Thank you for the love! We're so glad people in China are enjoying OBSCURA and sharing it with each other ❤️
Unfortunately, we don't have control over OBSCURA being blocked on Steam. Steam has decided OBSCURA has too much sexual content, and while don't agree with this decision they will not change it; we asked them to reduce the rating and they refused. Steam automatically blocks certain types of mature content on from being sold in China or Germany, which is why we're blocked. If it was our choice, we would lower the rating because we think it doesn't make sense.
Right now German and Chinese players can buy the game on itchio and get a Steam key that way, and the key does work like normal, we. We're trying to find other ways to get around the block, but there's not a lot of options available to us. We know that itchio doesn't work for everyone and we're sorry, but it's the best we can offer at the moment.