Thank you for your kind words! Nice to meet someone possessed by the same thing.
And it's...tricky! A lot of translations are outdated or hard to get, and it can be hard to tell retellings from translations (and there's nothing wrong with a retelling, I'm kinda doing some here, but when they advertise themselves as authentic...)
I'm gonna do a dev-diary blogpost about this soon, but you can find a lot of medieval Irish texts here--just, again, often quite old translations, and shorn of any real context or indication as to how they relate to each other:
For a slightly more coherent experience, I would recommend the story that I gleefully steal from for this, Mac Da Tho's Pig, as an entry point:
And then if you can find a copy of Jeffrey Gantz's Early Irish Myths and Sagas, that contains a couple other good ones, The Intoxication of the Ulstermen and Bricriu's Feast.
And I should mention, this ongoing podcast by a highly-qualified Celticist scholar in fact covers some of these exact stories in audiobook format, along with some really useful explanations: