What I liked:
- Clean and professional looking loading animations (your logo, powered by hyplay, etc.)
- I appreciate that you displayed the high scores immediately so I know what I'm striving to beat
- I liked the "New high score" indicator
- Interesting and unique game mechanics - you really did "more with less" here
- Juice on the abilities felt great
- Seems like there was no sound? I feel like sounds would do sooo much for this game considering its simple gameplay loop - gotta get as much juice as possible if you're gonna be doing the same thing over and over again!
- It was a bit frustrating that restarting was the same key as activating the abilities - there were several times I instantly restarted the game accidentally because my timing was a bit too late on doing one of the abilities, and the game registered it as me wanting to restart
- It seems like the leaderboard displays for a split second after restarting? - it would be nice to see the leaderboard right after each run, as opposed to having to go back to the main menu
- The transition between corners for the player and enemies is quite abrupt, and feels a bit weird and hard to account for
Really great game overall, one of the most clever/unique I've seen mechanic-wise in the jam thus far - well done!