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Will Fukkdeep

A member registered Nov 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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Stage is pretty much the same as Level. If you have access to Hawk Club, just drop in and perform tasks the same as in Coyote Club.

Relax, settle in, and grab a gallon of coffee. It's going to be awhile. :D

The only one I can ID for you with any certainty is the one with the horns, 4th from the left. That's Albedo, from Overlord.

Just your eyes? :D

You have to progress to where you can access the other world. Once there, head out of town to the mines, and start picking things up. You'll have to do some work to get the tools needed. It's all pretty straightforward.

How do I find you there? I think I have an account, but it's been a while.

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I've been wondering that myself. I would hate to see this game become abandonware before any scripted conclusion.

N89, I think the mat is at Moon's shop downstairs.

Jamleng, XoMo, I've mentioned SM3 a few times here in the comments, so I figured I might share this with you. If you look at the right-hand side of the map, you will see a large building surrounded by a wall. That is the "Abandoned Mansion which no one can gain access to." Kinda funny from my perspective. So, that being said, how can I help with the new project?

All, it seems to be a function of the Epilogue after you meet with Ramorray and du Barry. There doesn't seem to be a physical location in the Mansion to visit.

I'm trying to understand the horror, An. With the Dark path, there are some things there that are quite troubling, to be sure. But on the Light Path, I really don't see it. As for the troll that I mentioned, go to your room in the Mansion, jump on the computer, open the Homework folder, and look up the Patreon vid.

JG, just finished up the epilogue for Dark Path/Incest. I really don't know what to say about it. As for the pic below, Is that a ghost I'm seeing?

JG, I think I know what the issue is now. I was expecting an actual room to click on down there with the rest of them. So what's left now is just go to the epilogue. I don't know how/where to send you the save file anyway.

JG, Those are all of the places in the mansion that I can access. Is there one missing, or do I get to it from one of them like the Library through Rose? I have already dealt with Ramorray and du Barry in the Office, so the only thing left there is the Finale. That, and I don't know where the save file is (Mac OS).

All righty then. I think I may be missing something here, but it's Day 146 and there's no new room showing up in the mansion. Everything else has been accomplished, and all entries in the logbook are saying to look for it. That, and I'm on the Dark Path/Incest, so given what the MC does near the end, what happened to Zero?

Seriously? I'm guessing that you took the Dark Path. And no-one forced you to play it. Truth be told, this is the best VN on Itch by far, and the developers put a Hell of a lot of time and effort into it, so perhaps you might show some respect instead of sounding like the Patreon troll?

You have to get to the point where you are interacting with Sera, Clover, and Petra. It's a bit of a slog to get there. Well worth the effort, though. It expands gameplay greatly. Now, if only there were updates on the way...

Midnight only, V. The ones that show up during the night segment won't work.

Hama, you have to travel to the Realm of Heat, and go to the third mining area. Enter the cave, and catch them.

LTF, You need to have access to the graveyard, then sit on the bench at night or midnight (I don't remember specifically) to soak up some moon rays.


TheB, Whoopsie... Dark Path. And it looks like I'm running into stuff now that was updated since I started playing last year.

I'm actually liking Petra.

Hm, Dark Path, and scratching my head a bit... Spoiler Alert: So, have Stacy locked up, and she's about ready to rip the MC's dick off and stuff it in his left ear. I went to her cell, and she's all for doing everything that she's told. Did I miss something?

QG, funny is as funny does, and they does funny. Semi-spoiler alert; When you meet Mitty, you know you want to push that button. ;)

GG, I second that. I would add My personal rule about FPS's, though; Waypoint=What do you want on your Tombstone? That, and Save early, save often, and keep reloading! :D

Josh, it's a bit messier, but there looks to be some additional content that doesn't have a counterpart in the Good Path. Semi-spoiler Alert: I'm not terribly happy about the turn it took with Sarah. I do, however like the new outfits Hilda has. The white pj's look perfect on her.

My suggestion for a place to start is expanding what is going on With Katie and Sue. Just my two cents is all.

Bring it on, guys. The Christmas Special was great, so I can't wait to see what you're bringing to the party this time. :D

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So, game stalled now. Finished everything up. NK, is there any timeframe for the next update? Thx. Things seem to be heating up (no pun intended. :D ).

Well, Dark Path this time, and the sun is about to rise on the "Dreaded Day 68." (TM Jamleng Games. All rights reserved.) :D

TH, I'm sure that it still works, but there are updates and patches added above that have expanded everything. Grab 'em, and have fun. :)

Ditto, Chom. As soon as I finish with Sue, I'll be at the game's current end. Until any updates, everything will just be redundant replays.

I would never have thought to even try that, lacking any real clues on the matter. Thx, L66.

No worries, JG. I kinda figured that, but we can always hope. ;) If you want/need any input/play testing on the new project, let me know. As I have said before, I have done some work on another H-game (I would be happy to send you some examples) , and have been playing and running conventional RPG's for quite a long time.

I forgot My moonscreen and got a moonburn.

Go to the lake at midnight and take the trail to the bushes. It appears at random intervals, so you may have to try a few times. After you craft the cure, any others that you find are worth $30 each at Cindy or Moon's shop.

I'm wondering that Myself.

*Ears perk up* Update? :D Will still wants to marry Tanya, BTW.

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Shelly looks so sad in that picture. Must rescue her, add to harem...