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Clark Padmore

A member registered Jan 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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That was fun! The art style is quite cute.

On my end, there appears to be a bug where the game over music begins to play on top of itself repeatedly.

Good work!

Wow! Just a fantastic physics puzzler! The art is both adorable and readable, and the input is smooth and intuitive.

[1] Clark Padmore: 2219

Great work!
(1 edit)

Heh. Heh! Hehehehehe!

Very funny! Great work!

Fantastic! Great work!

Competent. The character is quite funny looking! The physics work well.

The audio is a bit loud.

Good work! Congratulations on the submission!

–"like did you noticed that the first time you played?"

It took me a couple of tries. I immediately noticed that the inputs other than 'A' were weird, but it took some experimenting to realize that it was a release command.

It's something that comes up a lot when I program debug controls, which just use my keyboard. If I mix up a "key pressed" and "key released" control, it makes them quite awkward to handle, especially if it's something I only want to do once OR if it's something I want to be able hold down. I think I got so used to releasing '~' to toggle my debugging text that I intuitively noticed that the inputs for the other keys were the same thing. It's just personal experience.

While I did manage to escape, I didn't escape in my highscore run; but, I died a rich man. Isn't that all that matters? [Joking]

[1] Clark_Padmore: 1147 Coins

That being said: wow! This game looks great! It's nice to see 3D lighting being implemented into the engine. I especially love how the dungeon looks as it crumbles apart.

I appreciate that the game doesn't let me spam my way to victory; I thought carefully about how to conserve energy and plan my bunny hops and sword strikes for maximum gain. Although, I couldn't figure out if there was a benefit to not having my sword drawn.

The object destruction and coin pickup mechanics made me quite nostalgic for Traveller's Tales' Lego games. Quite satisfying!

Good work on including the option to turn off gore!

While the audio and superb music was mostly balanced, some of the sound effects are a tiny bit loud, especially when they stack on top of each other. The goblin noises are especially prone to stacking. It's also possible to spam the "menu button" sounds.

Fantastic! Great work!

(1 edit)

I have a question. It seems that 'A' is based on "key pressed"... while 'S', 'D', 'J', and 'K' are based on "key released" (I'm not sure about 'L' because I rarely get that far). Is it supposed to be like that? It's actually much harder trying to release the buttons on beat, since it requires instinctively holding them down before the cues, and I can't hold down five keys at the same time because of my laptop keyboard's low key buffer.

It's a real shame. Even though the game does seem quite hard on its own, the strange control reading is quite frustrating as someone who has played rhythm games before. The art and concept is cute, and the song is a pretty cool MIDI.

The audio is a bit loud; it regularly peaks at or above +0.0 dB.

Congratulations on the submission!

(4 edits)

[LEADERBOARD: JUNE-1-2024 @ 11:16 PM UTC]

That was quite addictive! A simple concept done pretty well, with a cool online competitive element. The graphics are readable and cute, and the music choice was great!

That being said, as much as I like the concept, the actual platforming is somewhat unpleasant. The walls are quite sticky; it's easy to screw up a jump by sliding against one. The player retains a lot of midair momentum despite having almost no ground momentum, meaning the precise bits in level 4 required a lot of "right and then left" movements. There were a couple of times when I landed on the middle of a wall (as in, the character stopped falling and went into the idling animation while adjacent to a wall in midair). Just a lot of little things; it's seems a bit unpredictable for a game built around competitive ghost speedruns.

It was a little tedious waiting for the first eight measures of the song in the first few levels. I understand that it's to wait for the beat to kick in, as well as give the player a little breathing room, but I feel like the movement could've came in after four measures and still have been suitable.

The music is just a little loud compared to the sparse sound effects.

All-in-all, great work!

That was fun! Basic, but highly competent. The art and character design is charming! I was pleasantly surprised to see all of the NPC portraitures and unique enemy designs!

The audio is a bit loud; various combinations of music and sound effects peak the audio near or above +0.0 dB.

Also, quick question: on my end, ellipses turn into this squashed middle-aligned row, is that supposed to happen?

Good work!

(2 edits)

That was cool! The momentum-based movement was engaging and satisfying; repairing bridge segments as quickly as possible was a fun and fair challenge. The art is also quite polished, especially in regards to the beautiful transition to night!

The repair noise is considerably louder than the music. Also, spamming the repair button creates an unpleasant continuous ringing that peaks the audio above +0.0 dB.

I might have missed something, but I didn't notice any increase in the frequency of blocks becoming unstable. It's an interesting artistic decision to have the primary mode of difficulty be the reduction of contrast and value between the foreground and background (it getting darker). Although, it does limit your primary audience to people with above-average graphics decoding skills and an increased tolerance for straining their eyes (this is a valid design choice). Still, I think it would've made the game more replayable and engaging if the difficulty also increased materially (subtly, of course), rather than it simply being an endurance and visual distinction challenge.

All-in-all, great work!

That was really fun! The periodic extra jump was predictable and fun to work around, and the levels, while a bit difficult for a jam game, were quite fair (or maybe I'm just too good at these sorts of wacky platformers?). The art and character designs are cute!

While the instability was predictable, there could've been more indication to it than only the green bar in the top-left corner. Maybe a subtle aura around the player character? Perhaps an audio cue? (An audio cue that's subtle, or it would get annoying quickly).

I could not read the first intro cinematic in the time it was on-screen. Pressing a button to advance it might be more convenient.

The songs are really cool! They encapsulate the game's goofy dystopian vibe. Although, the audio is a little bit loud; the music and sound in combination regularly peak above +0.0 dB.

Also, while the level design was, all-in-all, pretty good, there was a leap of faith in the final level.

Fantastic! Great work!

That was fun! Basic, but quite competent. The theme and story are funny, too. As Recette said, "Capitalism ho!"

While I did start paying more attention after a bit, it would've been nice if there was a short-term "price change history", or at least a small indicator of the price change after a month passes.

The music is a bit loud. It hovers around -9 LUFS and peaks above +0.0 dB (The peaks clipping like that is actually a bit strange, given that it's the only audio playing). Since there aren't sound effects, you only need to turn down the audio a little bit to avoid audio clipping above +0.0 dB; although, personally, I would make it a bit quieter than that.

Good work!

That was really cool! The graphics and use of models is on-point; the game has a naturally creepy atmosphere, especially when the insects start coming into play. I also like how the movement integrates seamlessly with the physics gameplay.

The audio is great, especially the voice acting, and most of it is really well balanced! It adds a lot to the atmosphere and pacing. My only complaint is that the explosion and cockroach sounds are just a bit loud, peaking the audio above +0.0 dB in some instances. It makes sense that they're louder; they're just a little too loud.

I actually like the slow walking; it's atmospheric and in step with the story and theme. However, it could be a little bit faster.

I hope Capcom doesn't sue you. [Joking]

Fantastic! Great work!

Wow! That was really fun! The levels are challenging and fair; I always knew what I was supposed to be doing! It was especially satisfying blowing everyone away.

The art and aesthetic is great; it's polished, readable, and the character designs are very cute! 

The sound is great; although, it is a bit loud. It regularly peaks near or above +0.0 dB.

Fantastic! Great work!

(1 edit)

Wow! This is wildly impressive, especially as a solo effort! It's very (very) rough around the edges, but it was really fun to beat. In spite of various collision issues, the electrokinetic mechanic is (mostly) intuitive and a blast to use! The art has a couple of awkward spots here and there, but it really captures the tone of the game mechanics, and contrasts well with the somewhat melancholy turns the story takes. It's just all around a good time!

I could not get the audio settings to work, but I might have just screwed that up. Either way, the default audio setting is quite loud, and the audio regularly peaked near or above +0.0 dB.

The turquoise font is quite hard to read (it's similar in color to the white outline). The bits of font that are in black or dark green are much easier to read.

For me, the camera jitters when following the player. This might be presumptuous, but I notice that it doesn't do that in the screenshots. I wonder if it's because it's lagging on my machine? (I.E. it might be a Deltatime-related issue).

Whenever I try to grab something in the background, I do have to make sure I'm grabbing at "where it intersects with my plane" rather than where the object is on my camera, which can be a bit unintuitive.

Also, I think the background's vertical position scales with the player's Y position, rather than the camera Y position, which creates a few confusing visual moments.

Finally, as much as I love the game's art style and atmosphere, most of the animations are quite jittery, and the game has a lot of straight-up flashing lights, including the lightning on the title screen and the lightning on the G-Cell health bar. It's not the worst I've seen, but I would consider making them a bit slower.

All-in-all, fantastic! Great work!

That was fun! The art and character design is pleasant, and the game design is very competent. The time pressure with the fire (both on the character and on the level) was well-thought-out. The audio and music is also good.

While I like the art for the background, the specific placement and coloring of the background makes it considerably more difficult to see what's going on at any given time; it blends with a lot of the level elements.

Good work!

(1 edit)

What a creative take on the theme! The minimalistic graphics and audio do both a good job of emulating the Atari era and creating an unsettling atmosphere.

It's funny, I started micro-dashing most places, tapping the dash very briefly. I'm not sure if it actually helped, but it felt like it.

I would say it was an error that you can walk faster when walking diagonally... but that's just how it feels like, sometimes.

Employee #76640: $27.60
Anyway, that was fun! I could probably get a higher score, but I already do that enough in real life(!)

Beautiful! Great work! Take it easy.

Wow! What a stylish iteration of the theme! Playing it was really fun! The bat, ball, and sprint are all satisfying to use.

Unfortunately, actually completing it was... a tad frustrating?

The strange thing is, most of the difficulty in the game is fair and reasonable. There's a great balance between player ability and enemy power that makes evading and destroying enemies quite satisfying. My only complaint on that front is that sometimes a jacket enemy will pop into existence on top of the player, but that's it.

It's just... really easy to die very quickly? Even with all of the welcome amenities to health loss (invincibility frames, non-overlap between damage, etc.), it still only takes about five bad hits to die in a game that takes a few minutes of concentration to beat. That's not a lot, especially since it's easy to get bounced into other enemies. It feels like the max difficulty setting of an otherwise much easier game.

( I'm not even really sure why dying resets the player from the beginning. Losing the ability to progress for even a few seconds is already implicitly a punishment, given that the game is based around a timer. )

The sound design is great! It has a lot of weight and communicates the state of the game very well. Also, good work on including volume control! Although, at the default volume setting (50% / 50%), the music is still a lot louder than the sound effects.

All-in-all, great work! Fantastic entry!

I'm pleased to hear that you enjoy the rest of my work. Thank you!

That was cool! The concept is fun, and the setting is interesting. There were also some neat precision platformer bits.

That said, with all due respect, I feel like the level would still be a good level of hard (and long) if the platforms merely regenerated after a time (or if there were checkpoints). Mandatory beginning restarts feel quite artificial, especially given that the level is already quite hard.

However, I will say: I appreciate that the part at the end of the level was NOT the hardest part! That's a good design choice.

The art has a distinct style, and the Conan-esque character design is quite charming! However, there's one problem I have with the graphics: a lot of the background tiles have a similar saturation and value compared to the main character. This isn't universal (the mossy stones in the 2nd layer have a good contrast), but it happens often enough to be somewhat straining to the eyes.

Good job including audio control! Unfortunately, it seems that the menu button hover sound always plays at max volume.

Good work!

"Love wins!"

Very fun! I liked the cursor bouncing as a visual metaphor for the protagonist's thought process. The art is also full of charm.

Although the recorded sounds are neat (especially the scream), the audio is quite loud (I once recorded a peak of +1.5 dB!).

Great work!

Total Score: 75

That was fun! Managing the dash for maximum efficiency was quite enjoyable, and the falling debris was a fair challenge. I think the level is just long enough for a jam prototype!

The music is nice, if a bit repetitive

I like the character design. They're quite casual!

Great work!

Very competent. The design and AI could use some work, but the proof of concept is solid.

Good work!

That was really fun! The movement is just complex enough without being unfair, and the 3d cubed style is simple and loose.

Max volume might be a bit loud (it peaks above +0.0 dB, sometimes reaching +0.2, +0.3, or even +0.5 dB!), but good job on including volume control!

The camera seems to trail behind the player at high speeds, especially on the sloped level with all the red boxes.

Great work!

Oooh the character art is cool! It's very polished! Detective Firewall really puts the pressure on, and Mr. Torrence is unbelievably smug (except when he loses control of the narrative). The writing is also pretty good. It's a great take on the theme!

Good job on including volume options.

Fantastic! Great work!

Very competent! The controls, if a bit strangely mapped, function quite well. The level design was pretty good. The last level had some clever precision platformer design; even when I failed, I understood why I failed quite clearly!

A couple of notes about the audio: holding down the menu buttons seems to repeat the sounds, causing them to stack on top of each other quite loudly. Also, the menu and death sounds are a bit louder than the other sounds.

As for as control schemes, I think adding the arrow keys for movement, Z for jump, as well as right-side keys like J or K for the jump and dash, would do a lot for the keyboard controls. If you want a good "left-hand-only" scheme, I would recommend adding LShift to dash as well.

Good work!

This feels like the kind of game I'd stumble across on a flash game site like ArmorGames in 2011 at the very end of one of the genres, the kind from 2005, rendered in images both deeply compressed and rich in detail. I mean that as high praise! It's a great mix of grim surrealism and somber, pleasant landscapes.

The framing device with the poem was well-thought out, and it really imbued the first level with a sense of power and weight.

The attacks in both the riding and running segments were satisfying to pull off, given their gruesome impact. Perfecting the timing on the 2nd level was especially gratifying.

The art is a great rendition of the 80's style of 3D models as 2D art, and it fits the atmosphere perfectly.

Beautiful! Great work!

(1 edit)

That was quite fun! The throwing mechanic was especially satisfying. The graphics are quite polished, too.

My only complaint is that the voices in the background seemed a tiny bit louder than the other sounds.

Fantastic! Great work!

The main character is adorable! The art is extremely pleasant in general. The gameplay is quite competent, and the music is nice.

Great work!

That was cool! The story was fun, and the script is pretty good. It just needs a little proofreading. The menu navigation in the 2nd chapter was a cool twist on the visual novel format.

I really like the art! It has a soft and somber appearance.

The music has a great atmosphere to it. Although, it is mixed a bit loud; when combined with the other sounds, the audio sometimes peaks above -0.0 dB.

Fantastic! Great work!

(1 edit)

That was really cool! I love how everything looks and feels, especially the 3D buildings. It's a bit slippery, but satisfying to pull off! The nitro boost was also surprisingly intuitive to use.

Funny thing was, on my winning run, all my opponents ended up killing each other in front of me. I had a couple of nice, leisurely laps to the finish.

The audio is just a tiny bit loud – not by much! But there were moments when all of the sounds stacking on top of each other exceeded -0.0 dB, especially with the crashing sound (which seems to stack on top of itself).

Fantastic! Great work!

Beautiful. Just, beautiful. 

My only note is that the voiceovers and the soundtrack are a bit loud compared to the rest of the audio. Subtitles could be a good addition as well.

Fantastic! Great work!

(1 edit)

That was interesting! It's very rough, but I managed to beat it after a few tries. Although, the time limit on the health loss seems a bit strict, even with the food pickups.

The audio is quite loud; it consistently peaks at or above +0.0 db. Additionally, both the game over and victory sounds repeat over and over again, stacking on top of each other.

Congratulations on the submission!

( I tried to comment on this right before Itch went out for half a day; bare with me.)

That was cool! It started simple, but the last two levels built on the mechanics in cool ways. The time pressure on the moving cloud level was fun (as was the bit at the end of it with the two gems). The 2 / 3 lines of clouds with gems in the final level was a cool platforming challenge.

The only bug I noticed was, in the first level, being able to finish the level by hitting the platform right below the flag.

Great work!

(1 edit)

Holy hell!! That's a whole load of precision platformer perfection! The controls are tight, the physics are just right; I felt great getting those cookies!

The lap system is a smart difficulty management decision, especially for a game jam, but it's also just really fun going through variations on the same good level.

The art's great, too. Goober is a charming goober. Despite being in the same palette, all the level elements are quite readable. The music's great, too!

My only concern is that the audio seems to be mixed a tad loud. It consistently peaks at, and sometimes above, +0.0 dB.

Fantastic! Great work!

That was cool! The variety of obstacles is well-balanced. Even though there's some clear randomness, it never felt unfair. The premise is a neat interpretation of the theme.

The Kevin MacLeod is a nice touch.

The health indicator is cute!

My only complaint is that the sound of the falling bottle is quite loud! It regularly peaks the audio to +0.0 dB.

All-in-all, great work!

That was interesting! It's a very stylish take on physics stacking.

The character designs are great! They're freaky and cute.

Good work!

That was cute! A nice interpretation of the theme.

I liked the character's moveset. The hammer was quite fun to use. The coins piercing through enemies is a great touch; it makes the coins that much more useful.

The only time I was worried was when I got stuck in a pit of spikes on Level 3 and never died. Luckily, I soon discovered the restart key 'R'.

The layered text-to-speech effect for the antagonist is really good!! They're nicely designed, too.

My only concern is that a lot of the sound effects are quite loud, especially the coin pickup sound. The audio often peaks at +0.0 dB, and even reached +1.1 dB at the boss.

All in all, Great work!

(2 edits)

That was fun! It took me a couple of tries to notice that the flow of items was based on how fast they were retrieved, and then I started slamming down items as fast as I could! The randomness is definitely... a bit random, of course, but not too frustrating.

I appreciate that the difficulty naturally ramps up quickly; it makes repeated attempts both faster and more satisfying.

Great work!