandits, the struggle scenes are actually swapped. The one that should lead to you breaking free gets you to stay pinned down, and the one that talks about you failing to resist gets you freed. Hoping you can fix it soon.

...Something needs to be done about the Struggle scenes, because the way it is now it's virtually impossible to win against certain enemies through lust, namely the 2 bandits at the bandit camp since either you can't break free of their grasp and they defeat you with their lust, or you break free of their grasp and INSTANTLY get caught again since that's the move they always use on you. I'd suggest making it so after you break free of the enemy with struggle, their turn gets skipped so you can make a move before they can instantly grab you again.