I feel weird saying that this instantly became one of my favorite games of all time, but what can I say? I'm a sucker for <5min games, and this one's just so gorgeous and simple. It really does feel like you included everything needed to tell a quaint little story and absolutely nothing more, which I love.
It does feel a little weird that you put it under Interactive Fiction, when Adventure fits the bill much better. Granted, it's a very simple one. Can I ask what engine it's made in?
About the puzzle: your hint shows A2-C3 to be a solution, and I guess A3-C2 would be another one, but I solved it by doing A2-A3-C2, in that order, which took me by surprise! In retrospect, it feels like the solution should require an absolute maximum of 2 buttons.
On the other hand, it didn't really bother me, I just went "well I guess it worked somehow" and kept going. I guess I wanted to tinker with it a little more, and it ended up being a lot easier than I expected, like it solved itself almost, but other people complained that it was too hard so I can't really say a harder version would be better haha making games is tricky.