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Deleted 138 days ago
(1 edit)

Don't back down from the day 141 event as it's required to play said events that are currently not happening for you. It's not the finale so don't worry about completing it.

I had already changed the days of Tanya/Chloe's tasks for the upcoming patch.


*Ears perk up* Update? :D Will still wants to marry Tanya, BTW.

My bad, should have called it a patch. Just some small inconsistency/bug fixes.

Would love to include more but currently occupied with other things.

No worries, JG. I kinda figured that, but we can always hope. ;) If you want/need any input/play testing on the new project, let me know. As I have said before, I have done some work on another H-game (I would be happy to send you some examples) , and have been playing and running conventional RPG's for quite a long time.

(1 edit) (+1)

Bah, accidentally deleted the GP post. For anyone following along it was about the day 137+ Tanya training room, and 139+ Breeding Lab events on the good path. They actually come after the day 141 event.

Thanks @Jamleng Games. I ended up reading the script file and discovered this too. I remember a couple other events that were allowed to run out of order and played weird because of it; top of mind when saving Elsa from the bullies I pulled a gun, but at the time I didn't have one; it was probably meant to be blocked by getting the second gun. That was on 1.0.0 so you may have fixed it since.