Thanks. I started by picking the most unusual palette for me, as an additional challenge. It is a very bold palette with striking contrast, I wanted to see if I could make an atmospheric thing out of it. I thought I might be able to use the 2 shades of pink primarily as eerie background instead of candy coated highlights, and the white and cyan should be used for characters and monsters. If my character was going to be primarily white, I thought it make sense to have a space suit, and as monsters, I thought of ghosts, and wondered if bold white and cyan could turn creepy. The thought process was really to bend a palette that doesnt seem eerie into an atmospheric horror game scene. I loosely wanted to connect the mood with my submission from last year. For the typography, I used a free font called "smallestpixels" that you can find here although I had to tweak spaces between letters. I'd like to try my hand at making my own font at some point.