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A member registered Apr 08, 2023

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(2 edits)

Okay actually, one thing: Please, please, PLEASE for the love of GOD make the ice cube accelerate quicker!! The platform at the end of the 27* level is nigh IMPOSSIBLE no matter HOW small you are because you can't get to top speed in time to jump far enough to board it before it moves out of reach!!! DX

(1 edit)

Great work! It's impressed what you managed to squeeze in within such a small window -- I can only imagine the possibilities once that leash is taken off ;)

Yo, this is wild... I wasn't expecting a whole-azz RTS in this jam. Color me wowed :o (And charmed! Such darling little Ro'ys <3)

I really don't have any complaints that aren't already addressed in the update queue, so 5 outta 5 from me!! ^^

No problemo! And thank you for making it! ^^ (And for revealing the music, very cool fact!)

That actually sounds like it would be a really cool (pun intended) addition to the game! :O Shame the deadline forbode it, but a game-changing (also intended) idea like that is defo worth looking at once you're more at-liberty to do so! :D

Such an excellent game. Hope it does well in voting :D

The music seems so familiar somehow... Where'd you get it? :o

Sweet game for a first-timer! I do suggest you see about implementing the others' feedback once evaluations are over, so you can get some practice in on those elements as well. Yay for learning opportunities :D

Agreed. It's pretty good otherwise, so here's hoping this gets ironed out after the jam 🤞

This is pretty sweet! Nicely done! I look forward to the rough edges such as the double jump being ironed out post-jam.

Cool! Thanks a billion! :D

It's pretty alright. Looking forward to this next update that's mentioned everywhere!

It's pretty neat. Just move the camera's 'base position' higher (so we can see where we're jumping) and it's pretty much good to go.

P.S. Maybe also add something to indicate how close we are to melting, like either a healthbar or sprite changes?

Real banger of a game! Can't wait to see what's next! :D

How do I start the game?

I can't figure out how to advance past the intro screen. Where do I click to start playing?

One guy? No continues?!

The game crashes upon game over due to a script breaking :( I understand that this was originally due to time constraints of the jam, but do you think you could squash this bug if you don't have anything else shaking right now?

Update: Not even the Itch client can boot this thing! Help! D:

(1 edit)

Why does this cost $100 to install with the itch client? :\

(6 edits)

This is actually quite good! The jumping feels nice and controls well, the dynamic camera & its movement is a pretty slick thing, and even the sprite changes to reflect status are a nice touch!

My only 2 complaints are 1. how despite having a health bar, everything still kills you in one hit, and 2. how you never really worry about running out of health, since most ice cubes are hard or impossible not to collect, and so you're usually recovering health faster than you can lose it.

If you make it so that spikes just deal damage (maybe 1/4th your health bar?) instead of killing instantly, that would solve both these issues at once ;) Then there'll be pretty much no problems here! ^^ (aside from the occasional unimportant visual goof)

I forgot to stay tuned ^^; What was the surprise?

So this is a 2-player game?

Hey, these sound like pretty groovy ideas. Gonna be cool to see how they shape up.

Oh, I see there was an update! Was this the anticipated 'lane visibility update?' ;)

How do I run the downloaded version?

It seems very interesting! I look forward to an English version.

(3 edits)

I mean... Even Doom had a button to switch between turning and sidestepping, didn't it? (I think it was Shift?)

Trivia: In fact, "strafe-running" is actually used for solving a few Secrets such as the secret exit in E3M6, as Doomguy actually moves a tiny bit faster diagonally than forwards and exploiting this is necessary to "fall in style" far enough to reach :P

I really like this <3

Really cool game! :D I see a lot of potential here and it would be super interesting to see it expanded upon with some of the things listed in the description! :o

The first text gets cut off by my screen. What's it supposed to say?

May I please play the game? :o

May I please play it? ^n^

(1 edit)

I wanna play your Snowboy game :(

Very nice demo! :D

Thanks! I was so mystified as to what this file was supposed to be. I can't believe I only just today thought to check the jsm page ^^;

Where's Filomena 1?

(2 edits)

PC build doesn't start when I click :( You also spawn inside the ground and mouselook doesn't work

I wanna play D:

Um... How do I get the game?

(14 edits)

This game looks like it could be really great, but... the enemies take a really long time to defeat. It's like you'd be better off just taking the hit to get rid of 'em rather than spending health on blasting them :\

Edit: Actually I noticed that the great big lava monsters have pretty reasonable health (1 second of blasting to kill), it's the basic fire monster that are damage sponges (2 seconds of blasting to kill). I suggest flipping these traits around. Here's why:

The common fire monsters deal damage equal to about 2 seconds of ice-blasting, so encourage the player to take initiative by having it take 1 second of sustained freezing to kill a fire monster, rewarding players with 1 second of saved health for successfully defeating them compared to getting hit instead.

The rarer lava monsters are more dangerous in theory than the fire monsters, as they can hurt the player without getting killed theirself. This makes them more important to take out, and so sticking these guys with 2 seconds worth of health would be more justified; though it may be costly to freeze 'em now, it saves a lot of potential trouble down the road.