We're grateful to all the people who manage to get here to itchio given all the challenges you have to deal with to find it ❤️ Trust me, we want Obscura to be as easy to find and buy for the Chinese audience as possible and we're even more frustrated with Steam than you.
Your suggestion is something we considered to try and get a lower rating, but we think the thing that's getting the game a high rating in the first place is just Cirrus' route. Steam won't tell us if that would work unless we actually try it, and there are some problems that would come from putting a whole route (and one of the most popular ones) in DLC form, which makes this not really an option. We have some other plans in the works that may be able to solve this problem eventually, but none of them are quick solutions 😔
Thank you so much for your support and patience while we figure out what to do next!