Stage is pretty much the same as Level. If you have access to Hawk Club, just drop in and perform tasks the same as in Coyote Club.
Will Fukkdeep
Recent community posts
Jamleng, XoMo, I've mentioned SM3 a few times here in the comments, so I figured I might share this with you. If you look at the right-hand side of the map, you will see a large building surrounded by a wall. That is the "Abandoned Mansion which no one can gain access to." Kinda funny from my perspective. So, that being said, how can I help with the new project?
I'm trying to understand the horror, An. With the Dark path, there are some things there that are quite troubling, to be sure. But on the Light Path, I really don't see it. As for the troll that I mentioned, go to your room in the Mansion, jump on the computer, open the Homework folder, and look up the Patreon vid.
JG, Those are all of the places in the mansion that I can access. Is there one missing, or do I get to it from one of them like the Library through Rose? I have already dealt with Ramorray and du Barry in the Office, so the only thing left there is the Finale. That, and I don't know where the save file is (Mac OS).
All righty then. I think I may be missing something here, but it's Day 146 and there's no new room showing up in the mansion. Everything else has been accomplished, and all entries in the logbook are saying to look for it. That, and I'm on the Dark Path/Incest, so given what the MC does near the end, what happened to Zero?
No worries, JG. I kinda figured that, but we can always hope. ;) If you want/need any input/play testing on the new project, let me know. As I have said before, I have done some work on another H-game (I would be happy to send you some examples) , and have been playing and running conventional RPG's for quite a long time.