layer konflickt when amanda is visiting
same with gabriel and his wife
The Minifigs need a better fireing algorithm (it would be best if its consistent, stonger first or the most furwest )
after geting heavinly hustband tristan slides bihind the woman in the background
whyle breaking marios wife the initial prompt to fuck her keeps apearing and when piking the refusind option ones ( after already pikikng the positive onece )it briks the quest its not faild but in a half state.
if joseff leafs anna with the Cheating option (the breeding one in the hotel, im bad with names) the quest Dept dosend change, same with the conftontation
leafing choes house in the hills leads you to gabrels mation.
when realising the evil blue ghost and returing to the shrine after the old man left the menu dosend show up.
some times the menu options squish together.