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A member registered Jul 02, 2022

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I think the softlock is a valid concern. An unwitting player can lose their entire playtime if a boss spawns behind them and, while saving multiple times and often would eliminate this, the loss of that playthrough would undoubtedly sting. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody gave up on the game entirely because of this. 

An emergency 'escape rope' item/skill/prayer could get the player out of an unwinnable scenario. Maybe there is a better system.

Play the wrath, you'll get it.

Looking forward to when you get this going.

Gotcha, thanks!

Is there a special condition to trigger the afternoon fight in the living room?

There's some dialogue concerning theories on multiple universes that mentions the universe branching off of choice. It may interest you that this isn't exactly how it works but it can be done. In Everettian 'Many Worlds' you can split the universe by making a choice based on the outcome of a quantum measurement. Measure an up spin and you shave your beard, down and you shave it an hour later: you have just created a universe that is forever changed so long as the you in stick to the decision. There's a good book about this by Sean Carroll called Something Deeply Hidden.

There are apps out there that give you the results of quantum measurements, go forth and multiply universes people ;D

Happens to me too. Hit play and it starts with a "Sorry - Lorem ipsum..." screen then skips absolutely everything.

Shaders look good! Perhaps you can gradually implement the new mods to make it a slow gradient to increased visual quality and not a shock. I suspect folk kind of expect some form of quality increase over time anyway as you yourself get better at making the game. Good luck with the fight scene :D

Thanks for the clock tick disable. Nice idea but it's so bulky in practice, adds unnecessary hurdles to getting what you want to do done.

It works!!
The completionist in me can breathe easy, thanks so much friend!

I'm almost certain I've done this combo but I'll give it a go.


Aye, sadly it didn't work for me, perhaps mine is bugged. Much appreciated for the help!

Can someone give me the solution to the keen fox riddle? I really hate having to ask but I've tried every combo I can reasonably think of and I'm no slouch when it comes to puzzles.

Not the place for bug reports I know but syntax error chap 6 line 2375. It's the text from Chiara as a poly.

Looking forward to the rest of this!

Think you can bribe us with Kana's recovery?! Well you can. Good job.

A very nice update. I'm happy we're moving ahead with the story.

lol Nevermind, I did it all times of day and got it working. :D

Hey I came here to ask that but this didn't work. I got the early scene bug you mentioned last time so did that break it?

Let the timer run out on the last question. Worked for me anyway.

Love the game but that was a poor place to end the chapter. I get you want cliffhangers to leave people wanting more but you can also leave them satisfied and wanting more.

A general suggestion I'd have is to minimise the number of clicks a player has to do to get what they want done. Such as having the commander's tablet an icon on the screen and a quicker way to skip time.

XD She absolutely did disappear. I rushed through VN mode later and so found out that it was when she went working she just never returned. Doesn't matter to me anyhow, that save is dead.

Yo so I've done all the quests that I can but Milla just vanished at 7/30 and it says go outside? Seems like the quest bugged out but I'm not sure.

Thank you!

Hi could you tell me where the .56 scene is?

Well that's fkin grim. Pearl clutching over rather arbitrary rules. I don't envy your position, the only suggestion I can think of would be to maybe push through for a release build and slap a price on it. It might not be a good idea but you may be able to release Act 1+2 and give yourself breathing room to finish out 3. 
Either way I'm looking forward to seeing you overcome this challenge.

Just played, finished and enjoyed what's there and I'd like to throw in my two pennies worth regarding this post and last. So I don't know if you need to rework the Enna or not, you do but that's kind of what I want to say. 
We just don't know Enna, her motivations or largely her emotions towards anyone or anything.

I'd hazard a guess that that is really where the hostility came from (undeserved imo but people on the internet gonna be people on the internet). You do know Enna through and through and as a central figure of your creation she'll be important to you, I can well understand why you'd feel dejected by folk not liking her. 

I think you missed a trick by focusing on Moran rather than Enna in what is there but that's no big deal at this stage. All you really need to do is give folk a chance to learn to love the character you've created. What we see is currently a confusing mystery, which as far as I can tell is intended, and she can possibly remain as such but for people to grow to love her they need to have something to love. 

Either way I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. Good luck 

You may want to look at that fix for Priscilla's scenes again as for the second scene I had to activate fast travel.

This might just be me being an idiot but it seems the pc download is lacking an .exe.

Only time I've shattered someone by choice.


Oh I had no idea there was a wiki, thank you. Awesome game btw!

Is there any way to progress with Syrin? The codex says Gwen might know something but I don't see a way to trigger progression.

A shame you had to scrap all your hard work but I'm definitely looking forward to getting the story rolling again!

Started playing a fancy big money game for about an hour then uninstalled. Next I started this game and despite no sound for most of the journey I was sucked in and wouldn't put it down.
Awesome stuff, can't wait for the next chapter!

What's the deal? Bought the game but it wants more for this update. Is this intentional?

Having had a few chances to use it now because of the excellent addition of extra battles I don't think the "Pump It" skill is working. Phys is never increased on MC despite being at base value, from what I can tell. 

Anyway, great game and great update.

Count me in!