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Really gorgeous. The art and animation are top-notch. I love the knight aesthetic with the big whopping gun with the nice fire sound. Very polished and lovely. The flickering pixel art fires in the background, how the flash of your gun lights up your character, it's sooooo well done. I love how the skeletons are revealed in the dark in flashes, though it's a bit hard on the eyes and possibly neighboring on epilepsy-triggering in the bigger mobs.

The gameplay itself gets very repetitive very quickly, but my main problem is it's too easy. I could easily get to 1000+ gold without letting a single skeleton get through, and it feels dry and bland. I wish there was more gameplay variety, a deeper strategy, something else to manage perhaps, or lest broken up into discrete levels with finite goals that could reward me with some nice art or story between monotonous shooting. The only real threat I felt was that the dying animation was so slow and blocked future bullets, which while making the game slightly more difficult, didn't feel good and felt like a problem to be removed.

However of course this was a 3 hour game jam (and this is certainly better than mine haha), and this is absolutely gorgeous. Incredible art and animation for 3 hours. Wonderful work.