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A member registered Oct 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks yea should have been there sooner, but better late than never.

No mobile version is planned

This is a traditional one time purchase, no microtransactions, game. There is no free version.

It is my opinion that free to play microtransaction supported games are killing self expression in games by replacing customization with purchases. Since I absolutely love customization in games, I will not be building free to play games.

Sorry this can be confusing, to complete your NPC you need to give them a name in the lower right and click "finished". Using the "Save Load" is only for saving and loading appearance

This was a really insightful writeup. I appreciate it! I don't know how much I can fix within the scope of finishing the game's early access lifecycle, but these are really solid points and I will be adding them to my todo wishlist (Some of which unfortunately ends up being a "out of scope" graveyard admittedly).

Definitely very much a sandbox game. I have to be really careful with scope as a solo developer, I already get myself into trouble often lol.

Thanks!! This is very much a sandbox game. No marriage is planned at this time unfortunately.

Agreed, I find hair very difficult to do a good job on so I might be guilty of putting that off a bit..


pasting this into your windows explorer SHOULD take you there (unless you use a custom setup)

Thank you! Better each day!

I spent a good amount of this month sick unfortunately. There will still be an update, but it will be a slightly smaller one featuring character create options. Tail customization finally though!

That's very kind, but there are several things that need to be done that are not very sexy or exciting so it might be a small update month.

Is this an edited NPC file? These proportions do not look within the allowed ranges in the NPC creator.

Haha yea the NPC creator is for making characters to meet. This is a funny story.

This was on steam but was unfortunately removed. It is now only available here.

This looks a lot like a misformatted npc file. Try remaking the NPC without editing the file to see if it fixes the problem. If so, you can reattempt the edits.

I've heard reports of this but haven't seen it myself. I'll keep trying to identify the issue.

(1 edit)

Had some last minute bugs to squash :P

There is

The upcoming update will allow this. For now you'll need to remove it from your app data directory manually.

The Itch app is easiest, or just visit the library page for a new link, or check your purchase email!

You don't need to, this update was just added content and interactions

Ah yea the fire probably needs some optimization. If it is noticeably lagging you I can definitely reduce its complexity without hurting its look much.

As an add on to your house

Understood, and I agree. I will look into adding a "self" mode for interactions

(TB_HyDra is correct, I just wanted to answer officially so there is no doubt)

This should have been done by now, sorry. I'll prioritize it.

The roof is the horniest part of the house (its a bug -_-)

(1 edit)

Nope sounds like a regular old bug. Thanks for reporting! I'll patch it.
I am so glad you are enjoying it!!

Nope! You are looking for tall pyramid stones in the wild islands. There should be one on almost every island until you find them all.

Just cosmetic. The game is a fairly simple hack and slash looter, so there are no skill trees planned.

The new patch simply adds content and improves the way you interact with Wild Island NPCs. You can keep your existing save!

I am pretty bad at hair, and my workflow takes a long time.. But I do plan to add more hairstyles.

The US. I don't always release the patch at the same time, just the same day of the month. I am aiming for about 24 hours from now, give or take a few hours.

Correct as usual!
I appreciate your helpfulness to folks here!

There is! the 3rd of July!

Yea I hope to add this before long

Thank you so much!


Awesome! Glad to hear it!