I think this wall of text has grown enough, so I’m gonna leave it here with some closing thoughts.
Strata was made as an art piece as much as a game. I sincerely hope you have fun with it, but I do hope it provokes other feelings as well, good or bad.
It has some hidden meanings (maybe not so hidden, it’s hard for me to tell) that may look like bugs but aren’t. Some political and philosophical views, and certainly a lot of me in it. It turned out as quite the portrait of where I am and how I think and see things at this point in my life. And I am very happy with the result.
Thank you to MYline media for organizing the Jam, a big thank you to everyone that plays Strata, and an even bigger one to the brave souls that made it this far into my ramblings!
Keep being awesome <3 Talk to you soon