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Rotten Raccoons

A member registered Mar 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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We're not looking for voice talent at the moment, but it's something we'd be interested in pursuing in the future. We'll make a decision when we're properly focused on Chapter Three's development and make an announcement when we know for sure what we're going to do.

Three per love interest

Bug update.

(1 edit)

Francesco and Oleander are both found in the same scene from the "Leave" choice, since they're attending the same party. The only choice that decides if you go to Oleander or Francesco is if you go towards the laughing crowd, or the wealthy stranger.

It's available in the game already! You can download the pdf Ending Guide to get instructions on how to get Cirrus' good end, since it's a pretty specific list of requirements.

You've come across perfectly, no worries ❤️

Voice acting is something we'd love to have (probably partial; the script is long and we are but humble hobbyist raccoons), but we've decided to think about it more seriously once we're working on Chapter 3. If we do get voice acting, we'll be sure to announce it very loudly!

The bonus story can be found in the Extras menu once you've unlocked it. 

The overall story is the same, but which route Vesper is on is random.

It's something we'd like to do in the future, but right now our focus is entirely on getting the game finished. I believe there is an emulator that lets you play Ren'Py games (OBSCURA is a Ren'Py game) on Android called Joiplay, so you could look into that.

It's not for any of the love interests. For the time being that's all we're going to say, but definitely think about it as a small treat as opposed to anything big. The bonus story is some fun additional content to go with the bigger visual updates that needed to be done.

We're pretty sure you'll get a chance to see all the love interests' faces in their routes (what are masks for if not to be removed?), though we can't make any promises when we're not 100% sure.

Hi! Just from what you're saying, it sounds like it might be your antivirus cancelling the download, or an interruption to your internet connection. Some antivirus programs are just overcautious. This post offers a couple of solutions you can try out. Hope you get it working! 😊

Thank you! 😊

We don't have an exact number in mind for Chapter 2 when it comes to release date or price yet. Once we know for sure we'll announce it, so following us on some social media platform (or here on is all we can advise for now.

And Francesco does have a good end in Chapter 1! If you're struggling a bit with it, the Ending Guide pdf includes a guide for the section where you're stuck, which should get you to the good end.

The new version is the only one available at the moment. Download the Chapter 1.5 version here on (that build hasn't made it to Steam yet) and unzip it and you should be all set with the newest build.

Our plan is to sell Chapter 2 at a reduced price as an "early access" release (folks that buy Chapter 2 will get Chapter 3 automatically when it comes out), then go full price for Chapter 3. Chapter 1 will be free forever as our demo.

And thank you for the lovely compliments! 😊

If it's multiple games giving you issues, you might have an issue with your drivers. Here is a page with some suggestions to get things fixed, directly from the developer of the Ren'py engine.

Thank you! This is actually a built-in feature of our engine, Ren'py, so no magic required from us 😊 All version of Obscura save their data to the same file in your computer (unless we actively tell the game to save and load to a new file), to make sure moving from version to version is easier for all players.

Right now our plan is finish writing the script in English and then we can look at translations. A good translation can be quite expensive (and we're guessing the script will be at least 200k words!)  and we would want it to be professionally done. If we ever get a translation, we will absolutely announce that.

So for now, sorry, but we don't have any plans to make a translation. This might change, but for now thank you so much for doing your best with the current English version! 


Esta é uma tradução automática: 

No momento, nosso plano é terminar de escrever o roteiro em inglês e depois procurar traduções. Uma boa tradução pode ser bastante cara (e supomos que o roteiro terá pelo menos 200 mil palavras!) e gostaríamos que ela fosse feita profissionalmente. Se algum dia conseguirmos uma tradução, anunciaremos com certeza.

Portanto, por enquanto, desculpe, mas não temos planos de fazer uma tradução. Isso pode mudar, mas, por enquanto, muito obrigado por dar o seu melhor com a versão atual em inglês!

The best answer we can give right now is "when it's done". I promise once we know, we will be announcing it very loudly and with much excitement!

(1 edit)

The demo is the original Chapter 1 release, just on Steam. If you've downloaded the 1.5 release here on, you're all caught up! You're technically ahead of Steam, since they don't have Oleander or Francesco to enjoy just yet.

We're aiming to release one chapter at a time 😊

We're sorry that you had a negative experience with Obscura. It's not a game for everyone, and we encourage players to curate their experiences like you have. Thank you for trying, and we're sorry you didn't have fun with it.

There isn't really a need for a walkthrough, to be honest! There's no locked/hidden content in this game you'd need a walkthrough to find; if you want to hang out with a specific guy you can always select him and it'll work.

There's no voice acting yet, but monetizing earlier means we can develop a budget for some level of VA down the line, probably for the Chapter 3 release. Either way, we're glad you're excited!

It's a little unclear in the update I've realised, but yes! The early access discount will be applicable for both and Steam. Chapter 2 should come out at the same time on both platforms unless Steam is really weird about us, so you shouldn't have any problems getting the game on the platform you prefer. We're also going to  do our best to make sure saves from the build are compatible with the Steam build, to make things as easy as possible.

(1 edit)

The ending guide is a separate file from the game itself. When you go to the download page for the game there should be three options: the PC build of the game, the MacOS build of the game, and "Ending Guide [Chapter 1.5].pdf", and that last one is the thing you need to download for the ending guide

When there is a ruckus outside the church there are the options to hide in the church, stay and watch what happens, or to leave. If you leave, you'll be in the place to start Oleander and Francesco's routes! 

If you don't have the option to leave then you're playing in an old version of the game and will need to download the updated version. You'll keep your saves and unlocked endings and CGs when you download the new version. We do recommend starting Francesco and Oleander's route from a fresh start, though, to avoid any possible bugs.

Oleander's route has three bad ends, a neutral end, and a good end 💙

Yes! Chapter one is completely done! 💙🦝

Hi! The Ending Guide pdf we've included should have a description of the choices you need to make handle that challenge (or, it tells you the wrong choices to get the bad ending, and you just do the opposite to keep going). But if you're looking for a little more information:

The purse theft scene has a hidden counter and you have to find all the clues to the thief's location before that counter runs out. There are three clues to find and you get five chances to find them. The characters will tell you if you're on the right track or not. If a new choice shows up in the search menu, that means you've found all the clues and can take that choice to finish the scene!

Hi! We have a little guide in pdf form that you can download, helpfully called Ending Guide, if you're looking for a step-by-step walkthrough. Otherwise, our advice is pretty simple: the easiest way to get Cirrus' good ending is to be a total simp.

Happy gaming! 🦝

We do! Come join us!

The first chapter of his route is upcoming, yes!

I'm not sure what you mean by "the same method as Blooming Panic", but if you're using a Windows machine you need to:

1) download the correct zip file (the one labelled "-pc")

2) unzip the file by right-clicking on the file and choosing "extract all" or "extract here"

3) go into the newly-made folder and find the application file, which should be called "Obscura" and launch that. If you have an older Windows machine then you may need to launch "Obscura-32" instead.

The process should be similar if you're a Mac user. Extract the folder from the zip file, then go into the folder to launch the executable. If the launch file isn't working, you may need to see if your anti-virus program hasn't blocked or deleted the game files; OBSCURA isn't a risk to your computer but some anti-virus programs don't like playing unknown games.

Not yet! We'll be announcing when his first chapter releases soon, so we recommend following us to see when it's announced.

Thank you for playing our demo! 🌙✨ Sorry to disappoint, but we have no plans to add female love interests in OBSCURA.

Salut! 😊

Même si on aimerait offrir une traduction, on en aura probablement pas l'occasion avant de 1) avoir terminé le jeu et 2) avoir les moyens pour en payer une. C'est juste trop compliqué en ce moment.

On est désolées 😔 Mais merci de nous avoir demandé! On espère que tu auras l'occasion de profiter du jeu d'une façon ou une autre 🌙✨

We'd like to include adult material in the future, in the game or in DLC form depending on what serves the story best. We'll definitely cross that bridge when we get to it.

Unfortunately, that sounds like something we can't fix on our end. I just tested downloading the windows version of the game and it worked alright, so the file is definitely there and should still be working just fine.

A download failing to finish could mean an overzealous antivirus, or problems with the browser you're using. Here's a slightly old guide from that might be able to help, but unfortunately it sounds like whatever problem you've got is something that can't be fixed on our end.


More details would help in this case. It's hard to diagnose a problem when I don't know what part of the download process isn't working.

Assuming you've got the game and are having trouble launching it: the most common problem folks have with Ren'py games that we know of is that the game crashing or refusing to launch. If that's what's happening it's worth checking if your antivirus is reacting to the game. Some antivirus programs really don't like Ren'py games and think they're harmful; I promise the game is not harmful. Whitelisting the OBSCURA folder will keep the antivirus program from interfering. If that doesn't help or doesn't describe your problem giving more details will help me figure out what's going on.