Seems like a lot of the problems i was experiencing from the last patch/release have been resolved so far, i think. Even though they werent listed in the patch notes, whatever you did worked or maybe it was reinstalling the game that did it but the text is still an issue. I'm not talking about the dialog text box but for choices having white text on white boxes is not great. It may be fine on pc since you can hover your mouse over them to change the color, but on mobile it's awful. I should be able to read what my options are before clicking on them. Just change the text boxes for choices to black or a darker grey. Anything to fix this issue would be nice. Its such an easy fix in renpy (assuming this is in renpy) that I'm surprised it wasn't changed with this update.
Edit: I can't trigger the Rina event to save my skin. How?
Edit 2: can't continue Abbigail's story since it tells me to talk to her in her room and it tells me it's under development when I try. Every morning it loops and makes me talk to the secretary again and still doesn't work when I try to talking to Abby. I've tried all the other options as well as talking to her anywhere else but her room. It doesn't work.