how do i get to said alternative path?
You need to get some speed on the soccer field, like 80. Then jump behind the house, there will be a shorter and easier way. Once there, you will need to climb up the balconies, which leads directly to the right one with walls, which you need to break with the code /backdoor . Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... cant tell at all where it is.. this black and white crap doesnt help in the slightest... the only house is the one you spawn in and theres nothing there.. im really starting to get frustrated here and im really just losing patience with this situation now.. i thought we would get some button or a portal to skip this parkour stuff, i dont mean to sound rude or anything because i do like the 2D pixel style and the idea of the game its just this area is unplayable at this point..
Have you tried twisting the mouse while jumping and holding shift ? Either way, there will be no more updates, either learn to box jump or send a few dollars to my and I'll release a personalised update where I'll cut out that part of the game
this should have been what the last update was for, instead we got a update for an alternate path that either doesn't exist or is extremely hard to see because everything is in black and white and practically all blends in. its been 35 days of me trying to get passed this damn crap parkour with no success, with this amount of pain this part of the game has given me I'm extremely hesitant to pay a dime even though I love the 2D style and the gameplay outside the parkour.
The reason was your endless whining over an unfinished game, for the sake of the abstract content that comes after that level. There is content after it, yes, but not so much that it'll blow my mind for months.
The game was originally designed to explore locations, either explore and jump on the boxes, or donate (In this case, I feel that at least someone owes and the game should be developed).
whos idea was it to make a black and white parkour course? your idea, ive stated before i loved the game beside that parkour that you can barely see jack in. those two things dont mix and it was that alone that has been the reason ive been upset, unfinished game or not that wasnt a good idea to make a black and white parkour course. when people cant tell what their looking at 99% of the time they have every reason to be frustrated. the 2D gameplay is fun, i loved that and i still do but when you take an hour a day to try and progress but cant because the black and white colors is messing with your already fucked vision then yeah someone is gonna be upset and frustrated. your response is as unprofessional as it gets, no one owes you a dime if this is how you respond to someone's criticism and frustration over a poor game choice you made. im sorry if i annoyed you but this doesnt mean i owe you a thing with this kind of response.
I am not a professional and have never positioned myself as such.
Regarding my previous post, I apologize. When I woke up and saw you swearing at the same point again, my ass exploded. This game I have no desire to do, so I will create another one in the future, based on the graphical basis of this one. I.e. same sprites, but with normal animations, controls and overall simplicity of gameplay. And about this game better forget about it
and im sorry i was being annoying, ik the game wasnt finished and i hated that i couldnt progress because the parkour level was screwing with my already bad vision. i like the 2D style because it gives me nostalgia of other games that were 2D and super fun, the gameplay all the way up to the parkour was amazing and i had no issue until the parkour. it does sadden me that its getting dropped to be honest.