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Hyao could you do something about the encounter chance with the bandits on the track, mainly the fat one since it feels like his encounter rate is 0.1% compared to male bandit's 99. Female is also low but I'm glad she is, lol. However there's barely 1 encounter I have with fat bandit to male bandit's 20. I'm shifting between Wary and Favorable for them at the moment and fat bandit just pretty much refuses to show up for the most part, and I've submitted to him multiple times on the once in a blue moon encounters I do have with him.


Don't worry, you can fight with any type of bandit as you wish when you complete the bandits camp quest

Female/Male encounter is about the orientation of a player. If the player is more into female there's a bigger chance for female bandit to appear. I will make a change that only with high affection there's an option to submit right away. 

And yes, after the bandit camp you can spar with any of them.

(1 edit)

Oh, right, I forgot to specify that I wanted to encounter fat bandit BEFORE finishing the bandit camp quest since I wanted to see if anything changes in fat bandit's behavior towards you before and after the camp (as it is the case in many occasions). I already knew about the post-camp sparring~ Right now for some reason fat bandit's encounter rate is almost the same as female bandit's for me and I'm fully gay in the playthrough. Sometimes I even encounter female bandit more often than I do fat bandit, lol. Something just doesn't feel right with his encounter because it's almost 100% male bandit for me right now. Not to mention the amount of times you find anoley/red berry/angel leaf/nothing that interferes with encountering the bandits. But the ingredients are perfectly fine since it feels like 50/50 on bandits or ingredients. It's just the male/fat bandit encounter rate chance that's off.

...Also by "male bandit" I mean the muscular bandit whose image is basically your title character on the game promos lol, not male as in gender. There's male bandit (muscular), fat bandit (Barrel), female, and pair (Bandit + muscular). I meant that muscular bandit's encounter rate is about 99%, Barrel barely even appears for me. In case you got confused by the use of the word "male" lol.