TLDR at end
curious to ask if there will be any vore options added to the game, as the breeding / preg idea is great though have been curious if there's any people wanting vore in the game?
Just asking as i really love the game so far but there isn't much story yet besides the "get money for X upgrade/item" but the idea of gathering funds to expand / improve the 'town' and see new faces. the idea of the town island expanding the more you play comes to my mind but i know the dev's/dev have a lot on their plate already
TLDR: i was curious if anyone has asked if there's going to be vore added to the game, and i was curious if the main 'town' will be expanded upon in the future the more you play as there's not much to do after buying all the upgrades to your home.
Edit 10/24/24:
Jesus i wrote this yesterday only to come back and see a -10 rateing and all i did was ask a question and give some idea's that i thought would help the game.
I don't know how many dev's are working on the game i only wrote down some ideas that came to my mind whilst playing the game and a question i was asked by someone i showed the game too via discord screen share, I guess there's a lot of people who either hate vore or hate the idea's i've wrote down i just didn't expect to hit -10 so quickly =.=