5.6/10 - Stylistic but lacks many important aspects, (15-20 mins), I really appreciate the style and vibe of the game even if it wasn't that scary or creepy to me. The story is interesting (I didn't fully understand it but got a gist of it). The walking mechanic would be great if there was something chasing you however walking around feels like driving a car on ice. The game is severely repetitive due to how you progress in the story, it would've been more interesting if the environment changed more as even the end scene felt refreshing after slogging my way through the house. The song replaying throughout the game started to become annoying due to it being just a short melody replayed over and over. There is much potential but there's important aspects of the game that need to be worked on. I appreciate you making games and I wanted to give you this from a point of a critic. I'm looking forward to future projects!