That was really cool! The art is proficient. The character design is creepy, cute, and charming. The soundtrack is creepy and catchy. The premise and execution is fun and disturbing in equal measure. Those title screens are great. I like hard platformers!
That was a cool GBJAM 12 splash screen!
Unfortunately, the game started lagging a lot when Hanako appeared. I suspect that it's probably because of the cool procedural animation on the hair. There might be some optimization work that needs to be done. (Or, as unfortunate as it may be, there could be an option to tone it down).
The lag was a pretty big problem. In this state, the lives system was deeply frustrating. Given the option, I would've downloaded a more stable Windows build of the game.
When Hanako ambushed me on the moving platform, I gave up... for now, at least; I really want to revisit this one when I have more time (or when a Windows build becomes available). I hate to be so negative, because this is easily one of my favorite entries.
All-in-all, fantastic! Great work!