This game looks like it could be really great, but... the enemies take a really long time to defeat. It's like you'd be better off just taking the hit to get rid of 'em rather than spending health on blasting them :\
Edit: Actually I noticed that the great big lava monsters have pretty reasonable health (1 second of blasting to kill), it's the basic fire monster that are damage sponges (2 seconds of blasting to kill). I suggest flipping these traits around. Here's why:
The common fire monsters deal damage equal to about 2 seconds of ice-blasting, so encourage the player to take initiative by having it take 1 second of sustained freezing to kill a fire monster, rewarding players with 1 second of saved health for successfully defeating them compared to getting hit instead.
The rarer lava monsters are more dangerous in theory than the fire monsters, as they can hurt the player without getting killed theirself. This makes them more important to take out, and so sticking these guys with 2 seconds worth of health would be more justified; though it may be costly to freeze 'em now, it saves a lot of potential trouble down the road.