Please pick this back up or finish it by making it so we can unlock merging pokemon at least up to a point. that's mostly all it needs. I spent 2 days playing only to find out the mushroom, pokedex, and pokemon generators aren't unlockable. You could also try to find someone to take on finishing it if your done. There are a few other merge games but none are this good and polished, Just get it so players can clear the board, and you got a nice finished fan game here.
Thanks for the feedback, and sorry about the ending. I'll try to give it some thought this weekend. The ability to clear the board would probably satisfy for now.
My main artist block is figuring out how to integrate pokemon into the current design. My original concept (in the screenshots) had random chains of pokemon of the same type, but it felt messy. Pokemon evo-lines are short so you'd only ever need like 4 of each base pokemon, yet it'd be fun to complete a pokedex while avoiding clutter. Maybe they could be rewards for quests or be kept in separate boards for specific regions. So goes my thoughts.