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A member registered Sep 09, 2024 · View creator page →

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7.7/10 - Christmas Chaos, (20-30 mins), this game is unpredictable in it's story in a great way and the gameplay is simple but enjoyable. The gameplay mechanics are simple as it's based on skills on your end and RNG from the enemy which leads to a chaotic time. 

The graphics are pretty and I appreciate how you can switch between 2 graphic modes which both give you a slightly different style. The Christmas setting and vibe is fun but I like how it can change very quickly depending on how far you get into the game.

The story is Christmas horror done effectively and I haven't seen any Christmas related games do as good of a job as this game. 

But Overall this game is great and has elements borrowed from games like Inscryption, it's chaotic fun and I'm excited to see more from the creator of this game!

7.7/10 - A journey deep into the ocean, (15-20 mins), this was a creepy but great experience. I loved a lot of aspects from the game whether it's the audio, the backstory and the simple gameplay. In a way it feels like a cousin of Iron Lung with certain moments being inspired by the game but it has it's own spin on things. 

The game was very atmospheric and you feel immersed in it especially with the audio where you hear random sounds bolt across from time to time and the games musical score being fantastic. I also liked the retro graphics with the little Easter eggs and details on the ship.

*Ending Spoilers Below*

Although the ending was ambiguous in a way, you kind of knew the fate of the ship and the person occupying it. The game leads you down to your own demise and it does an amazing job at doing so.

I have 1 or 2 things which I wish were added to the game to expand on the experience such as more lore and a more elements expanded on in the ocean. But these are things which are not absolutely needed, and the game can go without them.

But overall, this was a great game and I'm excited to see more from the creator as I have already played a few games from them which I thoroughly enjoyed. You can see the quality of gameplay and visual story telling which really shine through!

7.3/10 - A fun and stylized puzzle game, (10 mins), I really enjoyed the premise of this game due to the story telling within it, that in combination with the puzzle mechanic created a very fun experience. I also like how colours are used in this game to divide up the puzzles. This game ultimately feels like reading a quirky puzzle book as a child, which gives me a sense of warmth and appreciation for this experience.

Some people might find this game slightly challenging but once you think outside the box, you will be fine!

(2 edits)

7.6/10 - An exciting demo inspired by Buckshot and a few other games, (15 mins per playthrough, 30 mins played), this was a really fun experience as it's heavily inspired by buckshot roulette's  mechanics but it definitely switches itself up to be something unique. It also takes slight inspiration from inscryption and a few other card games.

This game does take 1/2 playthroughs to adjust to the mechanics but once everything clicks you'll understand what everything does and how to play the game properly. I ended up beating the game on normal on my second go which was an exhilarating experience with myself being punished heavily at times and me doing the punishing aswell!

I do think the game is slightly unbalanced with the crowbar being a slightly overpowered weapon. I wish there was one more card type and more items added in for variety but I'm presuming these will be added in the full game. 

Overall this was a great experience with the visuals being really well done, the sub story catching my attention and the gameplay being great. I'm excited to see what the game will be, how the story will be expanded on and I loved the little twist when you beat the game!

6.8/10 - A little winter horror with a feeling of impending dread, (5-10 mins), I thought that this was a fun experience that got me into the Christmas/ Winter spirit. I enjoyed how the game progresses and how you read more lore about the Tornuktu the further you get into the game. The game made you feel on edge and you didn't know what or where this weird entity will come from but that it will come...

Overall it's just a good and fun short horror game, and there's not much more to add to it!

6.9/10 - Actually a solid puzzle/horror with a few gripes, (30-50 mins), I really enjoyed playing this game due to a few things. Firstly I thought the horror worked well in the context of the game and it definitely kept me on edge due to how this game combines horror and puzzles. Although I thought most jumpscares were okay, there was a great threat throughout the game. The puzzles were unique due to the main mechanic of the game where you close your eyes. Some puzzles were beyond basic and not challenging enough, some were a lot more difficult and required 1 or 2 mins to think it through but it wasn't anything that's mind breaking. 

I thought the story and setting was a bit all over the place but I understood a lot of elements of the story as it did become chaotic. I would need to do a deeper dive to understand the whole story and themes but I thought it worked in combination with the gameplay. I do wish the story was more focused and expanded on your character as it felt like I was playing as a character that I don't care too much about.

My biggest gripe was the artsyle as it did feel a bit cheap in terms of props and textures, I know a lot of effort was put into it but I do think the game would've benefited from a face-lift or a different artstyle such as a simple style like in Portal 1 or more of a PS1/PS2 style. The style does make this game feel a bit dated but I don't hate it.

Overall I'm impressed by the scope of this game and how it intertwines an interesting mechanic, horror and puzzles, in combination with 3 different endings which are easily re-playable which makes this a good experience which I would recommend!

6.8/10 - Midsommar if it was a small indie game with a few small issues, (30-60 mins), I enjoyed this game whether it's the setting, characters and tasks you perform. It creates a strange little world and it creates a good setting for a horror game. I thought that some of the characters stood out in a good way, in terms of personality or looks. I think creating a bigger and more in-depth version of this game would be great and an exciting prospect because of what this game lays down.

I personally enjoyed how there were different endings to the game and smart little details which benefit you if you pay attention. Although I thought that what happens to your friend and who the threat is, was a bit obvious from the start which did make me less intrigued. So a twist would of been beneficial to the story.

Now in terms of issues, I encountered big and small glitches. The big glitches I found were that the game restarted me from the very start after my character was caught halfway through the game meaning I had to play it over again. And the other big glitch was that, I replayed the ending and I escaped by using the van without having a key. In terms of smaller glitches, the main one of annoyance was the graphics settings kept changing after the game loaded into a new section such as the house or outside.

Overall it's a fun game and with a variety of endings, but I wish some of the glitches were fixed and a few small things were added to strengthen the game. But I do think this was an exciting little game and I'm looking forward to see more from what the Studio will do!

6.1/10 - Game that looks pretty, but falls apart the more you play, (30 mins), this game has a good premise as you visit a home in the middle of nowhere and things get strange the further you get into the game. I thought there was a good setup and the driving mechanic was something you don't see much in indie horror games which was refreshing, I also enjoyed how you can leave the game by just driving away at the start of it and I thought that the mechanics in this game were solid. 

Now I will mention the issues that affected my perception of the game. The big thing I wanted to preface is the amount of glitches I came across. Some were game breaking such as: van getting stuck on the side of a road and my character got stuck in trash beside the car when trying to pick it up so had to restart chapter for both instances. And then smaller nitpicks such as: being able to walk into the water where you can see parts of the map seeing untextured, clipping issues, blue glow of grass in the night time, and the resolution on the settings didn't change for me. I also noticed the amount of AI generated art being used which isn't an issue for me but it was slightly obvious.

Now in relation to the game, I thought some of the jump-scares worked and some were downright bad but funny due to how they were presented. I also enjoyed the last main sequence in the game but I wish there was more to it aswell.

Overall, this game is promising and I like how this is a series that hopefully will be interconnected. But I feel like the game needs some tightening up with glitches and slight improvements on the story.

(1 edit)

7.3/10 - A solid adaptation of a Junji Ito work, (10-15 mins). I thought the artstyle and character stills were amazing, in combination with the attention to detail. The creator of this game did a great job of putting you into a feeling of curiosity and feeling that something is wrong. Although I didn't find this scary but slightly creepy, I thought that a 3D version of this game would actually make this game even scarier and more unnerving. The characters were written well and I enjoyed the contrast of the characters that you come across.

My biggest complaints about this game were that, the sound was a bit weird/glitchy in the game and the ending was cut too short and should've been expanded on.

But overall this was a fun experience and a great tribute to Junji Itos work, so I'm excited to see more from you!

7.4/10 - I'm excited to see more (30 mins), the game has so much going for it whether it's the setting, the amazing art-style, the backstory and the main objective. It does a great job at creating  an interesting but tough situation which you have to find your way out off, which is enhanced by the world that you're in. 

I really thought that the way SCP's are caught in this world makes it realistic in the context of the whole SCP universe and it adds additional lore which I would love to see more. 

I enjoyed how the game contained 4 different endings as they worked well in the context of the game. But I had a slight issue with the good ending, due to the item that was chosen to contain the SCP. As the item which contained it felt like it  strayed from what was described by the tips, I'm unsure if it was a misunderstanding from me but I do think the tips or item should've been a bit clearer (As I think there is a contradiction with the tips given). I only ended up choosing the item on around my 10th go.

Overall this game does feel like a demo to a larger game where you investigate 3 or 4 more individuals with different entities so I'm hoping this game is expanded on. I know the game was a 7 day Jam so what has been created so far is really impressive and I can see how much potential this game has.

(2 edits)

7.1/10 - Beautiful but short experience about a purgatory like place, (10 mins), this is a very pretty game as you look in awe at the sky with the clouds and yellowish but deep skies and the red soil which makes you feel like you haven't been here before. The game is slow with it's story telling that progresses as you walk around to see what exists in this strange place. Don't expect anything action packed as it's a slower paced walking sim with a slightly melancholic story.

I appreciate this game for what it is and I don't have any complaints other than it's pacing but it achieves something interesting within the time that you play. And it covers an unique look at purgatory and self.

7.1/10 - Short but interesting archaeological game, (10 mins), I enjoyed this game but was also left slightly dissapointed with the ending. The reasons for enjoying this was due to the atmosphere, simple but fun puzzle mechanics, the history (you learn about history which is connected to this item), stop motion visuals and the whole premise of the game.

It's an experience that you're better off trying out yourself instead of trying to find out what exactly it's about as it's short and it presents a great idea that I suggest you don't spoil yourself with.

*Light Spoilers Below*

I do think the ending is slightly unsettling but also disappointing due to how abrupt it is, so don't expect a very fleshed out ending. I do think the game would've been more exciting and benefited from the end being drawn out even by a few more minutes as it feels like right as you feel the game become tense, it ends. 

(3 edits)

6/10 - The structure of sorrow and nothingness, (20-40 mins), I expected more in terms of exploration as I though I would get to see more and go into the depths. Although what I seen on the inside was interesting as you see the messages of the people who ended up here across different time periods but there is nothing more than platforming and finding these messages. 

There being no ending also symbolizes this structure perfectly as you're left to your own decay. I do wish there was an ending as with how little there is to explore as I think adding something would at least give the player some satisfaction whether the ending is sad or positive.

Another major issue was the amount of glitches whether platforming on certain geometry, clipping and flashlight/ glow-sticks not working at times. This made the experience a little more fun at times but also a lot more infuriating.

Although my review has been negative, I do actually enjoy the idea and a lot of elements of the game as it feels like the backrooms before backrooms existed as you're teleported to a stone brutalist system that has existed from atleast the 1800s. The messages leave you with sadness and the whole concept of the game is great, but it's heavily undercooked. But considering it was created in 48 hours I do give the creator of this game some extra props!

(1 edit)

7.1/10 - Great little Puzzle game that can be amazing, (30-60 mins), this game's already enjoyable as it is but with a few changes and additions it has a lot of potential to be bigger and better. The main puzzle mechanic is great and although I can see certain people completing it quickly, it took me a while to complete the second puzzle (45 mins). For me the puzzles fall into the category of simple concept but difficult to beat which is good in my opinion.

The graphics and atmosphere is great and I really enjoy the distinct visuals that it has. However I do hope audio and a full screen mode will be added in the future which would add to the immersion. Additionally I would love for this game to be expanded with a story, which would offer more puzzles or more mechanics being added to the game. I feel like this games puzzle mechanic is so enjoyable that I would really wanted more from it. With these additions I would give a higher score to the game as I really see the high potential in this game. But if it's not expanded on, you still have a very fun experience in front of you. 

Overall i'm impressed with this game considering it was created in a short period and I'm definitely excited to see more from the creator!

(3 edits)

7.1/10 - Engaging but simple horror game set on a Train, (5-10 mins), it's a game that didn't do a lot but it created a compelling story in a simple location and it did a great job at it. The story is short but hit's the spot and the characters are what I enjoyed most about this game.

Is it scary or tense? it wasn't either for me but it did keep me guessing what will happen next and it gave me a feeling that something was off. The art style is very digestible and the main music score of the game is pretty and reminds me off some downbeat anime songs. 

I would've loved to have an additional ending or for the game to be expanded on but it did a great job at presenting something fun, heartfelt and simple, that left me satisfied. And the game leaves you thinking whether what happened was real or not!

(1 edit)

7/10 - Solid horror game with a few major issues, (40 - 60 mins), I genuinely would've given this game a higher review if it wasn't for a few big things. Before I go into them, this game deserves to be praised as it has a very interesting setup and main mechanic. As you're hired as an intern to record ghost tapes using a weird little gadget, this results in some occurences...

The games visuals, atmosphere and setting are all really well done. As it captures a solid combination of all those things which resulted in me having very high expectations of what to expect through the game. Although those didn't disappoint I do wish the world was either slightly condensed by making it smaller or making it so you could enter some buildings such as the church, cabins or town which would make the world feel more alive. However for the scope of the game these aren't necessary but would make the game feel tighter or more interesting. 

The gameplay loop worked well and it definitely caught me out when you first go out on an expedition which is better to be experienced by the player than be said by me. The horror in this game varies from little things such as how your boss acts at times to bigger things from something else that keeps you on your toes. The ending was also good but expected from my end but it can definitely catch some people out if you didn't pay attention.

Now down to the biggest issue with this game which was to do with STAMINA, this game was infuriating to play at times as after 5 seconds of sprinting your character was already out of breath and then it would take a while for the stamina to replenish which resulted in travelling across this map being frustrating, this was additionally annoying especially against the "encounters" you come across. This was my biggest frustration throughout the whole game but there were some other issues but the other big one was glitches. I encountered a glitch such as when I died whilst returning the tape in the box. I had an even bigger one where I had completed all 4 tapes but then the game continued and it only showed that I completed the 4th tape after I died!

(2 edits)

6.8/10 - A demo that's a throwback to the PS1 era that needs to be expanded on, (30 mins), this is an interesting game with a lot of solid concepts but the game slightly feels all over the place with some of it's ideas. It has potential in every aspect whether it's the story or the gameplay. But it doesn't push any boundaries such as the original Resident evil 1/2 or the original Metal Gear Solid. It feels like a good game but is missing elements for me. Obviously the story and game is incomplete so the 2 sections in the game feel slightly jarring as they bounce from a game on a water station to a strange dream like world (but I presume these two worlds will make more sense in the full game).

The visuals and audio is great in this game as the lighting and locations are very pretty and well done. The controls are a throwback to the PS1 tank controls and there is a modern control setting which I prefer myself and although they both work great, the controls sometimes were a bit glitchy in combination with the camera which became slightly annoying against the monsters. 

In relation to the monsters, I enjoyed the enemies in the game as they were a good balance of difficulty and fun, and i'm interested to see what other enemies I will see in the game. I also thought that the boss fight was a good challenge but I do wish there was more feedback when fighting the boss as I was unsure if I did damage the boss so adding a louder sound or showing a damage effect to the boss would benefit the fight.

Overall this is a good demo and it shows the potential of this game, but I'm hoping a lot of this game will be expended on as it does feel messy at times. But i'm interested to see where this whole project goes!

7.3/10 - Such an interesting prototype that has me confused, (20-40 mins), To preface, this game is not for everyone for a variety of reasons. This game is difficult especially if you don't pickup on the queues that it provides. 

The game is beautiful in it's own strange artsy way, but I can see many people being put off by it due to how much flashing and visual hallucinations there are in this game. The game has chaotic structure but you really don't realize it until you start to understand the mechanics whether that's visually or auditory. I also can't image the experience this game would provide on drugs as it would be terrifying.

This game is a prototype and I would love to see what more this game can offer as it's an unique experience that you rarely come across. So i'm hoping a full game off this does come out. 

However I do have a few issues with this game, this includes the barrier of entry of this game as it's difficult at times. Having some additional elements at the start to help out in the coding section ( I progressed though to a point but got stuck as I couldn't find the right word so I had to watch a video to progress) or 3D section (It took me 10 mins to even realize the main mechanic). My last critique are the visuals, although amazing are disorientating due to the swift black and white flashing contrasts which did cause my head to slightly hurt ( I'm unsure how this would be fixed except for it being slightly toned down which could detract from the game).

(1 edit)

7.1/10 - Simple but atmospherically tense, (5-10 mins), the atmosphere with the audio and the feeling of dread the lower you go is genuinely great. There's a feeling that you are being followed (I swear I seen something far away at one point) and that you don't belong in this foreign place. 

It slightly reminds me of the backrooms where things aren't as they should be. The game is great at conveying fear and it does a great job at showing that off in it's limited time.

I do wish the game would be expanded on and the end feels a bit anti climactic as the buildup is amazing at being tense. But I can see this game become a horrifying experience if worked on further!

(1 edit)

7.8/10 - A beautiful but relatable experience, (20-30 mins), this game is not what I expected, but I'm not disappointed as it covers topics about the struggles and meaning of life. And how important hope is, even at your lowest. It is relatable seeing similar struggles to what I have experienced so this game was definitely something I understood. 

This game has amazing audio and visuals which are both comforting but also cold at times as they are used to aid the story perfectly. The visual contrast can make you feel like you want to relax and cosy up but then make you feel unnerved as if you're being stalked. I also appreciate the gameplay with how the game uses different mechanics throughout as aid to the story to expand on themes and topics, and I really liked the sleeping eye mechanic.

The game is beautiful and you can see heart was poured into it, it was a topic that was close to the artist and you can definitely feel the love that was put into the game. I appreciate how open and vulnerable it is at times and that's what I like the most about the game. I also enjoyed how every part of the game represents the character and how they feel. As you play through the game you realize what the house, the fire, the cold and the symbolism really meant.

Don't go into this game expecting something easily digestible, fast paced or very scary but go into it expecting something that is slower in pace, personal and something that makes you think. 

No worries at all, It's impressive how you made this within a 4 day period and you can definitely see how much effort was put into the environment as it's one of the strongest parts of the game. Combined with the pretty but also dreary aesthetic that compliments the story. 

I would definitely love to see a game with a similar aesthetic that is expanded on further in gameplay and narrative as you mentioned. 

With how much time you had it's difficult to create something with an effective story or satisfying ending as a lot of gamejams usually struggle on that end. I think you had a decent story but with more time you can create something even better!

But overall I'm definitely excited for the future of what you can create. Whether it's a game similar or completely different from this. The ideas that you planted in this game make me hopeful as it's a game that has stuck with me after playing it! 

Best Regards.

(3 edits)

7.4/10 - Obscure but memorable PS2 experience, (25 - 50 mins), This game feels like a relic when you find an obscure game that you never heard of on a PS2 and then you decide to try it out. It ends up being a great experience and rather underrated, it keeps you satisfied with what it is. 

The game is nothing groundbreaking but it has an interesting but dark world which is on it's last threads. The world is intertwined with characters who have suffered through this world and find joy in the things they have left. The fish pond takes you away from this suffering and offers a relaxing experience in comparison to the the dark realities of this game, it lets you chill for a bit and experience another mechanic that the game has to offer. I would consider this to be contrasting with the platforming which is tricky but enjoyable as you traverse in the dead world around you.

The story and the characters are what make this game stand out for me as you want to talk and learn more about them, but you get to appreciate them for the amount of dialogue they have. I also enjoyed the visuals/graphics and the platforming, although this game does feel like the world and the platforming could've been developed further. I would've loved to see who else and what else could've been affected by this (there are references to what or who has been affected through world building). 

Overall, this game isn't for everyone but if you're patient, want a solid ending and enjoy platforming then this game is for you!

* Thematic Ending Spoiler Below*

The last that made an impression on me was the ending, it was something special and I thought the creator did a great job at making a satisfying but dark and sad ending. It made you care about a character but it also showed how sometimes reality is cruel.

6.4/10 - Want to love but can't, (10 mins), this game has elements that I really like such as unique & stylistic visuals, good audio, interesting setting in a Firewatch Tower, great horror elements and a good tense climax. But it lacks two important things for me which are interesting gameplay and not enough exploration.

For the 10 minute runtime of the game, you feel like you do nothing as you aimlessly click buttons as the game automatically progresses. I wish there was some type of task that had to be done as it felt like filler which could've benefited the story. The game could've even been more interesting if the tower was slightly bigger and there was more stuff to do such as read notes or do additional tasks. 

Overall this game has so much potential considering how much I enjoyed the world, the ending and the atmosphere but I feel like it was let down by not having simple but necessary aspects in the game!

(3 edits)

6.4/10 - Bleak but also optimistic, (10 - 20 mins), this game is a walking sim with elements of small exploration as you find items which make you learn more about you and your wife.  The game feels like walking around a big new area in real life not knowing what's ahead and finding whats in the corners of it. Because the world is so big and open, you can end up explore aimlessly and find nothing, so I suggest you follow the paths which you can find. I think this game is pretty and it does have nice audio which reflects the mood of this game. 

However I think this game has a lot of small issues such as glitches (you can get stuck on a rock right beside the lighthouse), exploration (I wish there was more to find on the outskirts of the map) and the story (It could've been expanded on or told in additional ways to make it slightly more engaging). I also have mixed feelings about the ending as I think it was a good twist but also I felt like I was slightly undermined by the climax of the game. 

Overall it's an interesting but slightly disappointing game which is definitely not for everyone. In a way it feels like a heavily stripped back and lower quality version of these type of games: Dear Esther, Vanishing of ethan carter and What remains of Edith Finch! (I really recommend the games I listed here especially Edith Finch, although they are all different in many ways)

(2 edits)

8.1/10 - Watch a sentient but unstable Connection die, (2-5 mins), short but slightly terrifying experience. It's like watching an unstable dying Connection conjure it's last thoughts after receiving a death sentence of some sort and being left to die, you are with it to see it's last moments and it's there to give you it's disturbing thoughts before it crashes. 

This game can be divided in 2 sections, firstly the auditory dialogue experience which is exactly what I talked about before, and the visual experience which feels like your programs processor is fried and it's trying to grasp everything but it's a losing battle where everything is getting more broken and it's inevitable that it will crash and you can't do anything to stop it. 

The game is symbolic of how life can be and how sometimes things can't be stopped. It's part of life and it shows how some people use fear and anger to represent their last moments. It's a beautifully done game with changes of dialogue on each play through and I suggest you play it more than once to fully grasp it or to understand what is going on! (I played it 4 times myself)

(1 edit)

7.5/10 - Quirky,  simple and special but slightly eerie mall game, (30-40 mins), this game excels at character building as it's what makes the game super interesting and I like how the mall is believable for the context of this strange little world. The Dialogue is fun, gameplay is simple but the game sets out to be a great experience. I wish it pushed harder on the horror elements however the game did a great job at capturing a vibe. I was really interested in the world and I came out wanting more from it! 

(1 edit)

7.4/10 - Great demo that excites me, (20-30 mins), I loved the retro computer aesthetic of this game mixed with the horror elements which you don't see mixed much in games. There are games that use these elements but this feels more like a horror game compared to other games in the genre.

I enjoyed the art, the backstory of this game, and a big surprise for me was the Video sequence which switched things up for me ( you'll understand ). I would love to see this game expanded in terms of story, more Video sequences and more things to explore on the computer. Even with this being a demo, I would've still enjoyed this if it was the full game. 

However I do think the game has a few small issues such as the mouse being slightly glitchy in the fullscreen, there should be an obvious exit button on the 3D maze ( I didn't realize it was just an endless video and I spent 5 mins sitting there before spamming all buttons ) and I personally experienced a crash towards the end of the game which I never had before with other browser games!

* Before you play the game I suggest that you toggle the full-screen option as it increases the immersion *

(3 edits)

5.8/10 - Good idea, poor game design and execution, (25-45 mins), this game has an interesting concept as you transport passengers on cars across to pieces of land, this concept had me at looking forward to what the game would offer but I ended up being so disappointing. The game puts in some type of air of tension through the lore however it felt like there was a nonexistent threat as you just hear a few noises throughout the game until the ending. 

The buildup to the game was slow and mind numbing as you get crumbles of lore going in between islands and all you do to go between islands is hold one button down which gets very monotonous after doing it a good few times. An additional thing with this game was that I died 20 mins unintentionally by getting hit by a car and having to restart. I understand it's a special ending but having to replay the same sequence is dull so having a death mechanic system doesn't work for this game as it's essentially just a walking sim. 

The games ending wasn't entirely surprising and it was too abrupt in my opinion but overall it was an okay ending. I did like the intro to the game and some of the lore but this game as a whole needs huge overhauling as the concept has potential. For me the biggest issue is that this game for what it is, should be 10-20 mins shorter than it is as it feels too long and it drags!

(2 edits)

7.5/10 - Comedy Gold, (15-20 mins), this game is great at using witty dry self aware humour which carries this game. Not to say it's not a great game without it but the humour is what made me enjoy the game so much. In addition the story has paranormal activity/ original resident evil feels to the game (it's not scary at all even though there are jumpscares ) . It takes elements from many things but it creates a great experience with a fun little story. The main protagonist is so funny that I'd love to play as him in other horror games and see how he'd react to strange situations. This game was a great ride, but it does have some things which I wish were improved. This would include the movement being slightly too stiff with the house being hard to navigate in at times due to the controls and the ending is a bit messy although enjoyable!

(2 edits)

7.2/10 - Just a game about Real Estate :) ,(20 mins), enjoyed touring the house and finding it's secrets. Mechanically this game is a throwback to the point and click era of games which works for the purpose of the game. I thought the game did a great job in it's dialogue and certain aspects of comedy which benefits the contrast that the game has. 

* spoiler for later in the game below *  

The game does a good job at building up the horror elements in this game as you progress you will be more confused and slightly unnerved. However I think the last 3rd of the game is the weakest part of the game as although it kept me on my toes, it relied on average horror tropes, which is slightly frustrating as there was a lot of potential to make the last third absolutely scary/horrifying. I thought all in all if you don't go into it expecting anything then you will have a nice surprise but even without the surprising aspect, it's still a solid game which does so well with it's setup, story and mechanic simplicity.

7/10 - Unique, strange, unorthodox Art, (2-6 mins), The game has such a unique style to it in terms of how it's located on your computer screen and how it opens up as you look at each persons story. The visuals are strong and the audio is dark and unnerving. The story was interesting but I came out of it not knowing if I fully understood it. The game feels like an art exhibition and less than a game, an experience which you might or might not like coming out of it.  I personally enjoyed it but I wish the story was expanded on and the game is buggy with how the interact system works. However it's not a game that  you usually come across and for that reason it's worth experiencing!

7.2/10 - A step up from the Spiritual Prequel, (30 - 40 mins), this game is an improvement over the previous game in mechanics and choice which leads to you feeling more like a detective compared to the prequel. The game centers around the death of a man where you have to find out who killed him between 3 people. The 3 characters you interrogate are all interesting as they all offer a different dynamic and they are all written well. The game has an intriguing concept that hasn't been explored a lot and it does a great job at it. I like how there are 6 different endings dependent on your investigation skills ( I got the correct ending on my 2nd go ). Although it's an solid game, it's not as engaging replaying a second time if you didn't get the correct ending the 1st time, unless you'd enjoy playing the game with hindsight which can make the game more interesting for you. There are issues with glitches and bugs which I encountered quite a few times myself. I also wish this game was more connected to the previous game or there were some answers to the end of the spiritual prequel ( there are small references around to the prequel ). But overall this was an fun experience and I wish I could see more games like this or even another sequel to the series!

(4 edits)

8.4/10 - A special game that blew me away, (2/3 hours), This game is a work of art and you can see the amount of work put into every aspect of this game. Whether it's the story, the visuals, the location, the small details and how alive the world feels. 

There is always something going on whether it's small story elements on the radio or people doing something outside your apartment, these details change after you do something and it makes the world feel alive. I loved reading all the newspaper articles and I spent a lot of time just looking at all the small details, these things made the world feel so real. I also really enjoyed the Eastern Block setting as there's references to multiple countries in that area. Going into this game blindly and seeing how the story progressed was an experience that I thoroughly enjoyed and I'm so impressed by the people who created this game as it's a concentrated and alive world with so many details. There are also creepy horror elements across this game that make you feel slightly uneasy but there's nothing scary in this game, but the idea of this game can definitely be considered as scary. 

There are 2 endings that really differ, I suggest that you play both as they are both key to understanding the story! I do wish the endings were slightly expanded on but this is the only small gripe I have about the game!

(2 edits)

7.6/10 - Psychotic Trip, (15 mins), It's definitely not what I expected. I don't think I've come out of any media being even more scared of drugs outside of "requiem for a dream". This game is strange, grimy, experimental, and it's effective at those aspects. It's an experience which is not for everyone but you might love it. Although this is a great game, I wish It was slightly expanded on in story and gameplay but i'm impressed with this game considering it was created in a week!

(2 edits)

7.7/10 - Small visual feast with a fun concept, (20 - 25 mins), I'm excited for the full game because this demo has a lot going for it whether it's the visuals, the locations, the tasks you perform and the comedy, it all ties in to create an enjoyable experience as you just go with the flow and enjoy the game. There's so much more I want to say about how great it is but sometimes in life you just keep it simple, and this game is simple but great at what it does.

The game offers some horror elements/ references but they are a small aspect of the game in the whole scheme of things and as a whole there isn't anything tense, scary or creepy in the game, but that's okay because the game works well with what it delivers in terms of the themes in the demo.

I also don't have any negatives or bugs that I encountered in the demo and I'm just excited to see more from it!

7.3/10 - Damn.... , (15 mins), A story that is even more interesting in hind site. I expected the way the game would end, the way it did however it was still done masterfully. The actual game itself is very simple and the graphics are basic but also somewhat pretty. But the game is carried by how great the story telling and ending is. Just go into the game blind and enjoy the story!

(1 edit)

7/10 - Very simple but very challenging, (15/20 mins to beat), It's short and sweet but only if you learn from your mistakes in the game. It's about trial and error and understanding your surroundings and what you can do to progress. Everything in this game is simple excluding the gameplay (it's also simple when you understand everything but complex when you don't), but that's the part of the game that stands out. Someone said it's a very mini rainworld and I would agree! My gripes with the game is that I wish it was expanded on as it's too short and I wish there was more to the game whether it's more animals or more to the story such as chapters. I also slightly disliked how it showed the text after every death which got slightly annoying as I wish it was skippable straight away. But this is a great game for how simple it looks!

(3 edits)

7.3/10 - Makes me want to play more, (30 mins), Enjoyable game with a solid premise and dark atmosphere that ends with a cliffhanger. I enjoyed a lot of aspects of this game coming from story, to the vibe, to the slightly deep-fried visuals, to the Pokemon like fights with enemies but with a twist.

The game is inspired by certain anime's and games like corpse party, and I like some of references that you put in about yourself!.  I also really like the message that the game provides about hope. I do have a few small issues with the game such as the camera being slightly annoying at times and there's a few small bugs but overall I don't have any big issues or critiques with the game except for the ending. 

The thing that disappointed me with the ending was that I got into the flow of the game and was expecting the game to keep going but it ended on a cliffhanger which may be continued in the future, but I'm definitely excited about the future of this game if it continues!

(1 edit)

Considering you had 3 days, you did an amazing job so I can only commend you. Making a game ain't easy so creating this within such a quick period is really impressive. I'm definitely looking forward to your future projects!

(2 edits)

6.6/10 - Strange but slightly dark Job Simulator, (20 mins), The graphics and the whole vibe of the game are absolutely great and I really like the art style. Coupled with an interesting idea as you create creatures in an interesting manner. The whole game feels like working a days job on your first shift in a weird room with a screen that talks to you. Although the setting is interesting, the game is slightly lacking in gameplay as you're performing the same actions through the game without any major consequence. It's a game that would need to be heavily expanded on in story and gameplay to be great. I would love a full-scale game from the developer (Kenforest) because there's so much potential in your games!