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Will Fukkdeep

A member registered Nov 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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SS04, you're just getting started. Buckle up, and hang on for a wild ride. :D

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Chewing my way through the Good Ending epilogue now (sniffle)... I wanted to marry Tanya. Even with the harem, the MC should have at least one actual wife. Mother Theresa, are you busy...? :D Think about THAT wedding party. It would be huge. ;)


JG, no worries dude. Just trying to do my part in helping out. Everyone here is rooting for you guys. You set the bar so high with this game that the ISS had to swerve to miss it. :D

SS04, I'm on the Good Path myself, and don't recall that situation. You might have taken a different turn somewhere along the way. And yes, I do have Pam working in the Bistro.

And one further question of note; Given what happens, why are there still guards keeping me out of the Labs at night? I should have free and open access to every area in the place now, as well as the authority fire them, wot?

Then there's this, at the Hospital. 

Scratch the part about the University. It opened up. Day 147. What a two days it's been...

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   Guys, just cranked 'er up for the first time since the download. Yikes, that got messy in a hurry... I was saved off on Day 140. Spent some time poking around visiting and exploring.

   On Day 144, I dropped by to see Lilly and Sophie at the mansion. Sophie was still one with the bed, as it were. Not going anywhere soon, given the coma. I also tried going to visit Emily at night at the University, as the logbook said, but I coudn't get in. The next day, 145, I dropped by again to check on the girls, and there was Sophie in the classroom, making a spectacle of herself. That's quite a glitch, and I remember it having been mentioned before a while back. 

   That, and the Rule 34 room at the Library said to wait for the next update... Any chance of a bone there in the near furture? It seems a shame to leave that unfinished.

   Anyoo, girding My loins and wading into Day 145 at the Mansion. Cover Me, Porkins! I'm going in! :D

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In my best Kevin the mini@n voice; Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! So, I guess that it's too late to ask about a naked, pregnant Emily in a rope harness? ;) And seriously, phenominal job overall, guys. I just hope that your next project attains such heights as LTA has.

MC, have you been going to the lake and checking the trail late at night and at midnight? They show up at random intervals, so you have to keep checking back.

Do you figure that it will "get off" on a technicality? ;)


Hello, all. I've pretty much wrapped things up with the girls for this version, so when do you think we might be seeing an expansion/update?

A1, you need to go to the Lake at midnight, go to Trail, and then Bushes. You will probably have to keep going back, as it's a rare thing to find. Just keep trying.

After you get to know Cindy, you can go to work for her. That, and aren't you going to the Beach and Woods to collect shells and flowers to sell?

XM, I'm going to have to agree with Shadow on this one. I'm not a fan of overblown chest ballons. But hey, if Pamela ever fell out of an airplane, she wouldn't need a parachute. She could use her bra instead. :D

Scratch that, I'm in with Hawk now. Sadly, I'm at the limit with Katie and Sue for this version now. :( Update?

All righty then. Thanks, Marcio. I'm at L5 at Coyote, and haven't even gotten into Hawk yet.

Marcio, you're farther ahead than me it seems. I still haven't found ANY of the Others. I keep running into the fairy, but nothing happens.

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It's possible that you might be talking about School of Love. I also pointed out in a past posting that a lot of the places are used in multiple games.

I'm quite sure it will be worth that wait, and then some.

Maybe so, but you can't stop playing once you've started, can you? ;)

I'm guessing that the pizza delivery people and the energy drink makers are just loving you guys at this point. :D

I caught one in the Library opening scene. A certain redhead in a green jumpsuit. I always figured that there was something fishy about Jerry, W@@HP and his three female spies. Totally! :D

BMP, I agree fully about LTA, so since everyone posting here by definition is a critic, I'll do it...

And the award for outstanding performance in writing and game-play mechanics in a VN game goes to...

Lewd Town Adventures! (applauseapplauseapplause...)

P.S: There are no paywalls, BMP. I'm already done with the first 3 chapters, and waiting like everyone else for the finale chapters, and have seen nothing of the sort. That, and JG and XoMo have stated that there will be none of that nonsense here.

I can just imagine the chaos if all the girls from all the various games all of a sudden showed up at the same time. Yikes. :D

Having recently started playing some of the similar games here, I've noticed something; That school building does seem to get around, doesn't it? ;)

It's part of the Park area. Click on that location, and her house should show up in the prompts.

I second that, Skull. Merry Early Christmas, everyone! We're all waiting on that fantabulous present you guys have for us. :D

It's all in good fun, bandying things back and forth like that. Keep 'em hungry, keep 'em guessing, keep 'em coming back for more. :D 

It's too bad no-one else is joining in, though. This could turn into the biggest thread in the forum. :)

BTW, having read the books in the library, I thought I might share this: "And yea the vault of heaven did open, and angels and demons were free to walk among men. Divers creatures both boon and foul did follow them unto the land, and the people did wonder at these marvels"

That is an exerpt from the Coda Talyanii; Book of Regeneration. I wrote that as part of the expanded intro for Slavemaker 3.5 about 10 years ago. ;)


Long story short, someone, somewhere, would have heard or felt something. Jason especially. At the risk of another Spoiler Alert, he has eyes and ears in places where The Boss doesn't. The Boss may hold the POWER, but Jason holds something just as important. He holds the INFORMATION.

I'm still trying to find the reference again, but what I read mentioned a compound referred to as "Ramoray's Aphrodisiac". And I think it was created before she joined up.

As for additional storylines, perhaps a mini-quest prequel to LTA concerning the Brown/Church arc? That could also be an entirely new game.

 I actually gave up trying to accurately measure game map scale back in the days of Sym Cyti 2@@@. I might dust off My copy of that, and use it to create a map of Lewdville just for fun. The area where the game happens is basically a suburb SE of the city proper. I would be interested in having other areas to explore around the city and it's environs.  The trainers have only a finite number of possible recruits within the map area, and sooner or later, that resource will be tapped out. It's like being a pirhana in a guppy tank. Sooner or later, there won't be any guppies left, and the pirhana has a problem...

I'm also honestly surprised that no-one else is joining us in this thread.

I can't imagine what Oak could possibly have been doing down there that would have lulled security into just letting an unknown seismic even slip by. Truth be told, they could just have easily caused the cavern system to collapse. It would be kinda hard to miss if the mansion ended up in it's own sub-basement... Multiple doors or no, that shockwave would spread outwards into the adjoining areas through the bedrock. But, it is a game afer all.

As to scale, The map isn't gridded out, so there's really nothing to go by.

Stopped by the Library and actually read some of the things available. Interesting. As to Will's progeny taking over, why not a prequel taking things back to the flood and it's aftermath, letting a player "get in on the ground floor", when it all starts?

GC555, I'm on the Angel/Incest path. 

It was a lot to take in regarding the "don't do its" involved in Nani's future recovery and life, as related to Will. There did seem to be the possiblity of a counter-agent to treat her OD. They had to have given her something to stabilize her before they were able to work on her. Given how much RA-63 Nani had in her system, she might have siezed under anesthesia, and then no more Nani. :(

As to the raid, I'm puzzled as to how no-one in the mansion noticed anything. The amount of explosives needed to force the doors pictured would have caused enough of a tremor to set off the mansion's security alarms. Not to mention the blast and overpressure escaping back down the tunnel to the outside. It would have been audible to anyone on the property, and in the surrounding area. (Sorry, one of My best friends is a retired US Army 12-Bravo. ;) I've read the TM's) Not to mention that anyone stupid enough to be in there when it went off would have been wallpaper. Just saying. :D

As for Sarah and the lot, It could well be a no-win scenario for all involved. Twists and turns are common in fiction, if nothing else to keep the reader/viewer guessing and involved. Just as you pointed out, JG.

BTW, if anyone out there reading these cares to jump in, the pool is open. Don't worry, I had the water checked. No RA-63 present. ;)

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SPOILER ALERT: GC555, I don't know how your encounters with Nani went, but Gary's overdosing of her cost Will a son. Gary. Must. Die. 

And The Boss has a vested interest in making sure that any antidote Ramorray might have never sees the light of day.  As to other uses for RA-63, did you read Ramorray's email concerning it's creation? Actually, scratch that. I just reread them, and now I don't remember where I saw it.

My comment about the holy water was just me being facetious.

And I am in solid agreement with you here; JG, XM, you created a monster of a game. If you have another project in the works, may it live up to LTA's lofty aspirations. Bring on Chapter 4! :D

XM, maybe throw us a bone before then, to keep things rolling? Perhaps an extention of the University arc, which stalls out just before a certain stuck-up little brat finally gets dosed? If RA-63 can be absorbed through the skin, it can be passed on though "dairy" products. ;)

GC555, I'm a bit fuzzy on what happened with Helen to begin with. Why did Zero drop her husband in the first place? Hopefully, there is an explanation in the offing (no pun intended) with the pending update.

Also, it may be that Ramorray already has the antidote that Emma reverse-engineered to duplicate it. That, and what the BLEEP happened to Angelica? Was it something in the water? Oh, right... Poor bunny girl, we hardly knew ye.

BTW, for future reference, Will Fukkdeep is the name of my character, and I will refer to him as Will from here on out. I hate third-person descriptions.

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Mayhaps a bit hasty concerning Ramorray, as it could be possible to treat her for her condition. I do think she should be given some "quality time" with a dose or three of RA-63. 

Emma/Helen needs to be kept around. There was a bit of a teaser from her about her research that could help Tanya. 

Oak has her potential uses. She also seems to have it on the ball with her mental and emotional states. She isn't starkers, she's just a self-centered, egotistical, selfish bitch. 

And nah, Don and Gary aren't worth the effort or expense.

Well, GC555, I know how I would have things end, at least as far as The Boss's involvement goes; Some time in the days following My takover, Gary takes a midnight swim in the mansions's koi pond (after I restock it with pirhana), Ramorray's head ends up on a pike outside the front gate under a sign that reads "Under new management", and Don gets dragged out to the helipad, has a stick of dynamite shoved up his arse, and I hand the detonation clicker to Tanya... :D

GC555, I'm on Day 134, so you may have missed some events somewhere. There seem to be 4 different paths to take; Angel/No Incest, Angel/Incest, Devil/No Incest, and Devil/Incest. I went Angel/Incest, but the others likely have differing amounts of content in their story paths.