I can't find the item, its description says "There where, The sun is the brightest" Help please
Look at the dungeon where there's ALWAYS sun ^^
I've been to the moon, to the desert and to Atlantis and still haven't found anything (
It's in the pyramid, there are 2 objects in the sarcophagus :P require 2 runs to loot them both
I still can't find it (Does it drop with a certain chance?
oh the wand! it loots by beating a lamia in the pyramid. But I bet you already beat some?
I don't know if I won, but I went through the pyramid 10 times looking around and there was nothing but monsters
The big Snake monstergirls? When you kill them they are supposed to loot the wand.
Maybe I have an old version of the game? The pyramid only has regular monsters that don't drop anything
Do you have the latest version that's available here? 2.0?
Where did you find the book at 3rd row 3rd line?