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A member registered Nov 10, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hi! Thank you for playing the game! I afraid there's no way of modifying the walls, sorry.

The only way of getting a different layout is starting over from scratch, since the cafe is randomized each time you reload the page.

Thank you so much!

You’re welcome! Thanks for giving the game another go

Ah, I'm sorry about the confusion. It's not very clear, but you need to solve all the previous locations for them to arrive at the house. In other words, you need to get a blue spiral symbol instead of a red X at all locations except the rightmost one on the map. Then, the seed and the creatures will appear at the house.

I believe you have the lake left to solve? A hint is that the "shovel" is supposed to be an oar.

Hi! Sorry about that. I've made an "improved" version of the game. Hopefully, the keypad should be easier to understand now.

Thanks for playing the game!

I’m sorry about the puzzle being difficult to understand. That’s definitely a failing on my part, not on yours as a player.

I don’t want you to think that you’re bad at puzzles, it’s just that this one was not properly explained. I hope the solution in the game description was helpful at least.

I’m glad you liked the game. Thank you for the comment!

I appreciate the comment, thank you!

I'm glad you liked the game! Sorry for the gate puzzle being a bit confusing, good job figuring it out anyway.

Thanks for the clarification, that makes sense! I've changed the genre to adventure now. You're right that it fits better.

Your adventure system looks really cool! It seems like a system that is both expressive and easy to use. It's quite inspiring, having something where it's that easy to make interactions seems great. My current approach is a bit more involved. I will try to keep an eye on your progress with the engine, I'm interested to read more.

Wow, thank you! That is so kind, I'm flattered. I very happy you enjoyed the game. Thank you for the nice comment!

I honestly wasn't quite sure which category to pick, thanks for bringing it up. I'm not too familiar with the interactive fiction genre, but I thought that if I picked adventure, people might expect something like Zelda and be disappointed. 😅

Would you recommend me to switch the category to adventure?

The game is made in a little engine I've written myself. It's quite limited in capabilities but it works well for me and the kind of games I like to make. I like working with a simple system where I know how everything works. And I have tools for drawing graphics and creating audio directly in the engine, which means I don't have to switch to other programs and mess around with importing and exporting assets. Even if the tools are limited, I find that it helps me focus and not get lost in technical details.


Ah, I see what you mean. In my mind, the rule was "activate columns A & C and rows 2 & 3, but no other cells".  So all the four cells A2, A3, C2 and C3 are valid, and the puzzle is complete once you've selected cells in both columns and both rows.

It might have been better to have a separate button for submitting the code when you think you've entered the correct one, instead of it validating automatically. That might avoid the confusion you had?

But I'm not quite happy with the puzzle overall, the rules are too vague. And I guess the fact that you found it easy while others found it hard is proof of that.

I want you to know how much I appreciate the feedback though. It's very helpful that you describe your thoughts while playing with such detail. I found it very enlightening. It's so different designing a puzzle from solving it, and it's invaluable to have someone describe how they experienced it.

Thank you for playing the game, and for the effort you put into your comment.

Thank you for the comment! I appreciate the feedback and I think you are right on both points. It's very helpful to keep in mind for future projects. I'm glad you still enjoyed the game, thanks for playing it!

That is very kind! Thank you for the encouragement 😊

Thank you for the comment, and for coming back to finish the game. I'm glad you liked it!

That is very kind, thank you!

(1 edit)

Thank you, that is a great explanation! I hope it's ok that I've added it to the description as a hint (with credits to you). Let me know otherwise.

Thanks for playing the game and leaving a comment, I appreciate it!

I've added a solution to the description page (click the arrow next to "Gate puzzle solution" to see it). Sorry for not providing it earlier!

Thanks for playing the game!

What a fun concept! I'm pretty sure this is the first game where I've ever played as a mosquito! The art was very cute and the game was easy to get into. I think you designed the balance really well, it took some strategy to figure out how to win.

I really like your take on the theme! The office space was well built and it was fun to navigate. The whole game had a good dose of humor, it was great how hectic everything got in the end 😆

Unique and fascinating art style. I like the iconic hair style of the main character. It's all very well drawn and I really enjoyed the cutscenes. The story was well told, and very creepy. Good jobcreating an eerie atmosphere.

This was a lot of fun! The graphics were great, and I love the little portrait of the DM!

The gameplay was novel and quite interesting. In the end I found the best strategy to just run straight to the exit of each level, ignoring the enemies and weapons as much as possible. It felt like a bit of a shame playing that way though, as the combat system was pretty cool; I really liked the idea of picking up different weapons with different attack patterns.

Oh and I love that the end screen was a playable level as well. I found it hilarious when the enemies started spawning. :D

Loved it! Great work! The art and animations were fantastic! I love the expression on the characters when they are waiting to attack XD
The combat was very interesting, and I really enjoyed trying to solve every level. Together with the upgrade system, this was super fun to play!

This was so much fun! I adore how cute it is. Great job on the illustrations, the animations and the general vibe. I played it through three times just so I could find the last cat in the final picture. It was well hidden!

Super cool! I loved the presentation and the atmosphere. Playing the game felt eerie, but in a really nice way. The art and the audio did a great job in setting the tone and telling the story.

I also really liked the puzzle elements and the novel control method. I've never played another game that worked like this, but it still only took a moment to get used to it. Really great job on making it intuitive and fun to play!

This was good fun! I really liked the design of the level. It felt like everytime I came up with a strategy, the next step of the storm would counter it somehow. Great game design! My final solution was a bit hacky but hey, it worked!

Oh, and I also have to say I love the attention to detail in sounds and animation and how cute everything is!

Haha thank you, I’m very happy with that score 😆

Thank you for playing, and for the nice comment! I appreciate it!

Thank you! Haha, that's a complaint I can live with ;)

I'm glad that you enjoyed the game.

For the art, I actually use a tool I've developed myself.
It's a very rudimentary painting application, but it's well suited to the way I like to work.

The tool hardly has any fatures. There's undo, but no redo; there are no brushes, and it only supports flat colors, no shading.
It's also very difficult to draw small details or straight lines :P

However, I've realized that I find the limitations freeing. They allow me to work quickly and not get stuck on details. I just have colors and rough shapes to worry about.

There's also support for flipbook animations, which I used for the character and for the animation of the bird. Again, there are no fancy features, all I can do is flip between the frames. But I feel like that is enough to create what I need.

Here's a screenshot, if you're curious

My tool is cryptic and janky enough that I don't think it would be useful to anyone but me. However, if you're looking for a cool (and actually useful) painting app, check out Heavypaint

Seeing Vaughan developing Heavypaint is what inspired me to make my own tool. I think there is a lot to explore outside of the mainstream painting applications, and I believe that anyone that can make a game probably could make their own art tools, with their own quirks and character.

(1 edit)

That’s a great compliment, thank you!

I have no idea of your level of experience, but I can try to offer some general advice.

For me, learning to paint from life has been the most useful skill I've developed.
It’s an incredible way of increasing your observational abilities and building a visual library.
The practice of drawing scenes and objects around you is fundamental when trying to paint from your imagination.

I would recommend checking out resources related to Plein Air painting.

For instance, James Gurney is an incredible artist and teacher. His resources (books and videos) have been very valuable to me.

I like using gouache when I paint outdoors. It's a very nice medium to work with once you're used to it, and it can be quite affordable.
You can get by with just a few colors. I just bring white, black, blue, burnt sienna, yellow ochre, and perhaps a tube of yellow when I go out to paint. Limiting your palette like this is a good way to practice color mixing.

Check out this video where James Gurney paints in gouache with just ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and some white

I'll also take the opportunity to recommend the video tutorials by Alphonso Dunn, who is an excellent art teacher and covers a lot of subjects and techniques

Sorry for all the text. I don't know if this is what you were looking for.
Let me know if you (or anyone else reading this) have any specific questions.

Best of luck on your artistic journey, and thanks for playing my game :)

Wow, thank you so much!

I'm flattered, your comment really made my day. 😊
I appreciate you linking the games from your site, that's very kind. Thank you!

The intro was super cool. I really like the art, it's very well made. The game looks wonderful.

The mechanics were fun, it's a cool concept and a novel idea. Controlling the car by interacting with the mouse was satisfying and I like the amount of detail you've put into the interactions, like the accurate speedometer and tachometer. It was also very cool how the camera screen showed a copy of the world outside.

I had a bit of trouble understanding how to get viewers, however. I assumed it was by being close to the tornado but I'm not sure if that's correct? I couldn't seem to get the number to go up and if I got too close I was sucked into the storm. Was there some mechanic I missed?

Anyway, an impressively polished game and a fun take on the theme.

Thank you for playing and for the kind words. I appreciate it!

Thank you for the nice comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)

Thank you for the video review! I appreciate it a lot and I found your comments very helpful (as always).

I’m glad you liked it! Thanks for the comment ☺️

Thank you for the encouragement! 😊 I tried keeping the scope down to have time for polishing the game, I’m glad you noticed! It’s always hard finding the right complexity to aim for. 
Thanks for playing and for the nice comment!

That’s great to hear 😊 Thank you for playing and for the kind comment! 

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot! I had fun hanging out in your stream and I really enjoyed seeing you play my game :)

Wow, cool to hear that the GUI came together quickly. I'm sure that's down to experience (and skill). I know doing something like that would have taken me a long time :P Making interfaces takes a lot of work! You're using Godot, right? I've only tried it a bit, and I never got around to the UI part, but maybe I should check it the tools to see how it works.

Yeah, the 2D sprites worked great, and I think I forgot to mention that I really liked the contrast with environment having shading and shadows.

Looking forward to the update ;)

There's a lot of cool stuff here! It's not a finished game of course, but it's very interesting anyway. I really liked reading your devlogs. There were some things in the post mortem that really resonated with me, like being so focused on making the game but not taking the time to interact with the community of other developers. You guys did a much better job than me on that, though, by writing down you thoughts and progress.

The game has a cool and unique concept and I was impressed by the complexity by the game when I tried it. Being able to piece together your monster bit by bit and seing it reflected in the graphics was really cool. I can imagine making the GUI was a big task :P. I also like the general unsettling vibe of the graphics. The 3D/2D blend is very cool.

I'm sad more things didn't make it into the game, like the music you mentioned in the post mortem entry. Looking forward to seeing where this goes, and to your 7DRL entry next year ;)

Thank you for playing and for the nice feedback! I'm glad you like the mood of the game :)

This is really cool! It's a very stylish game and there are so many nice little details. The visual design is very bold, and the colors are great. 

The game was easy to get into and I really like the style of interaction, it works well and is quite unique. The ascii portraits are awesome and give a nice feel to the world. Being able to kick stuff and to throw things was great, and I love the mechanics of having just two inventory slots.

I got to a level with a... disco? But I got stuck on one of the characters there and was unable to move after that. Perhaps this message in the console (of firefox) is helpful?